C 殘酷 + + * * can2ku4 cruel/ brutal grausam, brutal + + +
D 摧殘 + + * * cui1can2 devastate/ wreck zerstören + + +
D + + * * can2 incomplete 1.unvollständig, defekt, fragmentarisch 2.Rest, Überbleibsel, übriggeblieben 3. beschädigen, verletzen 4. grausam, brutal, barbarisch + + +
D 殘暴 + + * * can2bao4 atrocious/ barbarous grausam, unbarmherzig + + +
D 殘疾 + + * * can2ji deformity Behinderung, behindert, verunstalten + + +
D 殘忍 + + * * can2ren3 brutal grausam, unbarmherzig,rücksichtslos + + +
D 殘餘 + + * * can2yu2 remainder Rest, Überbleibsel + + +

5 tàn tật 残疾 6 tàn tật 残疾 6 tàn khốc 残酷 6 sót lại 残留 6 tàn nhẫn 残忍 6 tàn phá 摧残

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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injure, spoil / oppress / broken
refuse, dregs, lees, sediment
I, my, me / surname / surplus
evil / son of concubine / ghost
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

殘' + * * + to destroy/ to spoil to ruin
殘兵敗將' + 残兵败将* * + ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants/
殘冬臘月' + 残冬腊月* * + final days of the lunar year/
殘卷' + 残卷* * + surviving section of a classic work/ remaining chapters (while reading a book)
殘品' + 残品* * + defective goods/
殘喘' + 残喘* * + remaining breath/ last gasp
殘垣' + 残垣* * + (literary) ruined walls/ ruins
殘垣敗壁' + 残垣败壁* * + see 殘垣斷壁|残垣断壁/
殘垣斷壁' + 残垣断壁* * + crumbli /
殘奧' + 残奥* * + Paralympics/ same as Paralympic games 殘奧會|残奥会
殘奧會' + 残奥会* * + Paralym /
殘存' + 残存* * + to survive/ remnant
殘害' + 残害* * + to injure/ to devastate to slaught
殘局' + 残局* * + endgame (in chess)/ desperate situation aftermath
殘年短景' + 残年短景* * + at the end of the year (idiom)/
殘廢' + 残废* * + deformity/ handicapped
殘忍' + 残忍* * + cruel/ mean merciless
殘敗' + 残败* * + dilapidated/ in ruins
殘敵' + 残敌* * + defeated enemy/
殘暴' + 残暴* * + bloody and cruel/ a brutal person to massacr
殘月' + 残月* * + waning moon/
殘本' + 残本* * + extant fragment (of book)/
殘株' + 残株* * + stubble/
殘次品' + 残次品* * + defective goods/
殘殺' + 残杀* * + to massacre/ to slaughter
殘殺者' + 残杀者* * + killer/ butcher slaughtere
殘毒' + 残毒* * + cruelty/
殘民害物' + 残民害物* * + to harm people and damage property (idiom)/
殘渣' + 残渣* * + remainder/ filtered out residue sediment
殘渣餘孽' + 残渣余孽* * + evil elements who have escaped eradication/
殘留' + 残留* * + to remain/ left over surplus
殘留物' + 残留物* * + remnant/ residue material l
殘疾' + 残疾* * + disabled/ handicapped deformity
殘疾人' + 残疾人* * + disabled person/
殘疾兒' + 残疾儿* * + a child with a birth defect/ a deformed child
殘破' + 残破* * + broken/ dilapidated
殘缺' + 残缺* * + badly damaged/ shattered
殘羹' + 残羹* * + leftovers from a meal/
殘羹剩飯' + 残羹剩饭* * + leftovers from a meal/ fig. remnants handed down from others
殘膜' + 残膜* * + left-over agricultural plastic (as waste or rubbish that needs to be disposed of o/
殘花敗柳' + 残花败柳* * + broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman/
殘茶剩飯' + 残茶剩饭* * + spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal/ crumbs from the feast
殘莖' + 残茎* * + stubble (the stems of plants after harvest)/
殘虐' + 残虐* * + mistreatment/ bullying tyrannical
殘部' + 残部* * + defeated remnants/ scattered survivors
殘酷' + 残酷* * + cruel/ cruelty
殘酷無情' + 残酷无情* * + cruel and unfeeling (idiom)/
殘障' + 残障* * + handicapped/
殘餘' + 残余* * + remnant/ relic residue
殘餘沾染' + 残余沾染* * + residual contamination/
殘餘物' + 残余物* * + litter/ trash
殘香' + 残香* * + lingering fragrance/
殘骸' + 残骸* * + remains/ wreckage

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1514 残疾 不幸 遭遇 +
1966 车子 已经 残破 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

残疾 불구. 장애. + + 残酷 잔혹하다. 냉혹하다. 가혹하다. + + 残留 (부분적으로) 남아 있다. + + 残忍 잔인하다. 악랄하다. 악독하다. 잔혹하다. + + 摧残 (정치·경제·문화·심신 등에) 심한 손상〔손실〕을 주다. 학대하다. 박해하다... + +

+ + + + + + + +