A + + * * teng2 ache/ pain 1. schmerzen,wehtun 2. vernarrt sein, jn innig lieben, gern haben + + +
A + + * * hua4 draw/ paint 1. malen,zeichnen 2. Malerei, Zeichnung, Bild 3. mit Bildern geschmückt + + +
A 畫兒 + + * * hua4r drawing/ picture/ painting Bild,Zeichnung,Gemälde + + +
B 難受 + + * * nan2shou4 feel unwell/ suffer pain sich unwohl fühlen,traurig, schwermutig + + +
B 哎呀 + + * * ai1ya1 1. oh, used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s surprise 2. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s disgust, pain or displeasure eine Interjektion, Ach ! + + +
B + + * * tong4 feel painful/ agonize/ ache 1. Schmerz, Weh, Leiden 2. Trauer, Kummer 3. äußerst, höchst sehr + + +
B 痛苦 + + * * tong4ku3 painful/ suffering Schmerz + + +
B + + * * tu2 paint/ smear 1. beschmieren, bestreichen 2. etw flüchtig hinschreiben, hinschmieren 3. abwischen, entfernen + + +
B + + * * fu2 measure word for pictures; paintings; etc. 1. Breite einer Stoffbahn 2. Größe, Umfang, Format 3. Zählwort für Bilder + + +
C 哎喲 + + * * ai1yo1 1. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or pain etc. eine Interjektion, Ach ! + + +
C 圖畫 + + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild + + +
C + + * * zui4 crime/ guilt/ sin/ fault/ blame/ suffering/ pain/ hardship 1. Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld, 2. Fehler, Schuld 3. Leid, Kummer, Schmerzen 4. jm die Schuld geben + + +
C 吃力 + + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten + + +
C + + * * qi1 paint/ lacquer 1. Lack, Anstrichfarbe 2. lackieren, streichen + + +
C 操心 + + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern + + +
C + + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel + + +
C 畫家 + + * * hua4jia1 painter/ artist Maler + + +
C 忍受 + + * * ren3shou4 bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) aushalten, ertragen, still leiden + + +
C 毛筆 + + * * mao2bi3 Chinese writing and painting brush Schreibpinsel + + +
D + + * * hui4 draw/ paint malen,zeichnen + + +
D 繪畫 + + * * hui4hua4 paint/ painting malen, Gemälde + + +
D 油畫 + + * * you2hua4 painting Ölmalerei + + +
D 油漆 + + * * you2qi1 oil paint Lack, Anstrichfarbe, streichen, anstreichen, lackieren + + +
D + + * * miao2 draw/ paint 1.abzeichen,appausen, kopieren 2. übermalen, retuschieren + + +
D 心血 + + * * xin1xue4 painstaking effort große Mühe, Anstrengung (wörtlich: Herzblut) + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
heart / mind, intelligence / soul
blood / radical number 143

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from WOLD edited by Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License.

pain : +

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

pain : strong feeling of hurt or discomfort
pain Schmerz 疼痛 ความเจ็บปวด douleur dolor dolore kipu

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

pain. n: Perception_body +

pain. v: Perception_body +

paint. v: Filling +

paint. v: Create_representation +

paint. v: Create_physical_artwork +

paint. v: Communicate_categorization +

painted. a: Abounding_with +

painter. n: People_by_vocation +

painting. n: Physical_artworks +


28 作画 +
831 油漆 +
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 +
2056 胸口 有点 +
2213 油漆 +
2266 粉刷 墙壁 +
2407 油漆 已经 剥落 +
2581 颜色 均匀 +
2775 他们 +
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆 +
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 +
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[pain] physical pain
[pain] emotional distress, painfulness
[pain] pain in the neck, nuisance
[paint] substance used to protect or decorate
[painter] artist
[paint] apply paint to, coat with paint
[paint] make a painting

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

pain + pain + pain + pain + pain + pain + pain +
pain đau, sự đau đớn + + pain khổ + +

đau + + pain

애쓰다 (Make efforts/pains to do sth) + + 통증 (An ache, pain) + + 아픔 (Pain) + + 화가 (A painter, a drawer artist) + + 괴롭다 (Be painful or distressing) + + 고통스럽다 (Be painful or torment) + + 칠하다 (Paint, coat) + + 수고 (toil,labor,pains) + + 진통 (Labor pains, travail) + + 몸살 (Flu aches and pains) + + 페인트 (Paint) + +

+ + + + + + + +