A 永遠 + + * * yong3yuan3 for good/ forever/ ever/ always ewig,für immer + + +
D 永垂不朽 + + * * yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3 immortal unsterblich, ewigen Ruhm genießen + + +
D 永久 + + * * yong3jiu3 permanent immer, ewig + + +

4 mãi mãi 永远 6 vĩnh hằng 永恒

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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* * + +

long, perpetual, eternal, forever
negative, no, not / KangXi radical 71
stop, halt, desist / detain
boundary, frontier / area, region
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

永' + * * + forever always/ perpetual
永不' + 永不* * + never/ will never
永世' + 永世* * + eternal/ forever
永久' + 永久* * + everlasting/ perpetual lasting
永久凍土' + 永久冻土* * + permafrost/
永久和平' + 永久和平* * + lasting peace/ enduring peace
永久居民' + 永久居民* * + permanent resident/ person with the right to live in a country or territory
永久性' + 永久性* * + permanent/
永久磁鐵' + 永久磁铁* * + a permanent magnet/
永久虛電路' + 永久虚电路* * + Permanent Virtual Circuit/ PVC
永仁' + 永仁* * + Yongren county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州/
永仁縣' + 永仁县* * + Yongren /
永修' + 永修* * + Yongxiu /
永修縣' + 永修县* * + Yongxiu county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/
永凍土' + 永冻土* * + permafrost/
永別' + 永别* * + to part forever/ eternal parting (i.e. death)
永動機' + 永动机* * + a perpetual motion machine/
永勝' + 永胜* * + Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江/
永勝縣' + 永胜县* * + Yongshe /
永吉' + 永吉* * + Yongji /
永吉地區' + 永吉地区* * + former Yongji prefecture, Jilin/
永吉縣' + 永吉县* * + Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province/
永和' + 永和* * + Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei City 新北市/
永和市' + 永和市* * + Yonghe /
永和縣' + 永和县* * + Yonghe /
永善' + 永善* * + Yongsha /
永善縣' + 永善县* * + Yongsha /
永嘉' + 永嘉* * + Yongjia /
永嘉縣' + 永嘉县* * + Yongjia /
永嘉郡' + 永嘉郡* * + Yongjia /
永垂不朽' + 永垂不朽* * + eternal glory/ will never be forgotten
永城' + 永城* * + Yongcheng county level city in Shangqiu 商丘/
永城市' + 永城市* * + Yongche /
永壽' + 永寿* * + Yongsho /
永壽縣' + 永寿县* * + Yongsho /
永存' + 永存* * + everlas to endure forever/
永安' + 永安* * + Yong'an county level city in Sanming 三明/
永安市' + 永安市* * + Yong'an /
永安鄉' + 永安乡* * + Yong'an /
永定' + 永定* * + Yongdin Yongding district of Zhangjiajie city 張家界市|张家界市/
永定區' + 永定区* * + Yongdin /
永定河' + 永定河* * + Yongdin /
永定縣' + 永定县* * + Yongding county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/
永定門' + 永定门* * + Yongdingmen, front gate of the outer section of Beijing's old city wall, torn down/
永寧' + 永宁* * + Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川/
永寧縣' + 永宁县* * + Yongnin /
永川' + 永川* * + Yongchu /
永川區' + 永川区* * + Yongchuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/
永州' + 永州* * + Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan/
永州市' + 永州市* * + Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan/
永平' + 永平* * + Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州/
永平縣' + 永平县* * + Yongpin /
永年' + 永年* * + Yongnia /
永年縣' + 永年县* * + Yongnia /
永康' + 永康* * + Yongkan /
永康市' + 永康市* * + Yongkan /
永德' + 永德* * + Yongde /
永德縣' + 永德县* * + Yongde /
永志不忘' + 永志不忘* * + never t /
永恆' + 永恒* * + eternal/ everlasting fig. to pa
永新' + 永新* * + Yongxin county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/
永新縣' + 永新县* * + Yongxin county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/
永昌' + 永昌* * + Yongchang county in Jinchang 金昌/
永昌縣' + 永昌县* * + Yongcha /
永春' + 永春* * + Yongchu /
永春縣' + 永春县* * + Yongchu /
永樂' + 永乐* * + Yongle /
永樂大典' + 永乐大典* * + the Yon /
永永遠遠' + 永永远远* * + for ever and ever/
永泰' + 永泰* * + Yongtai county in Fuzhou 福州/
永泰縣' + 永泰县* * + Yongtai /
永清' + 永清* * + Yongqin /
永清縣' + 永清县* * + Yongqin /
永濟' + 永济* * + Yongji /
永濟市' + 永济市* * + Yongji /
永無止境' + 永无止境* * + without never-ending/
永珍' + 永珍* * + Vientiane, capital city of Laos (Tw)/
永生' + 永生* * + to live forever/ eternal life all one's
永登' + 永登* * + Yongdeng county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州/
永登縣' + 永登县* * + Yongden /
永眠' + 永眠* * + eternal /
永矢' + 永矢* * + forever/
永磁' + 永磁* * + permanent magnetism/
永福' + 永福* * + Yongfu county in Guilin 桂林/
永福縣' + 永福县* * + Yongfu /
永續' + 永续* * + sustain perpetual/
永興' + 永兴* * + Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州/
永興縣' + 永兴县* * + Yongxin /
永訣' + 永诀* * + to part eternal parting (i.e. death)/
永訣式' + 永诀式* * + funeral/
永豐' + 永丰* * + Yongfeng county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/
永豐縣' + 永丰县* * + Yongfeng county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/
永貞內禪' + 永贞内禅* * + Yongzhen abdication of 805/
永貞革新' + 永贞革新* * + Yongzhen Reform, Tang dynasty failed reform movement of 805 led by Wang Shuwen 王叔文/
永逝' + 永逝* * + gone fo to die/
永遠' + 永远* * + forever/ eternal
永靖' + 永靖* * + Yongjing county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州/
永靖縣' + 永靖县* * + Yongjin /
永靖鄉' + 永靖乡* * + Yungchi /
永順' + 永顺* * + Yongshu /
永順縣' + 永顺县* * + Yongshu /

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1086 钻石 代表 永恒 +
1087 我们 一家人 永远 分离 +
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

永远 영원히. 길이길이. 언제까지나. 언제나. 항상. + + 永恒 영원히 변하지 않다. 영원하다. 항구하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +