C + + * * pao4 soak/ steep/ infuse/ hang out/ bubble/ blister 1. Blase 2. blasenförmiger Gegenstand 3. etw in Flüssigkeit legen,einweichen + + +
D 燈泡 + + * * deng1pao4 bulb Glühbirne + + +
D 泡沫 + + * * pao4mo4 bubble/ froth Schaum + + +

6 ngâm 浸泡 6 bọt 泡沫

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
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* * + +
* * + +

bubbles, suds / blister / soak
shadow / image, reflection / photograph

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

泡' + * * + puffed/ swollen spongy
泡' + * * + bubble/ foam blister (i
泡制' + 泡制* * + to brew/ to infuse to pickle
泡吧' + 泡吧* * + to spend time in a bar (alcohol, Internet etc)/ to go clubbing
泡妞' + 泡妞* * + to pick up girls/ to play around with girls to chase a
泡子' + 泡子* * + small lake/ pond
泡子' + 泡子* * + light bulb/
泡影' + 泡影* * + lit. soap bubble/ pie in the sky nothing
泡打粉' + 泡打粉* * + baking powder/
泡桐' + 泡桐* * + Paulownia tree (Fermiana platanifolia), a lightweight strong wood used for musical/ Chinese parasol tree
泡椒' + 泡椒* * + pickled pepper/
泡水' + 泡水* * + to infuse/ to soak in water
泡沫' + 泡沫* * + foam/ (soap) bubble (economic)
泡沫塑料' + 泡沫塑料* * + styrofoam/
泡沫經濟' + 泡沫经济* * + bubble economy/
泡泡' + 泡泡* * + bubbles/
泡泡口香糖' + 泡泡口香糖* * + bubble-gum/
泡泡浴' + 泡泡浴* * + bubble bath/
泡泡浴露' + 泡泡浴露* * + bubble bath lotion/
泡泡糖' + 泡泡糖* * + bubble gum/
泡泡紗' + 泡泡纱* * + seersucker (cotton cloth with pattern of dimples)/
泡湯' + 泡汤* * + to dawdle/ to go slow deliberately to fizzle
泡溫泉' + 泡温泉* * + to soak in a spa or hot spring/
泡漩' + 泡漩* * + eddy/ whirlpool
泡澡' + 泡澡* * + to bathe/ to immerse oneself in a warm bath
泡病號' + 泡病号* * + to dilly-dally on the pretence of being ill/ to malinger
泡罩塔' + 泡罩塔* * + distillation tower/ bubble tower plate colu
泡腳' + 泡脚* * + foot bath/ foot soak
泡芙' + 泡芙* * + cream puff (loanword)/ profiterole
泡茶' + 泡茶* * + to make tea/
泡菜' + 泡菜* * + pickled cabbage/
泡蘑菇' + 泡蘑菇* * + to procrastinate/ to shilly-shally and waste time
泡貨' + 泡货* * + light but bulky goods/
泡飯' + 泡饭* * + to soak cooked rice in soup or water/ cooked rice reheated in boiling water
泡饃' + 泡馍* * + meat and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine)/
泡騰' + 泡腾* * + to bubble/ to fizz to efferve
泡麵' + 泡面* * + instant noodles/

bubble Blase ฟอง bulle burbuja bolla kupla

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2227 灯泡 +
2264 喜欢 温泉 +
2295 小女孩 泡泡 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

浸泡 (오랜 시간 물에) 담그다. 잠그다. + + 泡沫 (물)거품. 포말. + +

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