B + + * * lou4 reveal/ show zeigen, erscheinen, etwas sichtbar werden lassen siehe lu4 + + +
C 露面 + + * * lou4 mian4 show one's face/ make an appearance/ show up sich sehen lassen, öffentlich in Erscheinung treten,z. Vorschein komm + + +
C + + * * lu4 uncover/ expose/ reveal/ show 1.entblößen, enthüllen,entlarven 2.Tau 3. Saft, Sirup siehe lou4 + + +
C 暴露 + + * * bao4lu4 expose/ lay bare/ divulge/ undress enthüllen, offenlegen,etwas ans Tageslicht bringen + + +
C 揭露 + + * * jie1lu4 uncover/ disclose/ unmask/ expose/ unveil/ lay bare an die Öffentlichkeit bringen + + +
D 流露 + + * * liu2lu4 reveal offenbaren, zeigen, verraten + + +
D 泄露 + + * * xie4lou4 let out/ leak/ divulge verraten, ausplaudern, preisgeben + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
leak / vent / flow / reveal
dew / bare, open, exposed

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

露' + * * + surname Lu/
露' + * * + to show/ to reveal to betray
露' + * * + dew/ syrup nectar
露一手' + 露一手* * + to show off one's abilities/ to exhibit one's skills
露出' + 露出* * + to expose/ to show also pr.
露出馬腳' + 露出马脚* * + to reve to give the game away/
露天' + 露天* * + outdoors/ al fresco in the ope
露天堆棧' + 露天堆栈* * + open-air repository/ open-air depot
露天大戲院' + 露天大戏院* * + open-air amphitheater/
露天宿營' + 露天宿营* * + camping in the open/ living outdoors
露宿' + 露宿* * + to sleep outdoors/ to spend the night in the open
露富' + 露富* * + to show one's wealth/ to let one's wealth show
露底' + 露底* * + to let out a secret/
露怯' + 露怯* * + to display one's ignorance/ to make a fool of oneself by an ignorant blunder
露水' + 露水* * + dew/ fig. short-lasting ephemeral
露水夫妻' + 露水夫妻* * + a couple in a short-lived, improper relationship/
露水姻緣' + 露水姻缘* * + casual romance/ short-lived relationship
露營' + 露营* * + to camp out/ camping
露珠' + 露珠* * + dewdrop/
露白' + 露白* * + to reveal one's valuables inadvertently/ to betray one's silver (money) when traveling
露相' + 露相* * + to show one's true colors/
露背' + 露背* * + halterneck/ backless (garment)
露臉' + 露脸* * + to show one's face/ to make one's good name to become
露臺' + 露台* * + balcony/ patio flat roof
露苗' + 露苗* * + (young sprouts) come out/ same as 出苗
露茜' + 露茜* * + Lucy (f /
露袒' + 露袒* * + exposed/ uncovered naked
露西' + 露西* * + Lucy/
露醜' + 露丑* * + to make a fool of oneself/
露陰癖' + 露阴癖* * + indecent exposure/ flashing
露面' + 露面* * + to show one's face/ to appear (in public)
露韓' + 露韩* * + to expose/ to reveal
露頭' + 露头* * + to show one's head/ to give a sign to show one's presence
露風' + 露风* * + to divulge a secret/ to leak
露餡' + 露馅* * + to leak/ to expose (sb's secret) to spill t
露餡兒' + 露馅儿* * + erhua variant of 露餡|露馅/
露馬腳' + 露马脚* * + to reve to give the game away/
露骨' + 露骨* * + blatant/ unsubtle frank
露體' + 露体* * + naked/
露點' + 露点* * + dew point/ (coll.) (of a woman) to expose one of the three areas (nipples and genitals)
露齒' + 露齿* * + to grin/ also pr.
露齒而笑' + 露齿而笑* * + to grin /

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1237 叶子 露水 +
1607 他们 野外 露营 +
2171 朋友 泄露 秘密 +
2393 男朋友 吐露 心声 +
2636 议员 首次 公开 露面 +
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +