A 首都 + + * * shou3du1 capital Hauptstadt + + +
B + + * * zhou3 head/ first/ leader/ measure word for songs 1. Haupt, Kopf 2. Oberhaupt , Häuptling, Anführer 3. Zählwort Lied 4. der erste + + +
B 首先 + + * * shou3xian1 first/ above all/ first of all Zuerst + + +
C 為首 + + * * wei2shou3 as-head/ be headed by/ be led by mit jm an der Spitze + + +
D 首創 + + * * shou3chuang4 initiate/ originate etw einleiten, als erster etw. tun, die Initiative ergreifen + + +
D 首領 + + * * shou3ling3 leader/ chieftain Häuptling, Führer, Anführer + + +
D 首腦 + + * * shou3nao3 head Oberhaupt, Chef + + +
D 首席 + + * * shou3xi2 doyen/ chief Ehrenplatz, Chef + + +
D 首相 + + * * shou3xiang4 premier Kanzler, Premier, Ministerpräsident + + +
D 首要 + + * * shou3yao4 chief/ principal erstrangig, hauptsächlich + + +
D 首長 + + * * shou3zhang3 director/ principal führender Funktionär, ranghoher Offizier + + +
D 元首 + + * * yuan2shou3 head of state Staatsoberhaupt + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
first / dollar / origin / head
head / first / leader, chief / a poem

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

首' + * * + head/ chief first (occ
首付' + 首付* * + down payment/
首付款' + 首付款* * + down payment/
首任' + 首任* * + first person to be appointed to a post/
首位' + 首位* * + first place/
首例' + 首例* * + first case/ first instance
首倡' + 首倡* * + to initiate/
首先' + 首先* * + first (of all)/ in the first place
首創' + 首创* * + to create/ original creation to be the
首創者' + 首创者* * + creator/ originator first prop
首善之區' + 首善之区* * + the finest place in the nation (often used in reference to the capital city)/ also written 首善之地
首字母' + 首字母* * + initial /
首字母拚音詞' + 首字母拚音词* * + acronym/
首字母縮寫' + 首字母缩写* * + acronym/
首季' + 首季* * + first season/ first quarter
首家' + 首家* * + first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)/
首富' + 首富* * + richest individual/ top millionaire
首尾' + 首尾* * + head and tail/
首尾相接' + 首尾相接* * + to join head to tail/ bumper-to-bumper (of traffic jam)
首尾音' + 首尾音* * + onset and rime/
首屆' + 首届* * + first session (of a conference etc)/
首屈一指' + 首屈一指* * + to count as number one (idiom); second to none/ outstanding
首層' + 首层* * + first floor/ ground floor
首席' + 首席* * + chief (representative, correspondent etc)/
首席代表' + 首席代表* * + chief representative/
首席信息官' + 首席信息官* * + chief information officer (CIO)/
首席執行官' + 首席执行官* * + chief executive officer (CEO)/
首席大法官' + 首席大法官* * + Chief Justice (of US Supreme Court)/
首席技術官' + 首席技术官* * + chief technology officer (CTO)/
首席法官' + 首席法官* * + Chief Justice/
首席營銷官' + 首席营销官* * + chief marketing officer (CMO)/
首席財務官' + 首席财务官* * + chief financial officer (CFO)/
首席運營官' + 首席运营官* * + chief operating officer (COO)/
首府' + 首府* * + capital city of an autonomous region/
首度' + 首度* * + first time/
首推' + 首推* * + to regard as the foremost/ to name as a prime example
首日封' + 首日封* * + first day of issue/
首映' + 首映* * + premiere (of a play or film)/ opening night first-run
首映式' + 首映式* * + premiere of a movie/
首次' + 首次* * + first/ first time for the fi
首次公開招股' + 首次公开招股* * + initial public offering (IPO)/
首次注視時間' + 首次注视时间* * + first fixation duration/
首款' + 首款* * + to confess one's crime/ first model, version, kind etc (of gadgets, software, cars etc)
首演' + 首演* * + maiden stage role/ first performance first publ
首爾' + 首尔* * + Seoul, capital of South Korea (Chinese spelling adopted in 2005)/
首爾國立大學' + 首尔国立大学* * + Seoul National University (SNU or Seoul National), Korea/
首爾市' + 首尔市* * + Seoul Metropolitan City, capital of South Korea (Chinese spelling adopted in 2005)/
首爾特別市' + 首尔特别市* * + Seoul Metropolitan City, capital of South Korea (Chinese spelling adopted in 2005)/
首當其衝' + 首当其冲* * + to bear the brunt/
首發' + 首发* * + first issue/ first public showing
首相' + 首相* * + prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)/
首級' + 首级* * + severed head/
首縣' + 首县* * + principal county magistrate in imperial China/
首腦' + 首脑* * + head (of state)/ summit (meeting) leader
首腦會晤' + 首脑会晤* * + leadership meeting/
首腦會談' + 首脑会谈* * + summit talks/ discussion between heads of state
首腦會議' + 首脑会议* * + leadership conference/ summit meeting
首要' + 首要* * + the most important/ of chief importance
首要任務' + 首要任务* * + most important task/
首輪' + 首轮* * + first round (of a competition etc)/
首辦' + 首办* * + first organized/ to run sth for the first time
首選' + 首选* * + first choice/ premium to come fi
首邑' + 首邑* * + local capital/ regional capital
首都' + 首都* * + capital (city)/ CL:個|个
首都劇場' + 首都剧场* * + the Cap /
首都國際機場' + 首都国际机场* * + Beijing Capital International Airport/
首都機場' + 首都机场* * + Beijing airport (PEK)/ also translated as Capital airport
首都經濟貿易大學' + 首都经济贸易大学* * + Capital University of Economics and Business (Beijing)/
首都經貿大學' + 首都经贸大学* * + Capital University of Business and Economics, Beijing/
首都領地' + 首都领地* * + capital territory/ Australian Capital Territory (ACT) around Canberra 堪培拉
首重' + 首重* * + to emphasize/ to give the most weight to to rank fi
首長' + 首长* * + senior official/
首音' + 首音* * + onset/
首頁' + 首页* * + home page (of a website)/ title page front page
首領' + 首领* * + head/ boss chief
首飾' + 首饰* * + jewelry/ head ornament

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


281 北京 中国 首都 +
301 伦敦 英国 首都 +
543 广州 广东省 首府 +
879 总统 美国 政府 首脑 +
1530 邱吉尔 英国 首相 +
1666 首饰 珠宝商 赞助 +
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都 +
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 +
2636 议员 首次 公开 露面 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +