D 仁慈 + + * * ren2ci2 beneficent/ kindhearted gütig,wohlwollend,voller Erbarmen + + +

6 nhân từ 仁慈

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

humaneness, benevolence, kindness
right conduct, righteousness
path, road, street / method, way
ethics, morality, virtue
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

仁' + * * + humane/ kernel
仁丹' + 仁丹* * + Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produced by Morishita Jintan company from 1905/
仁人君子' + 仁人君子* * + people of good will (idiom); charitable person/
仁人志士' + 仁人志士* * + gentleman aspiring to benevolence (idiom); people with lofty ideals/
仁人義士' + 仁人义士* * + those with lofty ideals (idiom)/ men of vision
仁兄' + 仁兄* * + (honorific written address) My dear friend/
仁化' + 仁化* * + see 仁化縣|仁化县/
仁化縣' + 仁化县* * + Renhua /
仁厚' + 仁厚* * + kindhea tolerant/ honest and generous
仁和' + 仁和* * + Renhe district of Panzhihua city 攀枝花市/
仁和區' + 仁和区* * + Renhe d /
仁和縣' + 仁和县* * + Renhe c /
仁壽' + 仁寿* * + Renshou County in Meishan 眉山市/
仁壽縣' + 仁寿县* * + Renshou /
仁川' + 仁川* * + Incheon /
仁川市' + 仁川市* * + Incheon /
仁川廣域市' + 仁川广域市* * + Incheon /
仁布' + 仁布* * + Rinbung /
仁布縣' + 仁布县* * + Rinbung county, Tibetan: Rin spungs rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/
仁弟' + 仁弟* * + (honorific written address to younger man) My dear young friend/
仁德' + 仁德* * + Jente township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县/
仁德' + 仁德* * + benevol high mindedness/
仁德鄉' + 仁德乡* * + Jente township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县/
仁心仁術' + 仁心仁术* * + benevol /
仁惠' + 仁惠* * + benevolent/ merciful humane
仁愛' + 仁爱* * + Renai or Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市/
仁愛' + 仁爱* * + benevol charity/ compassion
仁愛區' + 仁爱区* * + Jenai district of Keelung City 基隆市/
仁愛鄉' + 仁爱乡* * + Renai o /
仁慈' + 仁慈* * + benevol charitable/ kind kindly
仁懷' + 仁怀* * + Renhuai county level city in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义/
仁懷市' + 仁怀市* * + Renhuai /
仁懷縣' + 仁怀县* * + Renhuai /
仁政' + 仁政* * + benevolent policy/ humane government
仁武' + 仁武* * + Renwu or Jenwu township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县/
仁武鄉' + 仁武乡* * + Renwu o /
仁民愛物' + 仁民爱物* * + love to /
仁波切' + 仁波切* * + Rinpoche (Tibetan honorific)/
仁義' + 仁义* * + benevolence and righteousness/
仁義' + 仁义* * + affable and even-tempered/
仁義道德' + 仁义道德* * + compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues/ mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical
仁者見仁,智者見智' + 仁者见仁,智者见智* * + The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom./ Different views are admissible. (idiom)
仁至義盡' + 仁至义尽* * + extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty/
仁術' + 仁术* * + kindness/ benevolence to govern
仁言利博' + 仁言利博* * + Words of benevolence apply universally (idiom). Humanitarian expressions benefit a/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1738 杏仁 +
1739 仁慈 表现 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


仁慈 인자하다. + +

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