B 承認 + + * * cheng2ren4 admit/ recognize/ acknowledge anerkennen, bestätigen + + +
C 承包 + + * * cheng1bao1 contract (with)/ assume full responsibility 1. (VC) einen Vertrag schließen, volle Verantwwortung übernehmen 2.(Nab) Vertrag + + +
C 承擔 + + * * cheng2dan1 undertake/ bear 1. (VC) etw. auf sich nehmen, tragen 2. (Nad) Verantwortung + + +
C 繼承 + + * * ji4cheng2 inherit/ succeed/ carry on/ carry forward erben, fortsetzen, weiterführen + + +
D 承辦 + + * * cheng2ban4 undertake 1. (VC) übernehmen, (einen, Auftrag, eine Aufgabe..) + + +
D 承受 + + * * cheng2shou4 endure/ receive 1.(VC) tragen, ertragen,aushalten + + +

5 gánh vác 承担 5 thừa nhận 承认 5 chịu đựng 承受 6 nhận làm 承办 6 nhận thầu 承包 6 đồng ý làm 承诺 6 thừa kế 继承

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

inherit, receive / succeed
rent, lease / rental / tax
man / people / mankind / someone else

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

承' + * * + surname Cheng/ Cheng (c. 2000 BC), third of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝
承' + * * + to bear to carry/ to hold to continu
承上起下' + 承上起下* * + to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages
承乏' + 承乏* * + to accept a position on a provisional basis, in the absence of better qualified ca/
承付' + 承付* * + to promise to pay/
承做' + 承做* * + to undertake/ to take on (i.e. to accept a task)
承先啟後' + 承先启后* * + see 承前啟後|承前启后/
承兌' + 承兑* * + to acce to honor a check/
承前啟後' + 承前启后* * + to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages
承包' + 承包* * + to contract/ to undertake (a job)
承包人' + 承包人* * + contractor/
承包商' + 承包商* * + contractor/
承受' + 承受* * + to bear/ to support to inherit
承受力' + 承受力* * + tolerance/ capability of adapting oneself
承審法官' + 承审法官* * + trial judge/
承平' + 承平* * + (periods of) peace and prosperity/ peaceful
承建' + 承建* * + to construct under contract/
承德' + 承德* * + Chengde prefecture level city in Hebei/ also Chengde county
承德地區' + 承德地区* * + Chengde prefecture (old name)/ now Chengde prefecture level city
承德市' + 承德市* * + Chengde prefecture level city in Hebei/
承德縣' + 承德县* * + Chengde county in Chengde 承德/
承應' + 承应* * + to agre to promise/
承接' + 承接* * + to receive/ to accept to carry o
承擔' + 承担* * + to undertake/ to assume (responsibility etc)
承攬' + 承揽* * + to contract for an entire project/
承望' + 承望* * + to expect (often in negative combination, I never expected...)/ to look forward to
承歡' + 承欢* * + to cater to sb to make them happy (esp. of one's parents)/
承當' + 承当* * + to bear (responsibility)/ to take on to assume
承租' + 承租* * + to rent/ to lease
承租人' + 承租人* * + leaser/ tenant
承租方' + 承租方* * + borrower/ leaser the hiring
承籍' + 承籍* * + to inherit a rank (from a predecessor)/
承繼' + 承继* * + adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son)/ to inherit
承蒙' + 承蒙* * + to be indebted (to sb)/
承蒙關照' + 承蒙关照* * + to be indebted to sb for care/ thank you for looking after me
承襲' + 承袭* * + to inherit/ to follow to adopt
承認' + 承认* * + to admit/ to concede to recogni
承認控罪' + 承认控罪* * + guilty plea (law)/
承諾' + 承诺* * + to promise/ to undertake to do something commitment
承讓' + 承让* * + you let me win (said politely after winning a game)/
承讓人' + 承让人* * + grantee (law)/
承載' + 承载* * + to bear the weight/ to sustain
承載力' + 承载力* * + carrying capacity/
承轉' + 承转* * + to transmit a document (up or down a chain of bureaucracy)/
承辦' + 承办* * + to undertake/ to accept a contract
承運' + 承运* * + to provide transport/ to accept the Mandate of Heaven to acknowl
承運人' + 承运人* * + carrier (of goods etc)/
承重' + 承重* * + to sustain/ to bear the weight (of the upper storeys in architecture) load-beari
承重孫' + 承重孙* * + eldest grandson (to sustain upper storeys of ancestor worship)/
承銷' + 承销* * + to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financing)/ underwriting to sell as
承銷人' + 承销人* * + sales agent/ salesman consignee
承銷價差' + 承销价差* * + underwriting spread/
承銷利差' + 承销利差* * + underwriting spread/
承銷品' + 承销品* * + goods on consignment/
承銷商' + 承销商* * + underwriting company/ dealership sales agen
承銷團' + 承销团* * + underwriting group/
承銷店' + 承销店* * + dealership/
承銷貨物' + 承销货物* * + goods on consignment/
承順' + 承顺* * + to comply with/ to submit to
承頭' + 承头* * + to take responsibility/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1140 继承 家业 +
1141 承受 工作 压力 +
1505 继承 父亲 遗产 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

承担 맡다. 담당하다. 감당하다. 부담하다. 책임지다. + + 承认 승인하다. 인정하다. 동의하다. 긍정하다. 인가하다. 시인하다. + + 承受 받아들이다. 견뎌 내다. 감당하다. 감내하다. 이겨 내다. + + 承办 맡아 처리〔취급〕하다. + + 承包 청부 맡다. 하청을 받다. 도급 맡다. 도맡다. 책임지고 떠맡다. + + 承诺 승낙하다. 대답하다. + + 继承 (유산·권리 등을) 상속하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +