B + + * * zhui1 run after/ pursue/ trace/ go after 1. nacheilen, jm nachsetzen, verfolgen, nachlaufen 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. trachten, streben, jagen 4. sich erinnern, sich etw ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen + + +
C 追求 + + * * zhui1qiu2 pursuing-seek/ pursue/ seek/ woo/ run after (a woman) verfolgen,jagen, streben, um jn werben + + +
D 追查 + + * * zhui1cha2 investigate/ trace nachgehen, nachforschen + + +
D 追悼 + + * * zhui1dao4 flood/ submerge um jn trauern, + + +
D 追趕 + + * * zhui1gan3 chase/ run after verfolgen, jagen + + +
D 追究 + + * * zhui1jiu1 find out/ investigate einer Sache auf den Grund gehen + + +
D 追問 + + * * zhui1wen4 question closely/ examine minutely gründlich untersuchen, eingehende Erkundigungen einholen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
pursue, chase after / expel
ask about, inquire after

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

追' + * * + to sculpt/ to carve musical in
追' + * * + to chase after/ to seek to do one'
追上' + 追上* * + to overtake/
追亡逐北' + 追亡逐北* * + to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy/
追光燈' + 追光灯* * + (theater) spotlight/ followspot
追剿' + 追剿* * + to pursue and eliminate/ to suppress
追加' + 追加* * + to add something extra/ an additional increment addendum
追問' + 追问* * + to question closely/ to investigate in detail to examine
追回' + 追回* * + to recover (sth lost or stolen)/ to get back
追奔逐北' + 追奔逐北* * + to pursue and attack a fleeing enemy/
追客' + 追客* * + avid fan who anxiously awaits new content/
追封' + 追封* * + to confer a posthumous title/
追尊' + 追尊* * + posthumous honorific name/
追尋' + 追寻* * + to pursue/ to track down to search
追尋現代中國' + 追寻现代中国* * + In search of Modern China by Jonathan D Spence 史景遷|史景迁/
追尾' + 追尾* * + to tailgate/ to hit the car ahead as a result of tailgating
追念' + 追念* * + to recollect/
追思' + 追思* * + memorial/ recollection (of the deceased)
追思會' + 追思会* * + memorial service/ memorial meeting
追悔' + 追悔* * + to repent/ remorse
追悔莫及' + 追悔莫及* * + too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event./
追悼' + 追悼* * + to mourn/ to pay last respects mourning
追悼文' + 追悼文* * + eulogy/
追悼會' + 追悼会* * + a memorial service/ a funeral service
追想' + 追想* * + to recall/
追憶' + 追忆* * + to recollect/ to recall (past times) to look ba
追懷' + 追怀* * + to recall/ to bring to mind to reminis
追打' + 追打* * + to chase and beat/
追捕' + 追捕* * + to pursue/ to be after to hunt do
追捧' + 追捧* * + to chase after (a popular person or item)/ to pursue popularity
追擊' + 追击* * + to pursue and attack/
追敘' + 追叙* * + to recount what happened prior to events already known/
追星族' + 追星族* * + groupie (slang)/ idolator
追本窮源' + 追本穷源* * + to trace sth back to its origin/
追查' + 追查* * + to investigate/ to track down (information)
追根' + 追根* * + to trace sth back to its source/ to get to the bottom of sth
追根問底' + 追根问底* * + lit. to examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth/
追根尋底' + 追根寻底* * + see 追根究底/
追根求源' + 追根求源* * + to trac /
追根溯源' + 追根溯源* * + to pursue sth back to its origins/ to trace back to the source to get to
追根究底' + 追根究底* * + to get to the heart of the matter/
追根究底兒' + 追根究底儿* * + erhua variant of 追根究底/
追殲' + 追歼* * + to purs to wipe out/
追殺' + 追杀* * + to chase to kill/
追比' + 追比* * + to flog/ to cane (as punishment)
追求' + 追求* * + to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly/ to seek after to woo
追溯' + 追溯* * + lit. to go upstream/ to trace sth back to to date fr
追究' + 追究* * + to investigate/ to look into
追索' + 追索* * + to demand payment/ to extort to trace
追緝' + 追缉* * + to pursue/ to be after to hunt do
追繳' + 追缴* * + to recover (stolen property)/ to pursue and force sb to give back the spoils
追肥' + 追肥* * + top soil dressing/ additional fertilizer
追薦' + 追荐* * + to pray for the soul of a deceased/
追補' + 追补* * + a supplement/ additional budget
追記' + 追记* * + a memorial citation/ a posthumous award a retrospe
追訴' + 追诉* * + to prosecute/ given leave to sue
追訴時效' + 追诉时效* * + period during which one can prosecute or sue sb/ within the statute of limitation
追詢' + 追询* * + to interrogate/ to question closely
追認' + 追认* * + to recognize sth after the event/ posthumous recognition to ratify
追購' + 追购* * + a bounty/ a reward for capturing an outlaw
追贈' + 追赠* * + to give to the departed/ to confer (a title) posthumously
追贓' + 追赃* * + to order the return of stolen goods/
追趕' + 追赶* * + to pursue/ to chase after to acceler
追蹤' + 追踪* * + to follow a trail/ to trace to pursue
追蹤報導' + 追踪报导* * + follow-up report/
追蹤號碼' + 追踪号码* * + tracking number (of a package shipment)/
追蹤調查' + 追踪调查* * + follow-up study/ investigative follow-up
追躡' + 追蹑* * + to follow the trail of/ to track to trace
追述' + 追述* * + recollections/ to relate (past events)
追逐' + 追逐* * + to chase/ to pursue vigorously
追逐賽' + 追逐赛* * + pursuit race/ chase
追逼' + 追逼* * + to pursue closely/ to press to demand
追還' + 追还* * + to recover (lost property or money)/ to win back
追隨' + 追随* * + to follow/ to accompany
追隨者' + 追随者* * + follower/ adherent following
追風逐電' + 追风逐电* * + proceeding at a tremendous pace/ getting on like a house on fire

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


748 很多 追求 金钱 +
1275 追求 +
1276 追上 前面 +
1336 孩子们 草地 互相 追逐 +
1364 追赶 他们 +
1588 年轻人 追求 时尚 +
3186 长城 历史 可以 追溯到 秦朝 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +