A 同意 + + * * tong2yi4 agree/ consent/ approve einwilligen,zustimmen + + +
A 節目 + + * * jie2mu4 program/ item (on a program) Programm + + +
A 生產 + + * * sheng1chan3 produce/ manufacture/ production produzieren,erzeugen + + +
A 們(朋友們) + + * * men (particle forming a plural pronoun) ein Suffix, Pluralmarker + + +
A 也許 + + * * ye3xu3 perhaps/ probably/ maybe vielleicht + + +
A + + * * zai4 used to indicate action in progress Hilfswort für Verlaufsform + + +
A 問題 + + * * wen4ti2 question/ problem/ issue/ trouble Frage,Problem + + +
A 正確 + + * * zheng4que4 correct/ right/ proper korrekt,richtig + + +
A 正在 + + * * zheng4zai4 in process of/ in course of ein Adverb, das eine im Gang befindl. H. anzeigt + + +
A + + * * sheng3 province Provinz + + +
A 進行 + + * * jin4xing2 be in progress/ go on/ carry on fortfahren,weitermachen,fortsetzen + + +
A 合適 + + * * he2shi4 appropriate/ right/ suitable passend + + +
A 大概 + + * * da4gai4 probably/ general/ broad outline 1. ungefähre Vorstellung, in großen Zügen, grobe Umrisse 2.grob, in etwa annäherungsweise 3. vielleicht, möglicherweise, wahrscheinlich + + +
A 計劃 + + * * ji4hua4 plan/ project/ program/ map out Plan,planen + + +
A + + * * zhe (indicating an action in progress) Aspekt-partikel (in Aktion befindlich...) + + +
B 深刻 + + * * shen1ke4 deep/ profound tief, tiefschürfend,eindringlich, profund + + +
B + + * * yang3 provide for/ raise/ give birth to/ rest 1. ernähren, unterhalten 2. züchten, großziehen 3. gebären 4. in Pflege nehmen 5. erziehen 6. sich erholen, pflegen 7. warten, instand halten + + +
B 具備 + + * * ju4bei4 possess/ have/ be provided with haben, besitzen, ausgestattet mit, gewissen Anforderungen genügen + + +
B 具有 + + * * ju4you3 possess/ have/ be provided with besitzen, haben + + +
B 改進 + + * * gai3jin4 improve/ make better/ improvement Verbesserung, verbessern + + +
B 改善 + + * * gai3shan4 improve Verbesserung, verbessern + + +
B 加工 + + * * jia1 gong1 process/ machining/ working Verarbeitung, verarbeiten + + +
B 手續 + + * * shou3xu4 procedure Verfahren + + +
B 方案 + + * * fang1'an4 scheme/ plan/ program Plan, Vorschlag + + +
B + + * * dou4 tease/ provoke 1. necken, sich belustigen , sich amüsieren 2. (zum Lachen, Liebhaben) reizen 3. spaßhaft, komisch , jn zum Lachen bringen 4. verweilen, sich aufhalten, Aufenthalt + + +
B 比例 + + * * bi3li4 proportion Maßstab, Proportion, Zahlenverhältnis, Anteil + + +
B 相互 + + * * xiang1hu4 mutual/ reciprocal/ each other gegenseitig, einander + + +
B 好好兒 + + * * hao3hao1r in a proper way/ to one's heart's content angemessen, zur Zufriedenheit + + +
B 業務 + + * * ye4wu4 business/ professional work Profession,Business + + +
B 業餘 + + * * ye4yu2 amateur/ not professional Extra-curricular, Amateur-, Freizeit- + + +
B 促進 + + * * cu4jin4 advance/ promote fördern,vorantreiben + + +
B 熟練 + + * * shu2lian4 skilled/ practiced/ proficient geübt, erfahren,fließend, gewandt + + +
B 贊成 + + * * zan4cheng2 agree with/ approve of/ favor billigen, zustimmen + + +
B 推動 + + * * tui1dong4 push forward/ promote begünstigen, voranbringen ,drücken, stoßen, vorstoßen + + +
B 主張 + + * * zhu3zhang1 advocate/ idea/ view/ proposition Position, Vorschlag, Blickpunkt, befürworten + + +
B + + * * da2 answer/ reply/ return/ reciprocate 1. antworten, entgegnen, erwidern 2. erwidern, vergelten + + +
B 項目 + + * * xiang4mu4 item/ project Punkt, Posten, Nummer, Projekt + + +
B 宣傳 + + * * xuan1chuan2 propagate/ propaganda publizieren, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, propagieren, Propaganda + + +
B 左右 + + * * zuo3you4 about/ approximate/ influence/ control ungefähr, etwa, annähernd, links und rechts + + +
B 證明 + + * * zheng4ming2 prove/ testify/ proof/ certificate Beweis, Zeugnis, Nachweis, beweisen + + +
B 對待 + + * * dui4dai4 treat/ approach Behandlung + + +
B 進步 + + * * jin4bu4 advance/ progress/ improve/ progressive fortschrittlich, Fortschritt, Fortschritte machen + + +
B 提倡 + + * * ti2chang4 advocate/ promote für etw eintreten, befürworten, fördern + + +
B 提供 + + * * ti2gong1 provide/ supply/ furnish/ offer zur Verfügung stellen, versorgen + + +
B 禁止 + + * * jin4zhi3 prohibit/ ban/ forbid Verbot, verbieten + + +
B + + * * ti2 topic/ problem/ title 1. Thema, Titel 2. aufschreiben, eintragen + + +
B …之中 + + * * zhi1 zhong1 among/ in/ in the process of in, innen, innerhalb + + +
B 職業 + + * * zhi2ye4 occupation/ profession Beruf, Beschäftigung + + +
B 建議 + + * * jian4yi4 propose/ suggest/ proposition/ suggestion Vorschlag, vorschlagen, empfehlen + + +
B 大約 + + * * da4yue1 approximate/ about annähernd, etwa + + +
B 規定 + + * * gui1ding4 provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen + + +
B + + * * bao3 protect 1. schützen, verteidigen 2. erhalten, bewahren, behalten 3. gewährleisten, garantieren, versichern 4. Bürge, Bürgschaft + + +
B 語音 + + * * yu3yin1 pronunciation Aussprache + + +
B 保護 + + * * bao3hu4 protect/ safeguard/ protection schützen, hüten, schonen + + +
B 產品 + + * * chan3pin3 product Produkt + + +
B 產生 + + * * chan3sheng1 produce/ take place/ engender erzeugen, hervorrufen, bewirken + + +
B 只要 + + * * zhi3yao4 so long as/ provided solange, wenn nur + + +
B 保證 + + * * bao3zheng4 ensure/ assure/ guarantee/ promise garantieren, versichern, bürgen + + +
B 工程 + + * * gong1cheng2 engineering/ project Fabrik, Werk, Betrieb + + +
B 肯定 + + * * ken3ding4 affirm/ approve/ positive/ affirmative bejahend, bejahen, bestätigen, anerkennen, positiv, zustimmend, eindeutig, definitiv, zweifellos + + +
B 延長 + + * * yan2chang2 lengthen/ prolong/ extend verlängern + + +
B + + * * re3 cause/ provoke 1. zu Schwierigkeiten führen, Schwierigkeiten heraufbeschwören 2. reizen, necken, foppen 3. hervorrufen, veranlassen, verursachen, herbeiführen + + +
B 傳播 + + * * chuan2bo1 propagate/ spread verbreiten, propagieren, Übertragung/Verbreitung + + +
B 批准 + + * * pi1zhun3 ratify/ approve Ermächtigung, bestätigen, billigen, zusagen + + +
B 教授 + + * * jiao4shou4 professor Professor + + +
B 適當 + + * * shi4dang4 suitable/ proper angemessen,passend, geeignet + + +
B 供給 + + * * gong1ji3 provide/ furnish ausrüsten, zur Verfügung stellen + + +
B 前途 + + * * qian2tu2 prospect/ future Zukunft + + +
B 繁榮 + + * * fan2rong2 flourishing/ prosperous/ prosperity blühend, gedeihend,etwas gedeihen lassen + + +
B 過程 + + * * guo4cheng2 course/ process Verlauf, Prozeß + + +
B 連忙 + + * * lian2mang2 promptly/ at once eilends, sogleich, sofort, unverzüglich, prompt + + +
B 深厚 + + * * shen1hou4 profound 1. tief, tief verwurzelt 2. fest,fundiert + + +
C 難題 + + * * nan2ti2 difficult problem/ tough question/ hot potato schwierige Problem, knifflige Frage + + +
C 貧窮 + + * * pin2qiong2 poor/ impoverished/ lacking a means of production arm, bedürftig + + +
C + + * * xian4 appear/ reveal/ show/ impromptu/ extemporaneously 1. jetzt, gegenwärtig, präsent 2. verfügbar, vorrätig 3. zeigen, erscheinen + + +
C + + * * jie1 bear (fruit or seed)/ produce 1. (Früchte) tragen, halten 2. fest, stark, kräftig 3. stottern siehe: jie2 + + +
C 品質 + + * * pin3zhi4 character/ quality (of a person; product; etc.) Qualität, Wesen, Eigenschaft + + +
C 改良 + + * * gai3liang2 improve/ better/ reform/ amend/ 1. verbessern, veredeln, 2. Reform + + +
C 幻燈 + + * * huan4deng1 slide/ slide presentation/ slide projector Diapositiv, Diavorführung, Projektor + + +
C 神氣 + + * * shen2qi4 expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous/ proud/ cocky Ausdruck, Art,energisch,lebhaft + + +
C 刺激 + + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen + + +
C + + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for s.th. auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 + + +
C 性能 + + * * xing4neng2 property-capability/ performance/ capability/ property Funktion, Leistung + + +
C + + * * cheng1 support/ prop up/ pole/ open/ unfurl/ endure 1. stützen, abstützen, unterstützen 2. mühsam aufrechterhalten 3. etwas mit einer Stange schieben, staken 4. aufspannen, aufhalten 5. vollpfropfen, vollstopfen , etw zum Bersten füllen + + +
C + + * * hang2 line/ row/ trade/ profession/ trading company 1.Linie, Zeile, Reihe 2. Geschwisterfolge 3. Beruf, Geschäftsbereich, Gewerbe, Zunft 4.Firma, Geschäft + + +
C 行列 + + * * hang2lie4 procession/ rows and columns/ ranks and files Reihe, Zug + + +
C 聲明 + + * * sheng1ming2 state/ declare/ proclaim/ statement/ declaration erklären,Erklärung, Statement + + +
C + + * * jia4 put up/ erect/ support/ prop/ help/ fend off/ kidnap 1. aufstellen,stützen, errichten 3. abwehren, parieren 4. halten, stützen 5. verschleppen, entführen 6.Rauferei, Balgerei + + +
C 探索 + + * * tan4suo3 feel-seek/ try to find (information)/ explore/ probe ergründen, forschen, schürfen + + +
C 放映 + + * * fang4ying4 show (a film)/ present images through projection zeigen, projezieren, vorführen + + +
C 途徑 + + * * tu2jing4 route and path/ way/ approach/ avenue/ channel Weg, Weise + + +
C 程序 + + * * cheng2xu4 procedure/ process/ program Verfahren, Prozedur + + +
C 財產 + + * * cai2chan3 property/ possessions Eigentum, Besitz, + + +
C + + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- + + +
C 飛躍 + + * * fei1yue4 leap/ bound/ jump/ fast and great progress Sprung, springen + + +
C 綱領 + + * * gang1ling3 guiding principle/ program/ platform Programm, leitendes Prinzip + + +
C 省長 + + * * sheng3zhang3 governor of a province/ premier of a province Gouverneur einer Provinz + + +
C 散文 + + * * san3wen2 prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. Prosa,literarische Werke + + +
C 無產階級 + + * * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class das Proletariat + + +
C 推進 + + * * tui1jin4 push-progress/ propel/ advance/ drive forward vorwärtstreiben, vorantreiben, vorrücken, vordringen + + +
C 開設 + + * * kai1she4 set up/ open up/ provide/ offer gründen,errichten, eröffnen, abhalten, anbieten + + +
C 宣告 + + * * xuan1gao4 propagate-declare/ declare/ proclaim proklamieren, erklären + + +
C 證據 + + * * zheng4ju4 proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony Beweis, Beweismittel + + +
C 混亂 + + * * hun4luan4 disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung + + +
C 證實 + + * * zheng4shi2 prove-true/ confirm/ verify/ validate/ bear out bekräftigen, bestätigen, beweisen + + +
C 農貿市場 + + * * nong2mao4 shi4chang3 market of farm produce Markt für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse + + +
C 作物 + + * * zuo4wu4 cultivated-thing/ crop/ cultivated plant/ farm produce landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Feldfrüchte + + +
C 游行 + + * * you2xing2 move-go/ parade/ march/ procession/ rove about Demonstration, demonstrieren + + +
C 責備 + + * * ze2bei4 demand-integrity/ accuse/ blame/ reproach/ criticize vorwerfen, vorhalten, tadeln + + +
C + + * * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products 1. Garn (Baumwoll-) 2. Gaze + + +
C + + * * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) 1. sich nähern, eintreffen 2. zusammenrechnen 3. etw sammeln und bündeln 4.kämmen + + +
C 大半 + + * * da4ban4 over half/ majority/ most likely/ probably die meisten, mehr als die Hälfte, der größte Teil + + +
C 提醒 + + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen + + +
C 妥當 + + * * tuo3dang sound-appropriate/ proper/ suitable/ appropriate angemessen, geeignet,richtig + + +
C 提議 + + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + + +
C 增產 + + * * zeng1 chan3 increase-production/ increase production die Produktion steigern + + +
C 增進 + + * * zeng1jin4 improve-advance/ enhance/ promote/ further/ improve stärken + + +
C 草案 + + * * cao3'an4 protocol/ draft (of a plan; decree; regulation; etc.) Entwurf + + +
C 多半 + + * * duo1ban4 most likely/ probably wahrscheinlich, Wahrscheinlichkeit, der größere Teil, hauptsächlich, die meisten + + +
C 大隊 + + * * da4dui4 group/ production brigade/ battalion/ regiment Gruppe, Produktionbrigade + + +
C 抗議 + + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren + + +
C 有益 + + * * you3yi4 have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good nützlich, Nutzen bringend, vorteilhaft + + +
C 考驗 + + * * kao3yan4 test and prove/ test/ try/ trial prüfen, erproben + + +
C 靠近 + + * * kao4jin4 get close to/ draw near/ approach nahe,in der Nähe von,neben,sich nähern,näherkommen + + +
C 革新 + + * * ge2xin1 innovate/ improve/ innovation Innovation + + +
C 豐產 + + * * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully Rekordernte + + +
C 別字 + + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe + + +
C 殖民地 + + * * zhi2min2di4 propagate-people-territory/ colony Kolonie + + +
C 遺產 + + * * yi2chan3 left-property/ heritage/ legacy/ inheritance Erbe, Hinterlassenschaft + + +
C + + * * zhuan4 make money/ earn/ make a profit/ profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + + +
C 出難題 + + * * chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question/ present a difficult problem vor ein schwieriges Problem stellen, eine schwierige Frage stellen + + +
C + + * * ya2 sprout/ bud/ shoot/ sprout-like thing Sproß, Schößling + + +
C 出息 + + * * chu1xi prospect/ aspiration/ promise vielversprechende Aussichten, große Zukunft + + +
C 輪廓 + + * * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation Kontur,Umriß, Silhouette + + +
C 規劃 + + * * gui1hua4 plan/ program/ layout/ project/ blueprint planen,Plan, Planung, Entwurf + + +
C + + * * li3 gift/ present/ propriety/ courtesy/ etiquette/ manners 1.Zeremonie, Feier,Ritual, 2. Höflichkeit, Förmlichkeit, 3. Geschenk + + +
C 完善 + + * * wan2shan4 whole-good/ perfect/ consummate/ improve vollkommen, vollständig, vollendet, perfekt + + +
C 景色 + + * * jing3se4 scenery/ view/ prospect/ landscape Anblick, Landschaft, Landschaftsbild, Szenerie + + +
C 恰當 + + * * qia4dang4 suitable/ proper/ appropriate 1. passend, treffend, recht, geeignet 2. gerade, genau, das rechte Maß halten, eben + + +
C 產物 + + * * chan3wu4 outcome/ result/ product Produkt, Erzeugnis, Ergebnis + + +
C 保障 + + * * bao3zhang4 ensure/ guarantee/ protection Schutz, versichern, garantieren, sicherstellen, sichern + + +
C 敬酒 + + * * jing4 jiu3 propose a toast einen Toast ausbringen, zuprosten + + +
C + + * * li4 benefit/ profit/ interest 1.scharf, spitz, 2. günstig, vorteihaft 3. Vorteil, Nutzen, 4. Profit, Gewinn 5. Nutzen bringen, nützen + + +
C 嚴禁 + + * * yan2jin4 strictly-prohibit/ forbid/ prohibit/ strikt verbieten + + +
C 示威 + + * * shi4wei1 demonstrate/ put on a show of strength and prowess demonstrieren + + +
C 利潤 + + * * li4run1 profit Profit, Gewinn + + +
C 研製 + + * * yan2zhi4 research-produce/ trail-make/ develop entwickeln + + +
C + + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall + + +
C + + * * hu4 protect/ guard/ shield/ be partial to 1. schützen, hüten, bewachen 2. jd gegen Tadel decken, jn in Schutz nehmen + + +
C 工序 + + * * gong1xu4 working procedure/ process Verfahren, Prozeß + + +
C 互助 + + * * hu4zhu4 help each other/ provide mutual help gegenseitige Hilfe + + +
C 長久 + + * * chang2jiu3 long-lasting/ long time/ prolonged langfristig + + +
C 製作 + + * * zhi4zuo4 make-do/ produce/ make/ build/ construct machen + + +
C 掩護 + + * * yan3hu4 cover-protect/ shield/ cover/ screen schützen, decken, Deckung + + +
C 适宜 + + * * shi4yi2 suitable/ fit/ appropriate/ just right geeignet,angebracht, passen + + +
C 供應 + + * * gong1ying4 supply/ provide/ accommodate versorgen, liefern, beliefern, Versorgung + + +
C 前頭 + + * * qian2tou in front/ ahead/ forward/ above/ proceeding/ forepart vorn, etc + + +
C 自豪 + + * * zi4hao2 self-outstanding/ proud auf etwas stolz sein + + +
C 公布 + + * * gong1bu4 make public/ promulgate/ announce/ publicize veröffentlichen, bekannt machen, etwas zur Veröffentlichung freigeben + + +
C 蛋白質 + + * * dan4bai2zhi4 protein Protein + + +
C 繁殖 + + * * fan2zhi2 propagate/ breed/ reproduce sich fortpflanzen,sich vermehren + + +
C 銀幕 + + * * yin2mu4 silver-screen/ screen/ projection screen Bildschirm + + +
C 複製 + + * * fu4zhi4 reproduce/ copy/ duplicate eine Kopie machen, ein Duplikat anfertigen, imitieren + + +
C + + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern + + +
C 深度 + + * * shen1du4 depth degree/ depth/ profundity/ higher level Tiefe + + +
C 富裕 + + * * fu4yu4 prosperous/ well-to-do/ well-off/ rich wohlhabend, in guten Verhältnissen + + +
D 收益 + + * * shou1yi4 income/ profit Verdienst, Gewinn, Ertrag + + +
D 良種 + + * * liang2zhong3 improved variety veredeltes Saatgut, hochwertige Saatsorten, edle Rasse + + +
D + + * * pin3 sample, suf product 1.Gegenstand, Sache, Produkt 2. Rang, Klasse, Grad 3. Eigenschaft,Charakter 4. schmecken, probieren, kosten + + +
D 倒爺 + + * * dao3ye2 profiteer/ speculator Profiteur, Spekulant + + +
D 盈利 + + * * ying2li4 profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + + +
D 振興 + + * * zhen4xing1 vitalize/ develop/ promote zügig vorantreiben + + +
D 審定 + + * * shen3ding4 examine and approve überprüfen und bestätigen + + +
D 投產 + + * * tou2chan3 put into production in Betrieb genommen werden, die Produktion aufnehmen + + +
D 審批 + + * * shen3pi1 examine and approve etwas prüfen und genehmigen + + +
D 投機倒把 + + * * tou2ji1 dao3ba3 engage in speculation and profiteering Spekulation, spekulieren + + +
D 逼近 + + * * bi1jin4 approach sich nähern, vorrücken + + +
D 防護 + + * * fang2hu4 protect/ shelter Schutz, schützen + + +
D 成品 + + * * cheng2pin3 finished product Fertigprodukt + + +
D 結業 + + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen + + +
D + + * * tu1 protruding nach außen gewölbt, konvex + + +
D 比重 + + * * bi3zhong4 specific gravity/ proportion Anteil, Proportion + + +
D 探討 + + * * tan4tao3 discuss/ probe into untersuchen und diskutieren + + +
D 生產力 + + * * sheng1chan3li4 productive forces Produktivkraft, Produktionskraft + + +
D 生產率 + + * * sheng1chan3lv4 productivity Produktionstempo + + +
D 萌芽 + + * * meng2ya2 bud/ sprout keimen, sprossen, Keim, Spross + + +
D 古文 + + * * gu3wen2 ancient prose Prosa im klassischen Stil, + + +
D 再生產 + + * * zai3sheng1chan3 reproduction Reproduktion + + +
D + + * * cu4 urge/ promote 1.kurz,eilig, dringend, 2.fördern, antreiben, + + +
D 好說 + + * * hao3 shuo1 no problem leicht zu verhandeln,einfach zu regeln + + +
D 入手 + + * * ru4shou3 proceed with/ start with mit etw. anfangen, von etw. ausgehen + + +
D 生育 + + * * sheng1yu4 procreate gebären + + +
D 生殖 + + * * sheng1zhi2 procreate Fortpflanzung, Reproduktion, reproduzieren + + +
D 鋼材 + + * * gang1cai2 steel products Stahlprodukte + + +
D 省會 + + * * sheng3hui4 the capital of province Provinzhauptstadt + + +
D 特產 + + * * te4chan3 special local product spezielles einheimisches Erzeugnis, Spezialität + + +
D 序言 + + * * xu4yan2 prologue Geleitwort,Vorwort,Prolog + + +
D 畜產品 + + * * xu4chan3pin3 livestock product Produkte aus der Viehzucht + + +
D 和解 + + * * he2jie3 settle compromise sich versöhnen + + +
D 農產品 + + * * nong2chan3pin3 farm produce Agrarprodukte + + +
D 推銷 + + * * tui1xiao1 promote sales den Absatz steigern, auf den Markt werfen + + +
D 宣揚 + + * * xuan1yang2 publicize/ propagate verbreiten, propagieren + + +
D 一技之長 + + * * yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2 professional skill/ specially berufliche Qualifikation in einem bestimmten Fach + + +
D 進程 + + * * jin4cheng2 course/ process Verlauf, Gang, Prozeß + + +
D 提案 + + * * ti2'an4 draft resolution/ overture/ proposal Antrag, Vorschlag + + +
D 分寸 + + * * fen1cun4 proper limits for speech or action Sinn für Schicklichkeit, richtiges Maß + + +
D 勘探 + + * * kan1tan4 prospect for/ prove up Schürfen,Erforschung + + +
D 水產 + + * * shui3chan3 marine lives/ aquatic product Wasserprodukte + + +
D 晉升 + + * * jin4sheng1 promote befördern, voranbringen, ein Projekt fördern + + +
D 頒布 + + * * ban1bu4 promulgate/ issue verkünden + + +
D + + * * jin4 ban/ prohibit 1.untersagen, verbieten 2. einkerkern , einsperren 3. Tabu 4. verbotener Ort + + +
D 提示 + + * * ti2shi4 prompt/ clue on jmd auf etwas hinweisen + + +
D + + * * tuo3 ready/ proper 1. geeignet, angemessen, zweckmäßig 2. bereits fertig,schon beendet + + +
D 妥善 + + * * tuo3shan4 proper/ appropriate geeignet, zweckmäßig,passend + + +
D 妥協 + + * * tuo3xie2 compromise Kompromiß + + +
D 近似 + + * * jin4si4 approximate ähneln, annähernd, sehr ähnlich + + +
D 或許 + + * * huo4xu3 maybe/ probably vielleicht + + +
D 路子 + + * * lu4zi way/ approach Weg + + +
D 起訴 + + * * qi3su4 indict/ prosecute anklagen, Anklage erheben + + +
D 外行 + + * * wai4hang2 laity/ nonprofessional unfachmännisch, laienhaft, unprofessionell, Laie + + +
D 出產 + + * * chu1chan3 produce Ausstoß, Output, + + +
D 精益求精 + + * * jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 keep improving sich ständig verbessern + + +
D 命題 + + * * ming4 ti2 proposition jd ein Thema geben, Theorem, Behauptung, Urteil + + +
D 展望 + + * * zhan3wang4 prospect in die Zukunft schauen, Ausblick, Erwartungen, Aussichten + + +
D 各行各業 + + * * ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4 all trades and professions alle Branchen und Gewerbe + + +
D 大有可為 + + * * da4 you3 ke3 wei2 be well worth doing/ have bright prospects gute Aussichten, gute Aussichten haben / über einen großen Spielraum verfügen + + +
D 上進 + + * * shang4jin4 make progress vorwärtsgehen, Fortschritte machen + + +
D 禮節 + + * * li3jie2 proprieties Höflichkeit, Etikette + + +
D + + * * chan3 produce 1. gebären, zur Welt bringen, 2. produzieren, erzeugen 3. Produkt, Erzeugnis 4. Eigentum, Vermögen, Besitztum + + +
D 欣欣向榮 + + * * xin1xin1 xiang4 rong2 flourishing/ prosperous blühen und gedeihen + + +
D 產地 + + * * chan3di4 producing area Herstellungsort, Anbaugebiet + + +
D 撥款 + + * * bo1 kuan3 grant-in-aid/ appropriation eine Geldsumme zuweisen,Geldzuweisung + + +
D 產區 + + * * chan3qu1 producing area Produktionsgebiet + + +
D 恰如其分 + + * * qia4 ru2 qi2 fen4 just right/ appropriate ganz so wie es sich geziemt, zutreffend + + +
D 挑撥 + + * * tiao3bo1 provoke aufhetzen, Zwietracht säen + + +
D 貸款 + + * * dai4 kuan3 extend credit to/ provide a loan Kredit gewähren + + +
D 昌盛 + + * * chang1sheng4 prosperous blühen und gedeihen + + +
D 報答 + + * * bao4da2 reciprocate/ pay back/ repay zurückzahlen + + +
D 議案 + + * * yi4'an4 proposal/ motion Antrag, Motion + + +
D 製品 + + * * zhi4pin3 product/ goods Produkte + + +
D 攻關 + + * * gong1guan1 tackle key problem eine Hürde nehmen, + + +
D 救災 + + * * jiu4 zai1 provide disaster relief Katastrophengeschädigte unterstützen, + + +
D 前程 + + * * qian2cheng2 future/ prospect Zukunft, Zukunftserwartung, Karriere + + +
D 議定書 + + * * yi4ding4shu1 protocol Protokoll + + +
D + + * * pi1 base/ blank/ semi-finished products Formling, Halbfertigprodukt, rohes Produkt, rohe Form + + +
D 前景 + + * * qian2jing3 prospect Vordergrund, Aussicht, Perspektive + + +
D 原材料 + + * * yuan2cai2liao4 raw and processed materials Rohmaterialien, Ausgangsprodukt + + +
D 不當 + + * * bu4dang4 improper unpassend, ungeeignet + + +
D 子孫 + + * * zi3sun1 progeny Kinder und Enkelkinder + + +
D 自發 + + * * zi4fa1 spontaneous/ unprompted spontan + + +
D 自負盈虧 + + * * zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1 assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses selbst für Gewinn und Verlust verantwortlich sein + + +
D 繁華 + + * * fan2hua2 prosperous belebt,gedeihend,blühend + + +
D 倡議 + + * * chang4yi4 propose/ sponsor vorschlagen, + + +
D 超產 + + * * chao1 chan3 over fulfill a production target das Produktionsziel übertreffen + + +
D + + * * xing1 prosper/ rise 1.gedeihen, aufblühen 2. beginnen, anfangen, starten 3.fördern, beleben,unterstützen, + + +
D 興旺 + + * * xing1wang4 prosperous gedeihen, aufblühen + + +
D 試用 + + * * shi4yong4 on probation/ try out probeweise gebrauchen, jn auf die Probe stellen + + +
D 強盛 + + * * qiang2sheng4 powerful and prosperous mächtig und blühend + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
strong, powerful, energetic
abundant, flourishing / contain / fill

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

pro : Playing a sport as a job
pro Profi มือโปร pro pro professionista ammattilainen

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

pro. adv: Taking_sides +

pro. n: Expertise +

probability. n: Likelihood +

probability. n: Probability +

probable. a: Likelihood +

probably. adv: Likelihood +

probe. n: Criminal_investigation +

probe. v: Scrutiny +

probe. v: Criminal_investigation +

problem. n: Predicament +

procedure. n: Means +

proceed. v: Self_motion +

proceed. v: Process_continue +

process. n: Process +

process. n: Means +

process. v: Processing_materials +

processed. a: Degree_of_processing +

proclaim. v: Statement +

proclamation. n: Statement +

proclivity. n: Inclination +

proctologist. n: Medical_professionals +

procure. v: Getting +

procurement [act]. n: Getting +

produce. v: Cause_to_start +

produce. v: Manufacturing +

produce. v: Behind_the_scenes +

produce. v: Creating +

produce. v: Intentionally_create +

produce. v: Condition_symptom_relation +

producer. n: Behind_the_scenes +

producer. n: Manufacturing +

producer. n: People_by_vocation +

product. n: Commutative_statement +

product. n: Manufacturing +

production. n: Manufacturing +

production. n: Creating +

production. n: Intentionally_create +

profess. v: Statement +

professional. a: People_by_vocation +

professor. n: Education_teaching +

professor. n: People_by_vocation +

proffer. v: Offering +

proficiency. n: Expertise +

proficient. a: Expertise +

profit. n: Earnings_and_losses +

profligacy. n: Frugality +

profligate. a: Frugality +

prognosticate. v: Predicting +

program. n: Project +

progress. n: Progress +

progress. v: Progress +

prohibit. v: Preventing +

prohibit. v: Deny_permission +

prohibit. v: Prohibiting +

prohibited. a: Legality +

prohibition. n: Prohibiting +

project. n: Project +

proletarian. a: Social_desirability +

proliferate. v: Proliferating_in_number +

proliferation. n: Proliferating_in_number +

proliferation. n: Cause_proliferation_in_number +

prolong. v: Change_event_duration +

promenade. v: Self_motion +

prominent. a: Prominence +

promise. n: Commitment +

promise. n: Omen +

promise. v: Commitment +

promise. v: Omen +

promising. a: Omen +

promote. v: Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale +

prompt. v: Cause_to_start +

promulgation. n: Statement +

prone. a: Likelihood +

prone. a: Inclination +

pronounce. v: Verdict +

pronounce. v: Spelling_and_pronouncing +

pronouncement. n: Statement +

proof-read. v: Inspecting +

proof. n: Evidence +

propagate. v: Giving_birth +

propel. v: Cause_motion +

propensity. n: Inclination +

proper. a: Suitability +

proper. a: Proper_reference +

property. n: Possession +

property. n: Locale_by_ownership +

prophecy. n: Predicting +

prophesy. v: Predicting +

proposal. n: Statement +

propose. v: Statement +

proposition. n: Statement +

proscribe. v: Prohibiting +

prosper. v: Thriving +

prosperity. n: Thriving +

prosperous. a: Wealthiness +

protect. v: Protecting +

protection [entity]. n: Protecting +

protection [event]. n: Protecting +

protege. n: Education_teaching +

protest. n: Protest +

protest. v: Protest +

protester. n: Protest +

protocol. n: Law +

prototype. n: Exemplar +

prototypical. a: Exemplariness +

protract. v: Change_event_duration +

prove. v: Evidence +

prove. v: Reasoning +

prove. v: Dough_rising +

prove. v: Turning_out +

proverbial. a: Unattributed_information +

provide. v: Supply +

provided. scon: Conditional_occurrence +

province. n: Political_locales +

provincial. a: Political_locales +

provision. n: Supply +

provision. n: Terms_of_agreement +

provision. v: Supply +

provoke. v: Cause_to_start +

provoke. v: Condition_symptom_relation +

prowess. n: Expertise +

prowl. v: Self_motion +

proximity. n: Gradable_proximity +


89 我们 爱护 地球 +
255 数学题 +
427 今年 股票 获利 +
441 工作 进展 顺利 +
447 许诺 一生 +
463 +
481 医生 治疗 牙病 +
509 工厂 生产 产品 +
543 广州 广东省 首府 +
569 工厂 制造 产品 +
574 数学题 容易 +
604 她们 提供 电话 服务 +
709 问题 解决 +
721 同事 讨论 方案 +
725 如何 解决 难题 +
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济 +
814 我们 爱护 生命 +
816 游泳 水平 提高 +
834 电脑 记录 证明 想法 +
910 产品 包装 +
937 同意 我们 提案 +
963 动物 保护 子女 天性 +
964 爱护 大自然 +
1013 他们 讨论 项目 +
1030 同意 方案 还是 大多数 +
1056 太极 运动 适合 老年人 +
1079 项目 利益 可观 +
1140 继承 家业 +
1189 受到 太太 责问 +
1204 他们 通过 协商 解决 问题 +
1208 我们 应该 保护 历史 资源 +
1361 计算 错误 +
1404 正在 节目 +
1434 复杂 +
1466 生产 顺序 进行 +
1467 公路 交通 次序 良好 +
1505 继承 父亲 遗产 +
1626 客人 推销 商品 +
1631 绳索 保护 自己 +
1645 公司 召开 新品 发布 +
1660 扩散 +
1665 老板 赞成 意见 +
1666 首饰 珠宝商 赞助 +
1668 沿 公路 前走 +
1718 绘画 促进 大脑 发育 +
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 +
1949 题目 深奥 不会 +
1959 房产 抵押 贷款 +
1985 利润 上升 +
2008 队伍 整齐 +
2059 违背 诺言 +
2334 生意 带来 巨大 利润 +
2342 国家 越来越 繁荣 昌盛 +
2355 他们 钻研 问题 +
2377 得奖 感到 骄傲 +
2386 公司 终于 赢利 +
2394 会吐丝 +
2397 他们 信奉 基督教 +
2405 他们 合作 +
2448 问题 困扰 +
2456 大概 13 +
2528 天色 逼近 黄昏 +
2538 他用 钻石 戒指 求婚 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +
2622 父母 成功 感到 骄傲 +
2712 经济 萧条 导致 失业 问题 +
2848 问题 棘手 +
2865 挑衅 +
3001 我们 今年 盈利 状况 +
3005 觉得 电视 节目 内容 庸俗 +
3032 农业 收益 兆亿 美金 +
3163 孩子 受到 父母 庇护 +
3247 豆腐 烹饪 原料 +
3250 广州市 广东省 管辖 +
3257 办理 出国 手续 繁琐 +
3281 生活 淫乱 +
3326 古诗 韵味 +
3538 老师 孩子 谚语 故事 +
3577 +
3585 负责 香港 推广 这个 网站 +
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题 +
3629 邀请 推辞 +
3663 现在 大学生 博大精深 中华 文化 皮毛 +
3671 精益求精 +
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 +
3736 不在 这儿 可能 干活儿 +
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴 +
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱 +
3775 不仅 学校 问题 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[inappropriate] not suitable
[productive] generative
[profound] deep
[progressive] favoring or promoting progress
[proper] suitable
[proud] feeling self-respect
[provincial] characteristic of the provinces
[approval] blessing
[compromise] allowance, accommodation with concessions
[improvement] condition superior to an earlier one
[problem] trouble
[problem] question
[process] procedure
[produce] green goods, green groceries
[producer] film or play producer
[product] merchandise, ware
[product] mathematical product obtained by multiplication
[product] consequence of someone's efforts
[production] act or process of producing something
[production] presentation for the stage or screen or radio or TV
[production] output, yield
[profession] occupation
[professional] professional person
[professor] prof
[profile] side view
[profit] gain
[program] plan, series of steps to be carried
[program] announcement of a theatrical event
[program] broadcast
[program] computer program
[progress] advancement, gain
[project] undertaking, task, enterprise
[projection] image projection
[promise] verbal commitment
[promotion] rising in rank
[promotion] publicity
[proof] cogent evidence
[proof] mathematical proofs
[property] attribute, dimension
[property] belongings, holding, material possession
[proportion] dimension
[proportion] quotient of magnitude of a part and magnitude of the whole
[proposal] proposition
[proposal] marriage proposal
[proposition] statement
[prosecution] criminal prosecution
[prospect] expectation, outlook
[prosperity] economic prosperity
[protection] protecting someone or something
[protest] objection, dissent
[provision] supply, supplying
[reproduction] replica, replication, copy
[approach] near, draw near, draw close, come near
[approve] O.K., okay, sanction
[compromise] make a compromise
[prosper] boom, thrive, flourish
[improve] better, amend, ameliorate
[proclaim] exclaim, promulgate, state, announce
[produce] grow, raise, farm, cultivate
[profit] turn a profit
[prosecute] bring a criminal action against
[protect] shield from danger
[prove] show, demonstrate, establish
[provide] supply, render, furnish
[provoke] arouse, evoke an emotion or response
[promote] upgrade, advance, kick upstairs
[reproduce] make a copy

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

pro + pro + pro + pro +

문제 (question,problem) + + 내다 (produce something) + + 과정 (Process or course) + + 프로그램 ( Program) + + 나가다 (To advance, proceed, go forward) + + 지키다 (Protect, maintain) + + 계획 (A plan or a project) + + 방식 (A form, method, process) + + 생산 (1) production 2)birth) + + 제대로 (As properly is suitable) + + 벌이다 ((1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game) + + 재산 (property,fortune, assets, possessions) + + (About, approximately) + + 아마 (Probably) + + 보호 (protection,shelter) + + 상품 (Product) + + 예정 (A program, schedule) + + 해결하다 ( To fix a problem, solve a question) + + 약속 (A promise) + + 진행되다 ( To have progressed, be advanced) + + 과제 (A subject or a thesis or homework; an exercise/a problem) + + 다가오다 ( Approach) + + 형님 (The respectful, proper way a man refers to an older friend) + + 밝다 (To be promising) + + 추진하다 ( To propel, drive forward) + + 이익 (Profit) + + 절차 (process,formalities; 수속) + + 제공하다 ( offer,proffer) + + 식물 (food,provisions) + + 고장 (A district or producing area) + + 주어지다 ( To offer, proffer (conditions)) + + 전망 (A view,prospect) + + 규정 (Provision or stipulation) + + 개선 (Renovation or improvement or betterment) + + 바람직하다 (Be desirable, advisable, to be appropriate, good) + + 보호하다 ( protect,shelter,guard) + + 생산하다 ( To produce,make) + + 프로 (Professional) + + 공급 (Supply or provision) + + 접근 (Proximity) + + 거부하다 ( Deny or reject or disapprove) + + 식량 (food,provisions) + + 상당하다 ( Be proper,suitable) + + 적절하다 ( Appropriateness) + + 농산물 (Agricultural products) + + 물가 (Prices of products) + + 아마도 (Probably) + + 증거 (evidence,proof) + + 제작 (manufacture,production) + + 추진 (Propulsion, drive) + + 마련 (planning, making arrangements ; provisions, preparations) + + 진행 (Progress, advance) + + 접근하다 ( approach,get near) + + 그늘 (1) shade 2)parental prodection) + + 예절 (propriety,decorum) + + 대비하다 ( Provide for, prepare onself for) + + 자랑스럽다 (To be proud) + + 적당하다 ( To be appropriate) + + 진행하다 ( Advance, proceed) + + 금지 (Forbidden or prohibitted) + + 연출 (Production, presentation) + + 약속하다 ( To make a promise) + + 비난 (Criticism, reproach) + + 적당히 (suitable,proper) + + 프로 (Program) + + 마땅하다 ( Be right, approppriate) + + 생산력 (Productive capacity) + + 자랑하다 ( To be proud) + + 허용하다 ( To permit, approve, grant, allow) + + 검사 (A public prosecutor) + + 항의 (A protest) + + 개선하다 ( To renovate or to improve) + + 향상 (Improve; elevation,rise) + + 감싸다 (1) wrap up or tuck in 2) to protect or defend) + + 생산되다 ( To be produced) + + 제작하다 ( To produce,manufacture) + + 예방 (Prevention, protection) + + 유리하다 ( To be profitable, favorable) + + 증명하다 ( To prove,show,bear) + + 상당 (proper,fit,suitable) + + 속담 (A proverb,saying) + + 제의 (A proposal,an offer) + + 승진 (promotion,advancement) + + 엎드리다 ( Prostrate oneself, lie on the ground) + + 국산 (A country’s product) + + 선언하다 ( declare,proclaim,announce) + + 생산자 (A producer) + + 신규 (A new regulation, a new project, sth new on a big scale ; work being done anew) + + 제안 (A proposal,suggestion) + + 제안하다 ( To propose,make a suggestion) + + 진급 (Promotion) + + 제자리 (The proper/original place) + + 예정되다 ( Make a program, set a schedule) + + 공식적 (Formal or procedural) + + 야단 (A clamro, uproar 2) a scolding) + + 허용되다 ( To be permitted, approved) + + 예방하다 ( To protect, prevent, fend off) + + 탁월하다 ( Be excellent, prominished) + + 보호되다 ( To be protected) + + 나아지다 ( Become better, be improved) + + 개선되다 ( To be renovated or to get improved) + + 교직 (The teaching profession) + + 금지하다 ( To restrain or prohibit) + + 계획하다 ( Plan or make a project) + + 대비 (Provision, preparation) + + 발전되다 ( Be advanced, prospering) + + 선전 (Propaganda) + + 연출하다 ( Produce, present (a play)) + + 유산 (An inheritence, property left behind) + + 해답 (A solution to a problem, an answer to a question) + + 발음 (Pronunciation) + + 연장 (Extension, prolongation) + + 금지되다 ( To be forbidden or prohibited) + + 허락 (Consent, assent, approval) + + 금연 (Prohibition of smoking) + + 신제품 (A new product) + + 심심하다 ( Be deep and profound) + + 재활용품 ( A recycled product) + + 문제되다 ( Become a problem) + + 받침 (Support, prop) + + 대학교수 ( University professor) + + 즉석 (instantly,impromptu) + + 복사 (Reproduction) + + 수입품 (An imported product) + + (A plan,proposal,suggestion) + + 찬성하다 ( To approve, support (a plan)) + + 복사하다 ( reproduce,copy) + + (A bud,sprout) + + 양보 (concession,compromise) + + 일회용품 ( A product to be used only once) + + 찬성 (approval,assent) + + 해물 (Marine products) + + 발음하다 ( Pronounce) + + 경상도 (Kyung-San-Do province (ulsan or kyungju)) + +

+ + + + + + + +