A + + * * tuo1 take off/ cast off/ strip 1. abwerfen, abstreifen, abfallen, ausfallen 2. abnehmen, ausziehen 3. entfliehen, entgehen 4. fehlen 5. vernachlässigen + + +
B 脫離 + + * * tuo1li2 break away from von etwas trennen, sich von etwas lösen + + +
C 擺脫 + + * * bai3tuo1 free oneself from/ get rid of etwas abwerfen, etwas loswerden, sich von etwas befreien + + +
D 脫落 + + * * tuo1luo4 break off/ shed fallen, abfallen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
take off
fall, drop / net income, surplus

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

脫' + * * + to shed to take off/ to escape to get awa
脫下' + 脱下* * + to take off (clothing)/
脫不了身' + 脱不了身* * + busy and unable to get away/
脫亞入歐' + 脱亚入欧* * + to abandon the old (Asian) ways and learn from Europe/ refers to the ideas that led to the Meiji Restoration and Japan's subsequent colonization projects in Asia
脫俗' + 脱俗* * + free from vulgarity/ refined outstandin
脫光' + 脱光* * + to strip naked/ to strip nude (coll.) to
脫出' + 脱出* * + to break away/ to extricate to escape
脫北者' + 脱北者* * + North Korean refugee/
脫卸' + 脱卸* * + to evade responsibility/ to shirk
脫去' + 脱去* * + to throw off/
脫口' + 脱口* * + to blurt out/
脫口秀' + 脱口秀* * + talk show (loanword)/
脫口而出' + 脱口而出* * + to blurt out/ to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
脫咖啡因' + 脱咖啡因* * + decaffeinated/ decaf see also 無
脫單' + 脱单* * + to find /
脫垂' + 脱垂* * + prolapse/
脫孝' + 脱孝* * + to get through the mourning period/
脫崗' + 脱岗* * + to take time off/ to take leave (e.g. for study) to skive o
脫序' + 脱序* * + disorder/
脫手' + 脱手* * + (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc)/ to get rid of to unload
脫掉' + 脱掉* * + to remove/ to take off to strip o
脫換' + 脱换* * + to molt/
脫敏' + 脱敏* * + to desensitize/ to remove an allergic susceptibility
脫期' + 脱期* * + to fail to come out on time/ to miss a deadline
脫機' + 脱机* * + offline/
脫檔' + 脱档* * + sold out/ out of stock
脫殼' + 脱壳* * + to shed egg-shell (of newly hatched chick)/
脫殼' + 脱壳* * + to molt/ to exuviate fig. to fl
脫毛' + 脱毛* * + to lose hair or feathers/ to molt depilation
脫毛劑' + 脱毛剂* * + depilatory medicine/
脫氧' + 脱氧* * + deoxidation/
脫氧核糖' + 脱氧核糖* * + deoxyribose/
脫氧核糖核酸' + 脱氧核糖核酸* * + DNA/
脫氧核苷酸' + 脱氧核苷酸* * + deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate/ dNMP
脫氧脫糖核酸' + 脱氧脱糖核酸* * + deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)/
脫氧麻黃鹼' + 脱氧麻黄碱* * + methamphetamine/
脫氫' + 脱氢* * + dehydrogenation/
脫氫酶' + 脱氢酶* * + dehydrogenase (enzyme)/
脫水' + 脱水* * + to dry out/ to extract water dehydratio
脫水機' + 脱水机* * + a device for extracting water (such as a centrifuge)/
脫泥' + 脱泥* * + to remove mud/ desliming (in coal production)
脫溶' + 脱溶* * + to precipitate (solid from a solution)/
脫滑' + 脱滑* * + to shirk/ to try to get off work to slide o
脫漏' + 脱漏* * + omission/ to leave out missing
脫澀' + 脱涩* * + to remove astringent taste/
脫灑' + 脱洒* * + elegant/ free and easy
脫然' + 脱然* * + unconcerned/ without worries
脫班' + 脱班* * + behind schedule/ late
脫產' + 脱产* * + to transfer (from production to other duties)/ to take leave (for study or other job) to dispose
脫略' + 脱略* * + unrestrained/ throwing off strictures unrespectf
脫皮' + 脱皮* * + to molt/ to peel fig. serio
脫皮掉肉' + 脱皮掉肉* * + lit. to shed skin, drop flesh/ to work as hard as possible to work on
脫盲' + 脱盲* * + to acquire literacy/ to throw off blindness
脫秀' + 脱秀* * + strip show/
脫稿' + 脱稿* * + to complete a draft/ to put out a manuscript
脫穎而出' + 脱颖而出* * + to reveal one's talent (idiom)/ to rise above others to disting
脫空' + 脱空* * + to fail/ to come to nothing to fall th
脫空漢' + 脱空汉* * + liar/
脫窗' + 脱窗* * + cross-eyed (Tw) (Minnan thuah-thang)/
脫節' + 脱节* * + to come apart/
脫粒' + 脱粒* * + to thresh/
脫粒機' + 脱粒机* * + threshing machine/
脫粟' + 脱粟* * + grain kernel (after threshing and winnowing)/
脫線' + 脱线* * + derailment/ to jump the track (of train) to derail
脫羽' + 脱羽* * + to shed feathers/ to molt (of birds)
脫肛' + 脱肛* * + rectal prolapse/
脫胎' + 脱胎* * + born/ to emerge from the womb fig. to de
脫胎成仙' + 脱胎成仙* * + reborn as immortal/
脫胎換骨' + 脱胎换骨* * + to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist/ to turn over a new leaf fig. to ch
脫胎漆器' + 脱胎漆器* * + bodiless lacquerware/
脫脂' + 脱脂* * + to remove fat/ to skim (milk)
脫脂棉' + 脱脂棉* * + absorbent cotton/
脫脫' + 脱脱* * + Toktoghan (1314-1355), Mongol politician during the Yuan dynasty, prime minister u/ also written Tuoketuo 托克托
脫腸' + 脱肠* * + (rectal) hernia/
脫臼' + 脱臼* * + dislocation (of a joint)/
脫色' + 脱色* * + to lose color/ to turn pale to bleach
脫色劑' + 脱色剂* * + bleaching agent/ decolorant
脫落' + 脱落* * + to drop off/ to come off to lose (h
脫衣服' + 脱衣服* * + undress/
脫衣舞' + 脱衣舞* * + striptease/
脫褲子放屁' + 脱裤子放屁* * + lit. to take off trousers to fart/ fig. to do something absolutely unnecessary fig. to ma
脫誤' + 脱误* * + omission/ missing word
脫貧' + 脱贫* * + to lift oneself out of poverty/
脫貧致富' + 脱贫致富* * + to rise from poverty and become prosperous (idiom)/ poverty alleviation
脫貨' + 脱货* * + out of stock/ sold out
脫身' + 脱身* * + to get away/ to escape (from obligations) to free on
脫軌' + 脱轨* * + to leave the rails/ to derail to jump th
脫逃' + 脱逃* * + to run away/ to escape
脫鉤' + 脱钩* * + to cut ties/ to disconnect out of tou
脫銷' + 脱销* * + to sell out/ to run out (of supplies) deficient
脫開' + 脱开* * + to withdraw/
脫除' + 脱除* * + to get rid of/
脫險' + 脱险* * + to escape (danger)/ to rescue to come ou
脫離' + 脱离* * + to separate oneself from/ to break away from diastasis
脫離危險' + 脱离危险* * + out of danger/ to avoid danger
脫離苦海' + 脱离苦海* * + to escape from the abyss of suffering/ to shed off a wretched plight
脫靶' + 脱靶* * + to miss/ to shoot and miss the target off the ma
脫韁' + 脱缰* * + to throw off the reins/ runaway (horse) fig. out o
脫韁之馬' + 脱缰之马* * + lit. a horse that has thrown off the reins (idiom); runaway horse/ out of control
脫骨換胎' + 脱骨换胎* * + to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist/ to turn over a new leaf fig. to ch
脫髮' + 脱发* * + baldness/ to lose hair or feathers to molt
脫黨' + 脱党* * + to leave a political party/ to give up party membership

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 +
1378 正在 外套 +
2649 他们 挣脱 绳子 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +