A 永遠 + + * * yong3yuan3 for good/ forever/ ever/ always ewig,für immer + + +
A + + * * yuan3 far/ remote 1. weit, fern 2. weitläufig, fern 3. bei weitem 4. einen Abstand von jm halten + + +
C 遙遠 + + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen + + +
C 長遠 + + * * chang2yuan3 long-distant/ long-term/ long-range langfristig, auf lange Dauer + + +
D 深遠 + + * * shen1yuan3 far-reaching tiefgreifend und dauernd, weitreichend + + +
D 敬而遠之 + + * * jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1 keep someone at a respectful distance in respektvollem Abstand zu jn stehen + + +
D 跳遠 + + * * tiao4yuan3 long jump Weitsprung + + +
D 望遠鏡 + + * * wang4yuan3jing4 telescope Fernrohr, Teleskop + + +
D 遠大 + + * * yuan3da4 long-range weitgehend, weitreichend + + +
D 遠方 + + * * yuan3fang1 far distance Ferne + + +
D 遠景 + + * * yuan3jing3 distance/ future Fernsicht, Aussicht, Gesamtaufnahme + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
distant, remote, far / profound
scenery, view / conditions

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

遠' + * * + far distant/ remote (intensifi
遠' + * * + to distance oneself from (classical)/
遠人' + 远人* * + an estranged person/ sb who is alienated people far
遠光燈' + 远光灯* * + high beam (headlights)/
遠勞' + 远劳* * + you have made a long and exhausting journey (套语 polite talk)/ you will make a long trip (when asking a favor that involves going to a far away place)
遠古' + 远古* * + antiquity/ ancient times
遠因' + 远因* * + indirect cause/ remote cause
遠地點' + 远地点* * + apsis/
遠大' + 远大* * + far-reaching/ broad ambitious
遠大理想' + 远大理想* * + lofty ideal/
遠天' + 远天* * + heaven/ the distant sky
遠安' + 远安* * + Yuan'an county in Yichang 宜昌/
遠安縣' + 远安县* * + Yuan'an /
遠客' + 远客* * + guest f /
遠征' + 远征* * + an expedition, esp. military/ march to remote regions
遠征軍' + 远征军* * + expeditionary force/ army on a distant expedition
遠志' + 远志* * + far-reaching ambition/ lofty ideal milkwort (
遠慮' + 远虑* * + long term (considerations)/ (to take) the long view
遠房' + 远房* * + distantly related/ a distant relative
遠揚' + 远扬* * + (fame) spreads far and wide/
遠方' + 远方* * + far away/ a distant location
遠方來鴻' + 远方来鸿* * + letter from afar (literary)/
遠日點' + 远日点* * + aphelion, the furthest point of a planet in elliptic orbit to the sun/ opposite: perihelion 近日點|近日点
遠景' + 远景* * + prospec long-range view/
遠望' + 远望* * + to gaze afar/ to look into the distance
遠期' + 远期* * + long term (loan)/ at a fixed date in the future (e.g. for repayment) abbr. for
遠期合約' + 远期合约* * + forward /
遠未解決' + 远未解决* * + far from solved/
遠東' + 远东* * + Far East (loanword)/
遠東山雀' + 远东山雀* * + (Chinese bird species) Japanese tit (Parus minor)/
遠東樹鶯' + 远东树莺* * + (Chinese bird species) Manchurian bush warbler (Horornis borealis)/
遠東葦鶯' + 远东苇莺* * + (Chinese bird species) Manchurian reed warbler (Acrocephalus tangorum)/
遠東豹' + 远东豹* * + Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis)/
遠水不救近火' + 远水不救近火* * + see 遠水救不了近火|远水救不了近火/
遠水不解近渴' + 远水不解近渴* * + lit. di a slow remedy does not address immediate needs/
遠水救不了近火' + 远水救不了近火* * + lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need/ a slow remedy does not address the current emergency
遠洋' + 远洋* * + distant seas/ the open ocean (far from the coast)
遠涉' + 远涉* * + to cross (the wide ocean)/
遠渡重洋' + 远渡重洋* * + to travel across the oceans/
遠略' + 远略* * + long-term strategy/
遠眺' + 远眺* * + to gaze into the distance/
遠祖' + 远祖* * + a remote ancestor/
遠程' + 远程* * + remote/ long distance long range
遠程導彈' + 远程导弹* * + long distance missile/
遠程登錄' + 远程登录* * + telnet/ rlogin remote log
遠程監控' + 远程监控* * + RMON/ remote monitoring
遠端' + 远端* * + far end/ remote end remote
遠端胞漿' + 远端胞浆* * + distal cytoplasm/
遠端轉移' + 远端转移* * + metastasis/
遠緣' + 远缘* * + distantly related/ remote affinity
遠胄' + 远胄* * + distant descendants/
遠航' + 远航* * + distant sea voyage/
遠處' + 远处* * + distant place/
遠行' + 远行* * + a long journey/ far from home
遠見' + 远见* * + vision/
遠見卓識' + 远见卓识* * + visionary and sagacious (idiom)/
遠視' + 远视* * + farsighted/ hyperopia or hypermetropia (farsightedness)
遠親' + 远亲* * + a distant relative/
遠親不如近鄰' + 远亲不如近邻* * + A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom). Take whatever help is o/
遠謀' + 远谋* * + a long term plan/ an ambitious strategy
遠識' + 远识* * + foresight/
遠走高飛' + 远走高飞* * + to go far/ to escape to faraway places
遠赴' + 远赴* * + to travel to (a distant place)/
遠超過' + 远超过* * + to exceed by far/ to outclass
遠足' + 远足* * + excursion/ hike march
遠距離' + 远距离* * + long-distance/
遠距離監視' + 远距离监视* * + off-site monitoring/
遠近' + 远近* * + far and near/ distance
遠近皆知' + 远近皆知* * + known far and wide (idiom)/
遠途' + 远途* * + long-distance/ long-haul
遠遊' + 远游* * + to travel far/ distant wanderings
遠遠' + 远远* * + distant/
遠遠超過' + 远远超过* * + surpassing by far/
遠避' + 远避* * + to keep at a distance/ to forsake
遠郊' + 远郊* * + outer suburbs/ remote outskirts of a city
遠銷' + 远销* * + to sell to faraway lands/
遠門' + 远门* * + (to go to) distant parts/ faraway a distant
遠門近枝' + 远门近枝* * + near and distant relatives/
遠隔千里' + 远隔千里* * + thousands of miles away/ far away
遠離' + 远离* * + to be far from/ to keep away from
遠非如此' + 远非如此* * + far from it being so (idiom)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


288 学校 +
723 远处 风景 +
1087 我们 一家人 永远 分离 +
2687 火星 地球 遥远 +
2952 希望 人类 远离 瘟疫 +
2974 他们 参加 探险队 南极 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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