B + + * * ta3 tower 1. Pagode 2. turmförmiger Bau + + +

5 tháp 6 tháp

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +

tower, spire, tall building
condole, mourn, pity / hang

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

塔' + * * + pagoda/ tower minaret
塔什干' + 塔什干* * + Tashken /
塔什庫爾干塔吉克自治縣' + 塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县* * + Taxkorgan Tajik autonomous county (Tashqurqan Tajik aptonom nahiyisi) in Kashgar p/
塔什庫爾干自治縣' + 塔什库尔干自治县* * + Taxkorg /
塔什庫爾干鄉' + 塔什库尔干乡* * + Taxkorg /
塔克拉瑪干沙漠' + 塔克拉玛干沙漠* * + Taklama /
塔克拉馬干' + 塔克拉马干* * + Taklamakan (desert)/
塔公' + 塔公* * + Lhagang grassland in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县/
塔公寺' + 塔公寺* * + Lhagang /
塔列朗' + 塔列朗* * + Talleyr Prince Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754-1838), French diplomat/
塔利班' + 塔利班* * + Taliban (Farsi: student), Afghan guerrilla faction/
塔剎' + 塔刹* * + Buddhist ornamentation decorating the upper story of a pagoda/
塔加路族語' + 塔加路族语* * + Tagalog (language)/
塔台' + 塔台* * + control tower/
塔吉克' + 塔吉克* * + Tajik ethnic group/ Tajikistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Xinjiang and Afghanistan
塔吉克人' + 塔吉克人* * + Tajik (person)/
塔吉克斯坦' + 塔吉克斯坦* * + Tajikistan/
塔吉克族' + 塔吉克族* * + Tajik ethnic group/
塔吊' + 塔吊* * + tower crane/
塔城' + 塔城* * + Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区/
塔城地區' + 塔城地区* * + Tarbagh /
塔城市' + 塔城市* * + Tarbaghatay or Tacheng city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区/
塔塔兒' + 塔塔儿* * + Tartar /
塔塔兒人' + 塔塔儿人* * + Tartar (person)/
塔塔爾' + 塔塔尔* * + Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang/
塔塔爾族' + 塔塔尔族* * + Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang/
塔塔粉' + 塔塔粉* * + cream of tartar/ potassium bitartrate
塔夫綢' + 塔夫绸* * + taffeta/
塔尖' + 塔尖* * + spire/ peak of a pagoda
塔尾樹鵲' + 塔尾树鹊* * + (Chinese bird species) ratchet-tailed treepie (Temnurus temnurus)/
塔崩' + 塔崩* * + tabun (loanword)/
塔希提' + 塔希提* * + Tahiti, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia/
塔扎' + 塔扎* * + Taza (a city in northern Morocco)/
塔拉哈西' + 塔拉哈西* * + Tallahassee, capital of Florida/
塔拉瓦' + 塔拉瓦* * + Tarawa, capital of Kiribati/
塔斯曼尼亞' + 塔斯曼尼亚* * + Tasmania/
塔斯曼尼亞島' + 塔斯曼尼亚岛* * + Tasmania/
塔斯社' + 塔斯社* * + TASS/ Information Telegraph Agency of Russia
塔斯科拉' + 塔斯科拉* * + Tuscola (county in Michigan)/
塔木德經' + 塔木德经* * + Talmud/
塔林' + 塔林* * + Tallinn, capital of Estonia/
塔樓' + 塔楼* * + tower (of building)/
塔河' + 塔河* * + Tahe county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
塔河縣' + 塔河县* * + Tahe county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
塔爾寺' + 塔尔寺* * + Kumbum (Chinese Ta'er), monastery in Qinhai, formerly Amdo province of Tibet/
塔瑪爾' + 塔玛尔* * + Tamar (name)/
塔瓦斯科' + 塔瓦斯科* * + Tabasco (south Mexican state)/
塔羅' + 塔罗* * + tarot (loanword)/
塔羅卡' + 塔罗卡* * + tarot card/ Tarouca
塔迪奇' + 塔迪奇* * + Tadich (name)/ Boris Tadić (1958-), Serbian politician, president from 2004
塔那那利佛' + 塔那那利佛* * + Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar/
塔里木' + 塔里木* * + the Tarim Basin in southern Xinjiang/
塔里木河' + 塔里木河* * + Tarim River of Xinjiang/
塔里木盆地' + 塔里木盆地* * + Tarim Basin depression in southern Xinjiang/
墖' + * * + old variant of 塔/

tower Turm หอคอย tour torre torre torni

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


639 铁塔 巴黎 有名 地标 +
780 艾菲尔 铁塔 位于 巴黎 +
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 +
1872 宝塔 +
1936 倾斜 +
2475 比萨斜塔 +
2667 埃及 人民 智慧 创造 金字塔 +
3193 向导 带领 我们 参观 灯塔 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


탑. + +

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