C 旋轉 + + * * xuan2zhuan3 revolve-turn/ gyrate/ rotate/ spin/ revolve/ turn/ whirl kreisen,Kreise ziehen,kreiseln + + +
D + + * * xuan2 spin/ circle 1. kreisen, drehen 2. zurückkehren 3.Kreis, Spirale + + +
D 旋律 + + * * xuan2lv4 rhythm/ tune Melodie + + +
D 凱旋 + + * * kai3xuan2 triumph in Triumph einziehen, siegreiche Heimkehr + + +
D 盤旋 + + * * pan2xuan2 convolute/ hover um etwas kreisen, sich schrauben + + +

6 lượn vòng 盘旋 6 hoàn luật 旋律 6 xoay tròn 旋转

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +

revolve, move in orbit / return
eddy, whirlpool
swirl, whirlpool, eddy
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

旋' + * * + to revo a loop/ a circle
旋' + * * + to whirl/ immediately variant of
旋乾轉坤' + 旋乾转坤* * + lit. ov a radical change/
旋光' + 旋光* * + rotation of plane of polarization of light/
旋前肌' + 旋前肌* * + pronator teres muscle (below the elbow)/
旋即' + 旋即* * + soon after/ shortly
旋回' + 旋回* * + to cycle/
旋子' + 旋子* * + torsor (math)/
旋子' + 旋子* * + whirlwind somersault (in gymnastics or martial arts)/
旋律' + 旋律* * + melody/ rhythm
旋木雀' + 旋木雀* * + (Chinese bird species) Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)/
旋梯' + 旋梯* * + spiral stairs/ winding stairs (gymnastic equipment)
旋流' + 旋流* * + rotating flow/
旋淵' + 旋渊* * + abyss/
旋渦' + 旋涡* * + spiral/ whirlpool eddy
旋渦星系' + 旋涡星系* * + spiral galaxy/
旋渦星雲' + 旋涡星云* * + spiral nebula/
旋渦狀' + 旋涡状* * + spiral-shaped/
旋筒' + 旋筒* * + rotor/ turbine
旋繞' + 旋绕* * + to curl up/ to wind around
旋翼' + 旋翼* * + rotor wing/
旋臂' + 旋臂* * + spiral arm/
旋舞' + 旋舞* * + whirling dance/
旋花科' + 旋花科* * + Convolvulaceae, herbaceous plant family/
旋覆花' + 旋覆花* * + (botany) convolvulvus/ Flos Inulae (Chinese herb)
旋踵' + 旋踵* * + to turn on one's heel/ in the twinkle of an eye instantly
旋轉' + 旋转* * + to rotate/ to revolve to spin
旋轉力' + 旋转力* * + turning force/ torque
旋轉台' + 旋转台* * + rotating platform/ luggage carousel
旋轉指標' + 旋转指标* * + winding number/
旋轉曲面' + 旋转曲面* * + a surface of revolution (math)/
旋轉木馬' + 旋转木马* * + merry-go-round/ carousel Carousel,
旋轉極' + 旋转极* * + pole of rotation/
旋轉烤肉' + 旋转烤肉* * + döner kebab/
旋轉球' + 旋转球* * + spin ball/
旋轉行李傳送帶' + 旋转行李传送带* * + luggage conveyor belt/ carousel
旋轉角' + 旋转角* * + angle of rotation/
旋轉角速度' + 旋转角速度* * + rotational angular velocity/
旋轉軸' + 旋转轴* * + axis of rotation/
旋轉運動' + 旋转运动* * + rotation/ rotary motion
旋里' + 旋里* * + to return home/
旋量' + 旋量* * + spinor (math)/
旋鈕' + 旋钮* * + knob (e.g. handle or radio button)/
旋閘' + 旋闸* * + rotor sluice gate/
旋風' + 旋风* * + whirlwind/ tornado
旋風腳' + 旋风脚* * + whirlwind kick (martial arts)/
鏇子' + 旋子* * + large metal plate for making bean curd/ metal pot for warming wine
鏇工' + 旋工* * + lathe operator/ spinning wheel worker
鏇床' + 旋床* * + lathe/
鏇木' + 旋木* * + wood turning/ woodwork lathe

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1944 老鹰 天空 盘旋 +
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 +
3191 他们 谈判 进行 斡旋 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


盘旋 선회하다. 빙빙 돌다. 맴돌다. + + 旋律 선율. 멜로디. + + 旋转 (빙빙) 돌다. 회전하다. 선회하다. 돌리다. + +

+ + + + + + + +