A 好處 + + * * hao3chu good/ advantage/ benefit/ gain 1. Vorteil, Nutzen, Vorzug 2.Gewinn, Profit, Nutzen + + +
B 害處 + + * * hai4chu harm Schaden, Nachteil + + +
B 到處 + + * * dao4chu4 at all places/ everywhere überall + + +
B 用處 + + * * yong4chu use Verwendungszweck, Nutzen + + +
B + + * * chu4 department 1. sich vertragen, mit jn auskommen 2. sich befinden, liegen, in einem bestimmten Zustand sein 3. behandeln, regeln 4. strafen, bestrafen siehe: chu4 + + +
B 處分 + + * * chu3fen4 punishment/ punish Bestrafung,bestrafen + + +
B 處理 + + * * chu3li3 handle/ deal with behandeln, regeln, + + +
B + + * * chu4 department 1. sich vertragen, mit jn auskommen 2. sich befinden, liegen, in einem bestimmten Zustand sein 3. behandeln, regeln 4. strafen, bestrafen + + +
B 壞處 + + * * huai4chu harm/ disadvantage Schaden, Nachteil + + +
C 別處 + + * * bie2chu4 another place/ elsewhere anderenorts + + +
C 四處 + + * * si4chu4 four places/ all around/ hither and thither/ everywhere überall, ringsrum + + +
C 處於 + + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden + + +
C 處處 + + * * chu4chu4 everywhere/ in all respects überall, in jeder Hinsicht + + +
D 短處 + + * * duan3chu4 shortcoming Schwäche, Fehler + + +
D 和平共處 + + * * he2ping2 gong4 chu3 peaceful coexistence friedliche Koexistenz + + +
D 判處 + + * * pan4chu3 sentence verurteilen, eine Strafe verhängen + + +
D 查處 + + * * cha2chu3 investigate and deal with untersuchen und verfolgen + + +
D 恰到好處 + + * * qia4 dao4 hao3 chu4 just right gerade richtig + + +
D 處罰 + + * * chu3fa2 punish for bestrafen, Bestrafung + + +
D 處方 + + * * chu3fang1 prescription ein Rezept verschreiben, Rezept + + +
D 處境 + + * * chu3jing4 plight/ situation ungünstige Situation, Lage + + +
D 處決 + + * * chu3jue2 execute hinrichten + + +
D 處置 + + * * chu3zhi4 treat/ dispose behandeln,bestrafen + + +
D 長處 + + * * chang2chu4 strongpoint Vorteil, Stärke,gute Eigenschaft/starke Seite (Wenlin chang2chu) + + +
D 深處 + + * * shen1chu4 depth/ cavern Tiefe, Verborgenheit + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
deep / depth / far / very, extreme
place, locale / department

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

處' + * * + to reside/ to live to dwell
處' + * * + place/ location spot
處世' + 处世* * + to conduct oneself in society/
處世之道' + 处世之道* * + way of life/ attitude modus oper
處世原則' + 处世原则* * + a maxim/ one's principles
處之泰然' + 处之泰然* * + see 泰然處之|泰然处之/
處事' + 处事* * + to hand to deal with/
處事原則' + 处事原则* * + a maxim/ one's principles
處分' + 处分* * + to discipline sb/ to punish disciplina
處刑' + 处刑* * + to sent to condemn/
處在' + 处在* * + to be situated at/ to find oneself at
處堂燕雀' + 处堂燕雀* * + lit. a caged bird in a pavilion (idiom); fig. to lose vigilance by comfortable liv/ unaware of the disasters ahead a fool's p
處境' + 处境* * + plight/ unfavorable situation
處女' + 处女* * + virgin/ maiden inaugural
處女作' + 处女作* * + first publication/ maiden work
處女座' + 处女座* * + Virgo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ popular variant of 室女座
處女膜' + 处女膜* * + hymen /
處女航' + 处女航* * + maiden voyage/
處子' + 处子* * + (literary) virgin/ maiden
處子秀' + 处子秀* * + first show/ maiden appearance
處心積慮' + 处心积虑* * + to plot actively (idiom)/ scheming calculatin
處所' + 处所* * + place/
處方' + 处方* * + medical prescription/ recipe formula
處於' + 处于* * + to be in (some state, position, or condition)/
處暑' + 处暑* * + Chushu or End of Heat, 14th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd August-7th Sept/
處格' + 处格* * + locative case/
處死' + 处死* * + an execution/ to put sb to death
處決' + 处决* * + to execute (a condemned criminal)/
處治' + 处治* * + to punish/ to handle to deal wi
處理' + 处理* * + to handle/ to treat to deal wi
處理器' + 处理器* * + process /
處理能力' + 处理能力* * + processing capability/ throughput
處男' + 处男* * + virgin (male)/
處級' + 处级* * + (administrative) department-level/
處置' + 处置* * + to handle/ to take care of to punish
處罰' + 处罚* * + to penalize/ to punish
處處' + 处处* * + everywhere/ in all respects
處長' + 处长* * + department head/ section chief

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


713 他们 住处 +
723 远处 风景 +
847 老师 学生 相处 +
990 拐角处 电话亭 +
1102 守时 短处 +
1732 判处 无期徒刑 +
2346 处事 泰然 +
2439 他们 相处 愉快 +
3177 处于 人生 转捩点 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +