A + + * * jie4 borrow/ lend/ make use of 1. entleihen, borgen,leihen 2. ausleihen, verleihen 3. mit Hilfe, durch, mittels, aufgrund, ausnutzen 4. unter dem Vorwand, etw als Vorwand benutzen + + +
C 借口 + + * * jie4kou3 excuse/ pretext/ alibi/ pretense etw. zum Vorwand nehmen,Vorwand, Ausrede + + +
D 借鑒 + + * * jie4jian4 take example by sich auf jd anders beziehen, zum Beispiel nehmen + + +
D 借助 + + * * jie4zhu4 with the help of mit der Hilfe von, Hilfe bekommen von + + +

3 mượn 5 cớ 借口 6 lấy làm gương 借鉴 6 nhờ vào 借助

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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borrow / lend / make pretext of
disperse, pay / support / branch

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

借' + * * + to lend to borrow/ by means of to take (a
借代' + 借代* * + metonymy/
借以' + 借以* * + so as to/ for the purpose of in order t
借位' + 借位* * + in arithmetic of subtraction, to borrow 10 and carry from the next place/
借住' + 借住* * + to lodge/
借債' + 借债* * + to borrow money/
借債人' + 借债人* * + debtor/ borrower
借光' + 借光* * + Excuse me./ reflected glory to profit
借入方' + 借入方* * + borrower/ debit side (of a balance sheet)
借出' + 借出* * + to lend/
借刀殺人' + 借刀杀人* * + to lend sb a knife to kill sb/ to get sb else to do one's dirty work to attack
借助' + 借助* * + to draw support from/ with the help of
借勢' + 借势* * + to borrow sb's authority/ to seize an opportunity
借取' + 借取* * + to borrow/
借口' + 借口* * + to use as an excuse/ on the pretext excuse
借古喻今' + 借古喻今* * + to borrow the past as a model for the present/
借古諷今' + 借古讽今* * + to use the past to disparage the present (idiom)/
借命' + 借命* * + to live out a pointless existence/
借問' + 借问* * + (honorific) May I ask?/
借單' + 借单* * + receipt for a loan/ written confirmation of a debt IOU
借單兒' + 借单儿* * + receipt for a loan/ written confirmation of a debt IOU
借喻' + 借喻* * + to use sth as a metaphor/
借契' + 借契* * + contract for a loan/
借字' + 借字* * + see 通假字/
借字兒' + 借字儿* * + IOU receipt for a loan/
借宿' + 借宿* * + to stay with sb/ to ask for lodging
借屍還魂' + 借尸还魂* * + lit. reincarnated in sb else's body (idiom); fig. a discarded or discredited idea /
借指' + 借指* * + to refer to/ metaphor
借據' + 借据* * + receipt for a loan/
借支' + 借支* * + to get an advance on one's pay/
借故' + 借故* * + to find an excuse/
借方' + 借方* * + borrower/ debit side (of a balance sheet)
借方差額' + 借方差额* * + debit balance (accountancy)/
借書單' + 借书单* * + book slip/
借書證' + 借书证* * + library card/
借東風' + 借东风* * + lit. to use the eastern wind (idiom)/ fig. to use sb's help
借條' + 借条* * + receipt for a loan/ IOU
借機' + 借机* * + to seize the opportunity/
借款' + 借款* * + to lend money/ to borrow money loan
借款人' + 借款人* * + the borrower/
借火' + 借火* * + to borrow a light (for a cigarette)/
借用' + 借用* * + to borrow sth for another use/ to borrow an idea for one's own use
借端' + 借端* * + to use as pretext/
借箸' + 借箸* * + lit. to borrow chopsticks/ to make plans for sb else
借給' + 借给* * + to lend to sb/
借腹生子' + 借腹生子* * + surrogate pregnancy/
借花獻佛' + 借花献佛* * + lit. presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers (idiom); fig. to win favor or inf/ plagiarism
借記' + 借记* * + to debit/
借記卡' + 借记卡* * + debit card/
借詞' + 借词* * + loanword/ pretext
借調' + 借调* * + to temporarily transfer (personnel)/
借讀' + 借读* * + to attend school on a temporary basis/
借貸' + 借贷* * + to borrow or lend money/ debit and credit items on a balance sheet
借資挹注' + 借资挹注* * + to make use of sth in order to make good the deficits in sth else (idiom)/
借賬' + 借账* * + to borrow money/ to take a loan
借過' + 借过* * + excuse me/
借酒澆愁' + 借酒浇愁* * + to drown one's sorrows (in alcohol)/
借重' + 借重* * + to rely on sb for support/
借錢' + 借钱* * + to lend money/ to borrow money
借鏡' + 借镜* * + to use other people's experience/ to borrow from a source to use as
借鑒' + 借鉴* * + to use other people's experience/ to borrow from a source to use as
借閱' + 借阅* * + to borrow books to read/
借題發揮' + 借题发挥* * + to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas/ to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss
藉' + * * + variant of 借/
藉此' + 借此* * + using t thereby/
藉詞推搪' + 借词推搪* * + to make a lot of excuses/

borrow leihen ยืม emprunter pedir prestado prendere in prestito lainata
lend leihen ยืม prêter prestar prestare lainata

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1407 图书馆 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

빌리다. + + 借口 구실. 핑계. + + 借鉴 참고로 하다. 본보기로 삼다. 거울로 삼다. 교훈으로 삼다. + + 借助 (다른 사람 또는 사물의) 도움을 빌다〔받다〕. …의 힘을 빌리다. + +

+ + + + + + + +