A + + * * dao4 classifier used for long strip-like things Zählwort für lange, streifenartige Dinge + + +
A 道理 + + * * dao4li3 principle/ truth/ reason/ argument 1.Wahrheit, Grundsatz, Prinzip 2. Grund, Argument + + +
A 知道 + + * * zhi1dao4 know/ be aware of/ realize wissen, Bescheid wissen + + +
B 街道 + + * * jie1dao4 street Straße + + +
B 味道 + + * * wei4dao taste/ flavor Aroma, Geschmack + + +
B 走道 + + * * zou3 dao4 walk Gehweg, Bürgersteig + + +
B + + * * dao4 street/ road Straße + + +
B + + * * dao4 say, talk sagen + + +
B 道德 + + * * dao4de2 morals/ ethics Moral + + +
B 道路 + + * * dao4lu4 road/ way/ path Weg + + +
B 道歉 + + * * dao4 qian4 apologize sich entschuldigen, Entschuldigung + + +
B 一道 + + * * yi2dao4 together zusammen + + +
B 報道 + + * * bao4dao4 report/ cover/ coverage/ story melden, berichten, Bericht + + +
B 難道 + + * * nan2dao4 could it be said that … rhetorisches Mittel zur Bekräftigung,kann man sagen + + +
C 赤道 + + * * chi4dao4 equator Äquator + + +
C 打交道 + + * * da3 jiao1dao come into contact with/ have dealings with Umgang mit jm haben,mit jm/etw zu tun haben + + +
C 地道 + + * * di4dao genuine/ real/ authentic/ pure/ up to standard authentisch,(vgl.: di4dao4=Tunnel) + + +
C 樓道 + + * * lou2dao4 corridor/ passageway within a storied building Korridor, Flur, Diele + + +
C 大道 + + * * da4dao4 wide street/ thoroughfare/ boulevard/ broad way Hauptstraße + + +
C 渠道 + + * * qu2dao4 ditch/ trench/ channel/ way/ means Kanal, Medium,Weg + + +
C 管道 + + * * guan3dao4 tube/ pipe/ hose Rohr, Rohrleitung + + +
C 軌道 + + * * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit + + +
D 航道 + + * * hang2dao4 sea-route Schifffahrtsweg + + +
D 霸道 + + * * ba4dao4 overbearing Tyrannei,despotisch + + +
D 便道 + 便+ * * bian4dao4 pavement kürzerer Weg, Fußweg,Bürgersteig + + +
D 河道 + + * * he2dao4 watercourse/ river course Flußlauf + + +
D 跑道 + + * * pao3dao4 race track Bahn, Piste + + +
D 鐵道 + + * * tie3dao4 railway Eisenbahn + + +
D 人道主義 + + * * ren2dao4 zhu3yi4 humanitarianism Humanismus + + +
D 微不足道 + + * * wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 not worth mentioning/ inconsiderable nicht nennenswert, ganz unbedeutend + + +
D 通道 + + * * tong1dao4 alleyway/ channels Durchgangsstraße, Hauptverkehrsstraße, Verbindungsweg, Passage + + +
D 隧道 + + * * sui4dao4 tunnel Tunnel + + +
D 公道 + + * * gong1dao fair/ just Gerechtigkeit, gerecht, anständig + + +
D 東道主 + + * * dong1dao4zhu3 host Gastgeber + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
east, eastern, eastward
path, road, street / method, way
master, chief owner / host / lord

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

道' + * * + direction/ way road
道不同不相為謀' + 道不同不相为谋* * + lit. pe to go separate ways (idiom)/
道不拾遺' + 道不拾遗* * + lit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails th/ a time of peace and stability
道之所存,師之所存' + 道之所存,师之所存* * + If sb has grasped the truth before you, take him as your teacher (Tang dynasty ess/ We should learn from one who knows the way.
道人' + 道人* * + Taoist devotee (honorific)/
道光' + 道光* * + reign name of Qing emperor (1821-1850)/
道光帝' + 道光帝* * + Daoguang Emperor/
道具' + 道具* * + stage props/
道出' + 道出* * + to speak/ to tell to voice
道別' + 道别* * + leave taking/ to say goodbye
道卡斯族' + 道卡斯族* * + Taokas, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/
道台' + 道台* * + taotai/ ancient official title
道喜' + 道喜* * + to congratulate/
道地' + 道地* * + authentic/ original
道場' + 道场* * + Taoist or Buddhist rite/ abbr. for 菩提道場|菩提道场
道士' + 道士* * + Daoist /
道外' + 道外* * + Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨/
道外區' + 道外区* * + Daowai /
道奇' + 道奇* * + Dodge, /
道姑' + 道姑* * + Daoist nun/
道孚' + 道孚* * + Dawu county (Tibetan: rta 'u rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治/
道孚縣' + 道孚县* * + Dawu co /
道學' + 道学* * + Confuci study of Daoism/ school for Daoism in Tang and Song times Daoist mag
道家' + 道家* * + Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings of/
道山學海' + 道山学海* * + mountai ars longa, vita brevis/
道岔' + 道岔* * + railroad switch/
道德' + 道德* * + virtue/ morality ethics
道德困境' + 道德困境* * + ethical /
道德家' + 道德家* * + Daoist/
道德敗壞' + 道德败坏* * + vice/ immorality moral turp
道德淪喪' + 道德沦丧* * + moral bankruptcy/ moral degeneracy
道德經' + 道德经* * + the Book of Dao by Laozi or Lao-Tze, the sacred text of Daoism/
道德認識' + 道德认识* * + moral cognition/ ethical awareness
道所存者,乃師所存者' + 道所存者,乃师所存者* * + If sb has grasped the truth before you, take him as your teacher (Tang dynasty ess/ We should learn from one who knows the way.
道拉吉里峰' + 道拉吉里峰* * + Dhaulagiri, mountain massif in the Himalayas/
道指' + 道指* * + Dow Jones industrial average (Wall street stock market index)/ abbr. for 道瓊斯指數|道琼斯指数
道教' + 道教* * + Taoism Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs)/
道教徒' + 道教徒* * + a Daoist/ a follower of Daoism
道格拉斯' + 道格拉斯* * + Douglas (name)/
道格拉斯·麥克阿瑟' + 道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟* * + General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), US commander in Pacific during WW2, sacked /
道歉' + 道歉* * + to apologize/
道爾頓' + 道尔顿* * + Dalton (name)/ John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atomic theory
道牙' + 道牙* * + curb/
道理' + 道理* * + reason/ argument sense
道瓊' + 道琼* * + see 道瓊斯 /
道瓊斯' + 道琼斯* * + Dow Jon Dow Jones industrial average (Wall street stock market index)/ abbr. for 道瓊斯指數|道琼斯指数
道瓊斯指數' + 道琼斯指数* * + Dow Jon /
道白' + 道白* * + spoken lines in opera/
道真仡佬族苗族自治縣' + 道真仡佬族苗族自治县* * + Daozhen Klau and Hmong Autonomous County in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义/
道真縣' + 道真县* * + Daozhen /
道真自治縣' + 道真自治县* * + Daozhen /
道破' + 道破* * + to expo to reveal/
道碴' + 道碴* * + (railway) ballast/
道統' + 道统* * + Confucian orthodoxy/
道縣' + 道县* * + Dao county in Yongzhou 永州/
道義' + 道义* * + moralit righteousness and justice/
道聽途說' + 道听途说* * + gossip/ hearsay rumor
道藏' + 道藏* * + Daoist scripture/
道行' + 道行* * + skills acquired through religious practice/ (fig.) ability skill
道觀' + 道观* * + Daoist /
道謝' + 道谢* * + to express thanks/
道貌岸然' + 道貌岸然* * + sanctimonious/ dignified
道賀' + 道贺* * + to congratulate/
道路' + 道路* * + road/ path way
道路工程' + 道路工程* * + road co /
道里' + 道里* * + Daoli district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨/
道里區' + 道里区* * + Daoli d /
道長' + 道长* * + Taoist Daoist priest/
道院' + 道院* * + Daoyuan (Sanctuary of the Dao)/
道高一尺,魔高一丈' + 道高一尺,魔高一丈* * + virtue is one foot tall, the devil ten foot (idiom); It takes constant vigilance t/
道高益安,勢高益危' + 道高益安,势高益危* * + More moral strength increases one's safety, more power and influence increases one/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


173 街道 安静 +
185 道路 两旁 很多 +
235 报道 新闻 +
242 妈妈 孩子 道别 +
255 数学题 +
389 知道 +
428 知道 选举 结果 +
463 +
468 道路 +
574 数学题 容易 +
767 转身 道别 +
779 要求 道歉 +
1090 喜欢 冰淇淋 味道 +
1361 计算 错误 +
1381 寿司 味道 正宗 +
1434 复杂 +
1464 大雪 掩盖 道路 +
1528 马路 人行 横道 +
1601 前方 道路 曲折 +
1620 城市 道路 +
1692 味道 有点 +
1736 丈夫 妻子 道歉 +
1842 雨天 道路 湿 +
1882 城市 道路 纵横 交错 +
1904 电视 频道 +
1949 题目 深奥 不会 +
2106 贵宾 通道 +
2280 矿泉水 味道 甘甜 +
2383 为了 避免 塞车 我们 打算 绕道 +
2524 丈夫 妻子 道歉 +
2635 这里 道路 弯曲 +
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶 +
2701 城市 道路 畅通 +
3054 道路 狭窄 +
3188 火车 驶出 隧道 +
3214 雪地 留下 车辙 +
3245 上面 水闸 +
3256 尴尬 知道 什么 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +