C + + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano + + +
D 鋼琴 + + * * gang1qin2 piano Klavier,Piano + + +
D 小提琴 + + * * xiao3ti2qin2 violin Violine + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
small, tiny, insignificant
hold in hand / lift in hand
Chinese lute or guitar

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

琴' + * * + guqin or zither, cf 古琴/
琴劍飄零' + 琴剑飘零* * + floatin /
琴師' + 琴师* * + player of a stringed instrument/
琴弦' + 琴弦* * + string (of a stringed instrument)/
琴手' + 琴手* * + player of a stringed instrument/
琴斯托霍瓦' + 琴斯托霍瓦* * + Częstochowa (city in Poland)/
琴書' + 琴书* * + traditional art form, consisting of sung story telling with musical accompaniment/
琴棋書畫' + 琴棋书画* * + the four arts (zither, Go, calligraphy, painting)/ the accomplishments of a well-educated person
琴瑟' + 琴瑟* * + qin and se, two string instruments that play in perfect harmony/ marital harmony
琴瑟不調' + 琴瑟不调* * + out of tune/ marital discord, cf qin and se 琴瑟, two string instruments as symbol of marital harmony
琴瑟和鳴' + 琴瑟和鸣* * + in perfect harmony/ in sync lit. qin a
琴酒' + 琴酒* * + gin (Taiwan variant of 金酒/
琴錘' + 琴锤* * + mallet drumstick/
琴鍵' + 琴键* * + a piano key/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


627 练习 弹钢琴 +
1918 弹琴 +
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏 +
2570 乐谱 弹琴 +
3236 小提琴 +
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +