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中北大學' + 中北大学* * + North University of China (Shanxi)/
中北部' + 中北部* * + north central area/
全羅北道' + 全罗北道* * + North Jeolla Province, in west South Korea, capital Jeonju 全州/
北' + * * + north/ to be defeated (classical)
北佬' + 北佬* * + northerner, person from Northern China (Cantonese)/
北側' + 北侧* * + north s north face/
北區' + 北区* * + north district of city/ north zone Pei north
北半球' + 北半球* * + Northern Hemisphere/
北卡羅來納' + 北卡罗来纳* * + North Carolina, US state/
北卡羅來納州' + 北卡罗来纳州* * + North Carolina, US state/
北坡' + 北坡* * + north slope/
北大西洋' + 北大西洋* * + North Atlantic/
北大西洋公約組織' + 北大西洋公约组织* * + North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO/
北威州' + 北威州* * + North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany/
北方佬' + 北方佬* * + northerner/ guy from the north Yankee
北方民族大學' + 北方民族大学* * + Northern Nationalities University NNU at Yingchuan, Ningxia (former Northwestern S/
北朝' + 北朝* * + Northern Dynasties (386-581)/
北朝鮮' + 北朝鲜* * + North Korea (esp. Japanese usage)/
北極光' + 北极光* * + Northern lights/ aurora borealis
北極星' + 北极星* * + North Star/ Polaris
北歐' + 北欧* * + north Europe/ Scandinavia
北洋水師' + 北洋水师* * + north China navy (esp. the ill-fated Chinese navy in the 1895 war with Japan)/
北洋軍' + 北洋军* * + north China army, a modernizing Western-style army set up during late Qing, and a /
北洋陸軍' + 北洋陆军* * + north China army (esp. during the warlords period)/
北海艦隊' + 北海舰队* * + North Sea Fleet/
北涼' + 北凉* * + Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-439)/
北燕' + 北燕* * + Northern Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (409-436)/
北疆' + 北疆* * + North of Xinjiang/
北端' + 北端* * + northern extremity/
北美洲' + 北美洲* * + North America/
北荷蘭' + 北荷兰* * + North Holland/
北角' + 北角* * + North Point district of Hong Kong/
北越' + 北越* * + North Vietnam/ North Vietnamese
北達科他州' + 北达科他州* * + North Dakota, US state/
北邊' + 北边* * + north/ north side northern p
北部' + 北部* * + northern part/
北部地區' + 北部地区* * + Northern Areas/
北面' + 北面* * + northern side/ north
北韓' + 北韩* * + North Korea (esp. South Korean usage)/
北領地' + 北领地* * + Northern Territory, sparsely populated federal territory extending from center to /
北馬里亞納' + 北马里亚纳* * + Northern Mariana Islands/
北馬里亞納群島' + 北马里亚纳群岛* * + Northern Mariana Islands/
南北' + 南北* * + north a north to south/
南北朝' + 南北朝* * + Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589)/
南北美' + 南北美* * + North and South America/
南北長' + 南北长* * + north-south distance/
南北韓' + 南北韩* * + North and South Korea/
口北' + 口北* * + north of the Great Wall/
古北界' + 古北界* * + northern Eurasia (in geography)/
向北' + 向北* * + northward/ facing north
向北地' + 向北地* * + northward/
城北區' + 城北区* * + north city district/ Chengbei district of Xining city 西寧市|西宁市
宧' + * * + northeastern corner of a room/
平安北道' + 平安北道* * + North P'yong'an Province in west of North Korea, adjacent to Liaoning/
慶尙北道' + 庆尙北道* * + North Gyeongsang Province, in east South Korea, capital Daegu 大邱/
朔風' + 朔风* * + north wind/
朝中' + 朝中* * + North Korea-China/
朝韓' + 朝韩* * + North and South Korea/
朝鮮中央通訊社' + 朝鲜中央通讯社* * + North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)/ abbr. to 朝中社
東北' + 东北* * + northeast/
東北亞' + 东北亚* * + Northeast Asia/
東北大學' + 东北大学* * + Northeastern University (in Shenyang 沈陽市|沈阳市/
東北方' + 东北方* * + northeast/ northeastern
洛河' + 洛河* * + name of North Luo river, tributary of Wei river 渭河|渭河/
脫北者' + 脱北者* * + North Korean refugee/
華北' + 华北* * + North China/
華北事變' + 华北事变* * + North China Incident of October-December 1935, a Japanese attempt to set up a pupp/
華北平原' + 华北平原* * + North China plain/
西北大學' + 西北大学* * + Northwest University/
西北工業大學' + 西北工业大学* * + Northwestern Polytechnical University/
西北方' + 西北方* * + northwest/ northwestern
西北航空公司' + 西北航空公司* * + Northwest Airlines/
西北農林科技大學' + 西北农林科技大学* * + North West Agriculture and Forestry University/
西北部' + 西北部* * + northwest part/
諾格' + 诺格* * + Northrop Grumman (aerospace arm of Boeing)/
逃北者' + 逃北者* * + North Korean refugee/
關東' + 关东* * + Northeast China/ Manchuria lit. east
韓朝' + 韩朝* * + North and South Korea/ bilateral Korean relations
黃海北道' + 黄海北道* * + North Hwanghae Province 황해북도 of west North Korea/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[north] due north, N, direction

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

bắc + + north

+ + + + + + + +