A + + * * ci2 word/ expression/ poetry 1. Wort 2. Rede, Äußerung 3.Ci, literarische Gattung in der Songzeit + + +
A 詞典 + + * * ci2dian3 dictionary Wörterbuch + + +
A 生詞 + + * * sheng1ci2 new word neues Wort,neue Vokabel + + +
B 單詞 + + * * dan1ci2 word Wort + + +
C 詞匯 + + * * ci2hui4 vocabulary/ words and phrases Wortschatz, Vokabular + + +
D 詞句 + + * * ci2ju4 words and sentences Wörter und Sätze, Ausdrücke + + +
D 賀詞 + + * * he4ci2 greetings/ congratulations Grüße, Glückwünsche + + +
D 致詞 + + * * zhi4 ci2 address/ oration eine Ansprache halten + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
【◎Fix:◎緻;◎致】 send, deliver, present / cause
words / phrase, expression

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

詞' + * * + word/ statement speech
詞不達意' + 词不达意* * + words d poorly expressed/ senseless inarticula
詞人' + 词人* * + writer of 詞|词/
詞人墨客' + 词人墨客* * + sb of l /
詞令' + 词令* * + appropriate language/ manners in talking with sb variant of
詞位' + 词位* * + lexeme /
詞優效應' + 词优效应* * + word superiority effect/
詞典' + 词典* * + dictionary (of Chinese compound words)/ also written 辭典|辞典
詞典學' + 词典学* * + lexicog /
詞匯' + 词汇* * + variant of 詞彙|词汇/
詞句' + 词句* * + words a /
詞尾' + 词尾* * + suffix/
詞幹' + 词干* * + word stem (in linguistics)/
詞幹啟動' + 词干启动* * + stem priming/
詞序' + 词序* * + word order/
詞庫' + 词库* * + word stock/ lexicon
詞彙' + 词汇* * + vocabulary/ list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes) word
詞彙分解' + 词汇分解* * + lexical decomposition/
詞彙判斷' + 词汇判断* * + lexical decision/
詞彙判斷任務' + 词汇判断任务* * + lexical decision task/
詞彙判斷作業' + 词汇判断作业* * + lexical decision task/
詞彙判斷法' + 词汇判断法* * + lexical decision task/
詞彙學' + 词汇学* * + lexicology (linguistics)/
詞彙通路' + 词汇通路* * + lexical route/
詞形' + 词形* * + form of words (e.g. inflection, conjugation)/ morphology (linguistics)
詞性' + 词性* * + part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc)/ lexical category
詞性標註' + 词性标注* * + part-of-speech tagging/
詞意' + 词意* * + meaning of word/ sense
詞族' + 词族* * + word family (cognate words within a given language)/
詞根' + 词根* * + radical of a compound word (in European language)/
詞條' + 词条* * + dictionary entry/ lexical item term
詞法' + 词法* * + morphology (linguistics)/ word formation and inflection
詞源' + 词源* * + etymology/ root of a word
詞目' + 词目* * + dictionary headword/ lexical item term
詞相似效應' + 词相似效应* * + word similarity effect/
詞約指明' + 词约指明* * + concise but unambiguous (idiom)/
詞素' + 词素* * + morpheme/
詞素結構' + 词素结构* * + morphological structure/
詞素通達模型' + 词素通达模型* * + morpheme access model (MA model)/
詞組' + 词组* * + phrase (grammar)/
詞綴' + 词缀* * + prefix or suffix of a compound word/ affix (linguistics)
詞綴剝除' + 词缀剥除* * + affix stripping/ to determine the root of a word by removing prefix and suffix
詞義' + 词义* * + meaning of a word/
詞翰' + 词翰* * + book/ written composition (literary)
詞藻' + 词藻* * + rhetoric/ flowery language
詞訟' + 词讼* * + lawsuit/ legal case
詞訟費' + 词讼费* * + legal fees/ costs (of a lawsuit)
詞話' + 词话* * + form of writing novels that comprise lots of poetry in the body of the text, popul/
詞語' + 词语* * + word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/ term (e.g. technical term) expression
詞語彙' + 词语汇* * + vocabulary/
詞跟語' + 词跟语* * + amorphous language/
詞通達模型' + 词通达模型* * + word access model/
詞長效應' + 词长效应* * + word length effect/
詞項邏輯' + 词项逻辑* * + categorical logic/
詞頭' + 词头* * + prefix/
詞頻' + 词频* * + word frequency/
詞頻效應' + 词频效应* * + word frequency effect (psych.)/
詞類' + 词类* * + parts of speech (grammar)/ word class lexical ca

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


461 单词 +
1017 老师 我们 背诵 单词 +
1384 法官 证词 疑问 +
1608 老师 我们 单词 +
2276 外语 很多 词彙 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +