B + + * * shan3 flash 1. schnell ausweichen, geschwind aus dem Weg gehen 2.verrenken, verdrehen 3.Blitz, 4. aufblitzen, aufleuchten, kurz aufscheinen + + +
C 閃電 + + * * shan3dian4 lightning Blitz + + +
C 閃爍 + + * * shan3shuo4 twinkle/ glimmer/ glitter/ hum and haw/ equivocate glimmern,glitzern,funkeln + + +
D 閃耀 + 耀+ * * shan3yao4 sparkle/ twinkle funkeln, glitzern,glänzen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
flash / avoid, dodge, evade
耀 耀 shine, sparkle, dazzle / glory

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

閃' + * * + surname Shan/
閃' + * * + to dodge/ to duck out of the way to beat it
閃亮' + 闪亮* * + brilliant/ shiny a flare
閃亮兒' + 闪亮儿* * + erhua variant of 閃亮|闪亮/
閃人' + 闪人* * + (coll.) to take French leave/
閃光' + 闪光* * + flash/
閃光燈' + 闪光灯* * + flash bulb (photography)/
閃光膠' + 闪光胶* * + glitter glue/
閃光點' + 闪光点* * + lit. flash point/ crucial point essential
閃動' + 闪动* * + to flicker or flash/
閃卡' + 闪卡* * + flashcard/
閃含語系' + 闪含语系* * + Hamito-Semitic family of languages (incl. Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew etc)/
閃失' + 闪失* * + mishap/ accident accidental
閃婚' + 闪婚* * + lightning wedding/ to get married on the spur of the moment
閃存' + 闪存* * + (electronic) flash memory/
閃存盤' + 闪存盘* * + USB flash drive/ jump drive thumb driv
閃射' + 闪射* * + to radiate/ to shine glitter of
閃念' + 闪念* * + sudden idea/ flash of thought
閃擊' + 闪击* * + lightning attack/ Blitzkrieg
閃擊戰' + 闪击战* * + lightning war/ Blitzkrieg
閃族' + 闪族* * + the Semites/
閃映' + 闪映* * + twinkle/ flare
閃灼' + 闪灼* * + flash/
閃熠' + 闪熠* * + to flare/ to flash
閃爍' + 闪烁* * + flickering/ twinkling evasive
閃爍其詞' + 闪烁其词* * + to speak evasively (idiom); beating about the bush/
閃爍體' + 闪烁体* * + scintillator/
閃現' + 闪现* * + to flash/
閃痛' + 闪痛* * + stabbing pain/ intermittent flash of pain
閃眼' + 闪眼* * + to dazzle (coll.)/ open ice-hole
閃石' + 闪石* * + amphibole (silicate rock-forming mineral)/
閃米特' + 闪米特* * + Semitic/
閃耀' + 闪耀* * + to glint/ to glitter to sparkle
閃語' + 闪语* * + Semitic language/
閃身' + 闪身* * + to dodge/
閃躲' + 闪躲* * + to dodge/ to evade
閃輝' + 闪辉* * + scintillation/
閃轉騰挪' + 闪转腾挪* * + to move nimbly about, dodging and weaving (martial arts)/
閃過' + 闪过* * + to flash through (one's mind)/ to dodge (away from pursuers)
閃避' + 闪避* * + to dodge/ to sidestep
閃鑠' + 闪铄* * + variant of 閃爍|闪烁/
閃閃' + 闪闪* * + flicker sparkling/ glistening glittering
閃開' + 闪开* * + to get out of the way/
閃電' + 闪电* * + lightning/ CL:道
閃電式結婚' + 闪电式结婚* * + lightni to get married on the spur of the moment/ abbr. to 閃婚|闪婚
閃電戰' + 闪电战* * + Blitzkrieg/ lightning war
閃露' + 闪露* * + to reveal momentarily/
閃靈' + 闪灵* * + The Shining (1980 Stanley Kubrick film from Stephen King's 1977 novel)/ ChthoniC (Taiwanese metal band)
閃點' + 闪点* * + flash point/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


360 闪电 +
1777 小心 +
2470 很多 惧怕 闪电 +
3103 闪电 瞬间 照亮 天空 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +