B 昏迷 + + * * hun1mi2 stupor/ coma/ unconsciousness Stupor, das Bewußtsein verlieren, im Koma liegen + + +
C + + * * mi1 charm/ fascinate/ be crazy about/ be lost 1. irregehen, herumirren, sich nicht orientieren können 2. für etw schwärmen, bezaubern, 3. Fan + + +
C 迷糊 + + * * mi2hu confused/ dazed/ muddle-headed/ unconscious 1. den Blick trüben, vor den Augen verschwimmen 2.konfus, benommen, nicht bei klaren Verstand sein + + +
C 迷信 + + * * mi2xin4 have blind faith in/ be superstitious/ superstition 1. Aberglaube, abergläubisch sein 2. etw. bedenkenlos glauben, blindes Vertrauen in etwas haben + + +
D 迷惑 + + * * mi2huo4 puzzle/ delude irre führen,verwirren + + +
D 迷失 + + * * mi2shi1 maze/ wilder sich verirren + + +
D 球迷 + + * * qiu2mi2 fans Fan (eines Ballspiels) + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
ball, sphere, globe / round
bewitch, charm, infatuate

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

迷' + * * + to bewilder/ crazy about fan
迷上' + 迷上* * + to become excited with/ to be enchanted by
迷不知返' + 迷不知返* * + to go astray and to not know how to get back on the right path (idiom)/
迷亂' + 迷乱* * + confusion/
迷人' + 迷人* * + fascinating/ enchanting charming
迷住' + 迷住* * + to fascinate/ to strongly attract to obsess
迷你' + 迷你* * + mini (as in mini-skirt or Mini Cooper) (loanword)/
迷你型' + 迷你型* * + mini model/
迷你裙' + 迷你裙* * + miniskirt/
迷信' + 迷信* * + superstition/ to have a superstitious belief (in sth)
迷因' + 迷因* * + meme (loanword)/
迷夢' + 迷梦* * + pipedream/ unrealizable plan
迷失' + 迷失* * + to lose (one's bearings)/ to get lost
迷姦' + 迷奸* * + to drug and then rape sb/
迷宮' + 迷宫* * + maze/ labyrinth
迷幻' + 迷幻* * + psychedelic/ hallucinatory
迷幻劑' + 迷幻剂* * + a psychedelic/ hallucinogen
迷幻藥' + 迷幻药* * + hallucinogen/ dimethyltryptamine (DMT) psychedeli
迷幻蘑菇' + 迷幻蘑菇* * + psilocybin mushroom/ magic mushroom
迷彩' + 迷彩* * + camouflage/
迷彩服' + 迷彩服* * + camouflage clothing/
迷思' + 迷思* * + myth (loanword)/
迷惑' + 迷惑* * + to puzzle/ to confuse to baffle
迷惑不解' + 迷惑不解* * + to feel puzzled/
迷惑龍' + 迷惑龙* * + apatosaurus/ former name: brontosaurus also calle
迷惘' + 迷惘* * + perplex at a loss/
迷戀' + 迷恋* * + to be infatuated with/ to indulge in
迷暈' + 迷晕* * + to knock sb out with a drug/ to render sb unconscious
迷津' + 迷津* * + a maze/ to lose the way bewilderin
迷漫' + 迷漫* * + vast haze/ lost in boundless mists
迷濛' + 迷蒙* * + misty/
迷瞪' + 迷瞪* * + puzzled/ bewildered infatuated
迷糊' + 迷糊* * + muddle-headed/ dazed only half
迷航' + 迷航* * + off course/ lost (of ship or plane) having los
迷茫' + 迷茫* * + vast and indistinct/ perplexed bewildered
迷藥' + 迷药* * + knockout drops/ incapacitating agent Mickey Fin
迷誤' + 迷误* * + to mislead/ to confuse error
迷走神經' + 迷走神经* * + vagus nerve/
迷路' + 迷路* * + to lose the way/ lost labyrinth
迷蹤羅漢拳' + 迷踪罗汉拳* * + Mizongyi, Mizong, My Jhong Law Horn - "Lost Track Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)/
迷迭香' + 迷迭香* * + rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)/
迷迷糊糊' + 迷迷糊糊* * + in a daze/ bewildered
迷途' + 迷途* * + to lose one's way/
迷途知返' + 迷途知返* * + to get back on the right path/ to mend one's ways
迷醉' + 迷醉* * + bewitched/ intoxicated by sth
迷陣' + 迷阵* * + maze/
迷離' + 迷离* * + blurred/ hard to make out distinctly
迷離惝恍' + 迷离惝恍* * + indistinct/ blurred bewilderin
迷離馬虎' + 迷离马虎* * + muddle-headed/
迷霧' + 迷雾* * + dense fog/ fig. completely misleading
迷魂' + 迷魂* * + to bewitch/ to enchant to cast a
迷魂湯' + 迷魂汤* * + lit. waters of oblivion/ mythological magic potion to bewitch sb
迷魂陣' + 迷魂阵* * + stratagem to trap sb/ to bewitch and trap
迷魂香' + 迷魂香* * + a kind of sleeping gas or smoke used by thieves to incapacitate victims/
迷鳥' + 迷鸟* * + vagrant bird (a migrating bird which has lost its way)/ a vagrant

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


85 歌迷 台下 欢呼 +
204 确定 我们 已经 迷路 +
220 迷失 方向 +
1470 她们 迷路 +
2692 秋日 呈现出 迷人 景色 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +