B + + * * shun4 along entlang, längs + + +
B 順便 + 便+ * * shun4bian4 conveniently/ in passing bei passender Gelegenheit + + +
B 順利 + + * * shun4li4 go smoothly/ successful reibungslos, zügig, glatt + + +
C 一路順風 + + * * yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1 Safe journey gute Reise ! + + +
C + + * * shun4 smooth/ put in order/ be agreeable to/ yield to 1. in derselben Richtung, mit 2. annehmlich, gefällig sein 3. anordnen, etw in Ordnung bringen 4. gehorchen + + +
C 順手 + + * * shun4shou3 smooth and handy/ convenient/ without difficulty reibungslos,ohne Schwierigkeiten,wenn möglich,tunlichst,bei Gelegenheit, nebenbei + + +
C 通順 + + * * tong1shun4 logical-smooth/ clear and coherent klar und verständlich + + +
D 一帆風順 + + * * yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 plain sailing günstigen Wind haben, freie Fahrt haben, alles geht glatt + + +
D 順序 + + * * shun4xu4 order/ sequence Reihenfolge, der Reihe,nach + + +
D 孝順 + + * * xiao4shun4 obedient (den Eltern gegenüber) pietätvoll und gehorsam sein + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
filial piety, obedience / mourning
obey, submit to, go along with

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

順' + * * + to obey/ to follow to arrange
順位' + 顺位* * + rank/ place position
順便' + 顺便* * + conveniently/ in passing without mu
順其自然' + 顺其自然* * + to let nature take its course (idiom)/
順利' + 顺利* * + smoothly/ without a hitch
順勢' + 顺势* * + to take advantage/ to seize an opportunity in passing
順勢療法' + 顺势疗法* * + homeopathy (alternative medicine)/
順化' + 顺化* * + Hue, city in central Vietnam and capital of Thua Thien province/
順口' + 顺口* * + to read smoothly (of text)/ to blurt out (without thinking) to suit on
順口溜' + 顺口溜* * + popular piece of doggerel/ common phrase repeated as a jingle
順和' + 顺和* * + gentle/ affable
順嘴' + 顺嘴* * + to read smoothly (of text)/ to blurt out (without thinking) to suit on
順嘴兒' + 顺嘴儿* * + to read smoothly (of text)/ to blurt out (without thinking) to suit on
順坦' + 顺坦* * + smoothly/ as one expects
順城' + 顺城* * + Shuncheng district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning/
順城區' + 顺城区* * + Shuncheng district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning/
順境' + 顺境* * + favorable circumstances/
順導' + 顺导* * + to guide sth on its proper course/ to guide towards profitable outcome
順差' + 顺差* * + (trade or budget) surplus/
順帶' + 顺带* * + (do sth) in passing/ incidentally (while doing sth else)
順平' + 顺平* * + Shunping county in Baoding 保定/
順平縣' + 顺平县* * + Shunpin /
順序' + 顺序* * + sequenc order/
順序數' + 顺序数* * + ordinal number/
順延' + 顺延* * + to postpone/ to procrastinate
順式' + 顺式* * + cis- (isomer) (chemistry)/ see also 反式
順從' + 顺从* * + obedien to comply/ to submit to defer
順德' + 顺德* * + Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市/
順德區' + 顺德区* * + Shunde /
順心' + 顺心* * + happy satisfactory/
順意' + 顺意* * + pleasant/ agreeable
順慶' + 顺庆* * + Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充市/
順慶區' + 顺庆区* * + Shunqin /
順應' + 顺应* * + to comp to conform to/ in tune with adapting t
順應不良' + 顺应不良* * + inability to adjust/ unable to adapt
順應天時' + 顺应天时* * + going with nature and the seasons (TCM)/
順我者昌逆我者亡' + 顺我者昌逆我者亡* * + submit to me and prosper, or oppose me and perish/
順手' + 顺手* * + easily/ without trouble while one
順手兒' + 顺手儿* * + handy/ convenient and easy to use smoothly
順手牽羊' + 顺手牵羊* * + lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emerge/ to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
順敘' + 顺叙* * + chronological narrative/
順昌' + 顺昌* * + Shunchang county in Nanping 南平/
順昌縣' + 顺昌县* * + Shuncha /
順時針' + 顺时针* * + clockwi /
順暢' + 顺畅* * + smooth and unhindered/ fluent
順服' + 顺服* * + to submit to/
順次' + 顺次* * + in order/ in proper sequence
順民' + 顺民* * + docile subject (of new dynasty)/ toady
順氣' + 顺气* * + nice/ pleasant
順水' + 顺水* * + with the current/
順水人情' + 顺水人情* * + to do sb a favor at little cost/
順水推舟' + 顺水推舟* * + lit. to push the boat with the current/ fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit
順水推船' + 顺水推船* * + lit. to push the boat with the current/ fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit
順河區' + 顺河区* * + Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市/
順河回族區' + 顺河回族区* * + Shunhe /
順治' + 顺治* * + reign n /
順治帝' + 顺治帝* * + Fulin Emperor Shunzhi (1638-1662), second Qing emperor, reigned 1644-1662/
順溜' + 顺溜* * + orderly/ tidy smooth
順潮' + 顺潮* * + favorable tide/
順理成章' + 顺理成章* * + logical/ only to be expected rational a
順產' + 顺产* * + to give birth without complications/ easy childbirth safe deliv
順當' + 顺当* * + smoothly/
順眼' + 顺眼* * + pleasing to the eye/ nice to look at
順磁' + 顺磁* * + paramagnetic/
順義' + 顺义* * + Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county/
順義區' + 顺义区* * + Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county/
順耳' + 顺耳* * + pleasing to the ear/
順著' + 顺着* * + to follow/ following along
順藤摸瓜' + 顺藤摸瓜* * + lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon/ to track sth following clues
順行' + 顺行* * + circular motion in the same sense as the sun/ clockwise
順訪' + 顺访* * + to visit in passing/
順路' + 顺路* * + by the way/ while out doing sth else convenient
順遂' + 顺遂* * + everything is going smoothly/ just as one wishes
順道' + 顺道* * + on the way/
順適' + 顺适* * + agreeable/ to conform
順風' + 顺风* * + lit. tail wind/ Bon voyage!
順風耳' + 顺风耳* * + sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction)/ fig. a well-informed person
順風車' + 顺风车* * + vehicle that gives one a free ride/ (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails (take adva
順風轉舵' + 顺风转舵* * + to act according to whatever is the current outlook/ pragmatic unprincipl

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


393 顺利 儿子 +
441 工作 进展 顺利 +
739 双方 业务 开展 顺利 +
1224 工作 之余 顺便 巴黎 游玩 +
1301 蜡烛 顺次 排列 +
1302 走。 +
1466 生产 顺序 进行 +
2550 鹿 温顺 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +