A + + * * cao3 grass/ straw 1.Gras, Kräuter, Heu, Stroh 2. entwerfen, Entwurf 3. ungewissenhaft, unordentlich, nachlässig, leichtfertig + + +
B 草地 + + * * cao3di4 grassland/ lawn/ meadow Rasen + + +
B 草原 + + * * cao3yuan2 grasslands/ prairie Grasland + + +
C 草案 + + * * cao3'an4 protocol/ draft (of a plan; decree; regulation; etc.) Entwurf + + +
D 潦草 + + * * liao2cao3 hasty and careless/ illegible unleserlich gekritzelt, nachlässig geschrieben, nachlässig,achtlos, schlecht + + +
D 奇花異草 + + * * qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3 exotic flowers and rare herbs exotische Blumen und seltene Pflanzen + + +
D 草率 + + * * cao3shuai4 cursory/ jerry nachlässig, oberflächlich + + +
D 起草 + + * * qi3 cao3 draft out verfassen, entwerfen + + +
D 斬草除根 + + * * zhan3 cao3 chu2 gen1 cut the weeds and dig up the roots etw. radikal ausmerzen, + + +
D 煙草 + + * * yan1cao3 tobacco Tabak + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
【◎Fix:◎煙;◎烟】 smoke, soot / opium / tobacco, cigarettes
grass, straw, thatch, herbs

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

草' + * * + grass/ straw manuscript
草' + * * + variant /
草包' + 草包* * + idiot straw bag/
草原' + 草原* * + grassland/ prairie CL:片
草原巨蜥' + 草原巨蜥* * + Savanna /
草原灰伯勞' + 草原灰伯劳* * + (Chinese bird species) steppe grey shrike (Lanius pallidirostris)/
草原百靈' + 草原百灵* * + (Chinese bird species) calandra lark (Melanocorypha calandra)/
草原鵰' + 草原雕* * + (Chinese bird species) steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis)/
草原鷂' + 草原鹞* * + (Chinese bird species) pallid harrier (Circus macrourus)/
草叢' + 草丛* * + underbrush/
草圖' + 草图* * + a sketch/ rough drawing
草地' + 草地* * + lawn/ meadow sod
草地鷚' + 草地鹨* * + (Chines /
草坪' + 草坪* * + lawn/
草坪機' + 草坪机* * + lawn mower/
草場' + 草场* * + pastureland/
草墊' + 草垫* * + straw mattress/
草墊子' + 草垫子* * + straw mattress/ palliasse
草大青' + 草大青* * + Isatis indigotica (indigo woad plant)/
草字頭兒' + 草字头儿* * + grass radical 艹/
草寇' + 草寇* * + bandits/
草屋' + 草屋* * + thatched hut/
草屯' + 草屯* * + Caotun or Tsaotun town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县/
草屯鎮' + 草屯镇* * + Caotun /
草山' + 草山* * + Grassy /
草帽' + 草帽* * + straw hat/
草擬' + 草拟* * + first draft/ to draw up (a first version)
草料' + 草料* * + fodder/
草書' + 草书* * + grass script/ cursive script (Chinese calligraphic style)
草木' + 草木* * + vegetation/ plants
草木灰' + 草木灰* * + plant ash/
草木皆兵' + 草木皆兵* * + lit. every tree or bush an enemy soldier (idiom); fig. to panic and treat everyone/ to feel beleaguered
草木鳥獸' + 草木鸟兽* * + flora and fauna/
草本' + 草本* * + grass/ herb
草本植物' + 草本植物* * + herbaceous plant/
草果' + 草果* * + black cardamom/ (dialect) strawberry
草根' + 草根* * + grassroots/
草根網民' + 草根网民* * + grassroots netizens/
草案' + 草案* * + draft (legislation, proposal etc)/
草標' + 草标* * + (old) sign made of woven weeds, placed on an object, an animal or a person, indica/
草民' + 草民* * + the grass roots/ the hoi polloi
草泥馬' + 草泥马* * + grass mud horse/ used as a substitute for 肏你媽|肏你妈
草海' + 草海* * + Caohai /
草滿囹圄' + 草满囹圄* * + lit. jails overgrown with grass (idiom); fig. peaceful society/
草爬子' + 草爬子* * + tick (zoology)/
草率' + 草率* * + careless/ negligent sloppy
草率收兵' + 草率收兵* * + to work vaguely then retreat (idiom); sloppy and half-hearted/ half-baked
草珊瑚' + 草珊瑚* * + Sarcandra glabra (botany)/
草甸' + 草甸* * + meadow/
草皮' + 草皮* * + turf/ sward sod
草石蠶' + 草石蚕* * + Chinese artichoke/ Stachys sieboldii
草碼' + 草码* * + the ten numerals 〡,〢,〣,〤,〥,〦,〧,〨,〩,十 nowadays mainly used in traditional trades su/
草稈' + 草秆* * + straw/ grain stalks
草稿' + 草稿* * + draft/ outline sketch
草紙' + 草纸* * + rough straw paper/ toilet paper brown pape
草綠籬鶯' + 草绿篱莺* * + (Chinese bird species) eastern olivaceous warbler (Iduna pallida)/
草耙' + 草耙* * + a rake/
草船借箭' + 草船借箭* * + lit. using straw boats to borrow arrows (idiom, from 三國演義|三国演义/
草草' + 草草* * + careles hastily/
草草了事' + 草草了事* * + to rush through the work/ to get through a thing carelessly
草草收兵' + 草草收兵* * + to work vaguely then retreat (idiom); sloppy and half-hearted/ half-baked
草草收場' + 草草收场* * + to rush to conclude a matter/ to end up abruptly
草莓' + 草莓* * + strawberry/ CL:顆|颗
草莓族' + 草莓族* * + pampere /
草莽' + 草莽* * + a rank growth of grass/ uncultivated land wilderness
草菅人命' + 草菅人命* * + human life as grass (idiom); to kill people like scything grass/ a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen
草菇' + 草菇* * + straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea)/ paddy straw mushroom
草薦' + 草荐* * + straw mattress/ palliasse
草藥' + 草药* * + herbal medicine/
草蜢' + 草蜢* * + grasshopper/
草蜻蛉' + 草蜻蛉* * + green lacewing/
草酸' + 草酸* * + oxalic acid C2H2O4/
草雞' + 草鸡* * + free-range chicken/ (dialect) hen cowardly
草鞋' + 草鞋* * + straw sandals/
草食動物' + 草食动物* * + herbivore/ herbivorous animal
草體' + 草体* * + see 草書|草书/
草魚' + 草鱼* * + grass c /
草鴞' + 草鸮* * + (Chinese bird species) eastern grass owl (Tyto longimembris)/
草鷺' + 草鹭* * + (Chinese bird species) purple heron (Ardea purpurea)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


334 这些 草莓 +
507 草地 +
547 公园 青草地 +
708 房子 周围 草地 +
918 妈妈 正在 除草 +
923 草地 +
956 房子 周围 草地 +
1110 这些 绿 +
1111 孩子们 草地 +
1164 这里 花草 兴旺 +
1336 孩子们 草地 互相 追逐 +
1416 他们 草地 休息 +
2137 草原 撞见 一头 大象 +
2249 草地 +
2343 草地 乌鸦 +
2401 草地 吃草 +
2440 薰衣草 紫色 +
2604 我们 草地 踢球 +
2623 他们 计画 草案 +
2850 草原 辽阔 +
2895 草坪 洒水 +
3443 草坪 漂亮 +
3557 草丛 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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