B 國王 + + * * guo2wang2 king König + + +
D + + * * wang2 king 1. Herrscher, König 2. Groß-, z.B Großvater 3. ein Name + + +
D 王國 + + * * wang2guo2 kingdom Königreich, Reich + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
king, ruler / royal / surname
nation, country, nation-state

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

王' + * * + surname Wang/
王' + * * + king or monarch/ best or strongest of its type grand
王' + * * + to rule/ to reign over
王不留行' + 王不留行* * + cowherb (Vaccaria segetalis)/ cowherb seeds (used in TCM)
王世充' + 王世充* * + Wang Shichong (-621), general of late Sui and opponent of early Tang/
王丹' + 王丹* * + Wang Dan (1969-), Chinese dissident, one of the leaders of the Beijing student dem/
王五' + 王五* * + Wang Wu, name for an unspecified person, third of a series of three: 張三|张三/
王仙芝' + 王仙芝* * + Wang Xi /
王伾' + 王伾* * + Wang Pi (-c. 806), Tang dynasty chancellor and a leader of failed Yongzhen reform /
王位' + 王位* * + title of king/ kingship
王侯' + 王侯* * + aristocracy/
王侯公卿' + 王侯公卿* * + aristocracy/
王儲' + 王储* * + crown prince/ heir to throne
王充' + 王充* * + Wang Chong (27-97), rationalist and critical philosopher/
王光良' + 王光良* * + Michael Wong (1970-), Malaysian Chinese singer and composer/
王八' + 王八* * + tortoise/ cuckold (old) male
王八犢子' + 王八犊子* * + see 王八羔子/
王八羔子' + 王八羔子* * + son of bastard/
王八蛋' + 王八蛋* * + bastard (insult)/ son of a bitch
王公' + 王公* * + princes and dukes/ aristocrat
王冠' + 王冠* * + crown/
王力' + 王力* * + Wang Li (1900-1986), one of the pioneers of modern Chinese linguistics/
王力宏' + 王力宏* * + Wang Lee-Hom (1976-), Taiwanese-American singer/
王力雄' + 王力雄* * + Wang Lixiong (1953-), Chinese writer, author of Yellow Peril 黃禍|黄祸/
王勃' + 王勃* * + Wang Bo /
王勵勤' + 王励勤* * + Wang Liqin (1978-), former PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist/
王化' + 王化* * + beneficial influence of the sovereign/
王叔文' + 王叔文* * + Wang Shuwen (735-806), famous Tang dynasty scholar, Go player and politician, a le/
王后' + 王后* * + queen CL:個|个/
王君如' + 王君如* * + Cyndi W /
王國' + 王国* * + kingdom/ realm
王國維' + 王国维* * + Wang Guowei (1877-1927), noted scholar/
王國聚會所' + 王国聚会所* * + Kingdom Hall (place of worship used by Jehovah's Witnesses)/
王士禛' + 王士禛* * + Wang Shizhen (1634-1711), early Qing poet/
王太后' + 王太后* * + Queen Dowager (in Europe)/ widowed queen Queen moth
王夫之' + 王夫之* * + Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), wide-ranging scholar of the Ming-Qing transition/
王妃' + 王妃* * + princess (in Europe)/
王婆賣瓜,自賣自誇' + 王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸* * + every potter praises his own pot (idiom)/ all one's geese are swans
王子' + 王子* * + prince/ son of a king
王安石' + 王安石* * + Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Song dynasty politician and writer, one of the Eight Giant/
王室' + 王室* * + royal family/ royal household
王宮' + 王宫* * + imperial palace/
王家' + 王家* * + princely/
王家瑞' + 王家瑞* * + Wang Jiarui (1949-), PRC politician and diplomat, from 2006 head of CPC central co/
王家衛' + 王家卫* * + Wong Ka /
王實甫' + 王实甫* * + Wang Shifu (fl. 1295-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamber 西廂記|西厢记/
王導' + 王导* * + Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official of Jin dynasty and brother of general Wang D/
王小波' + 王小波* * + Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), scholar and novelist/
王岐山' + 王岐山* * + Wang Qishan (1948-), PRC politician/
王岱輿' + 王岱舆* * + Wang Daiyu (1584-1670), Hui Islamic scholar of the Ming-Qing transition/
王希孟' + 王希孟* * + Wang Ximeng (c. 1096-c. 1119), Song artist, probably teenage prodigy who died youn/
王平' + 王平* * + Wang Ping (1962-2013), PRC crosstalk actor/
王府' + 王府* * + prince's mansion/
王府井' + 王府井* * + Wangfujing neighborhood of central Beijing, famous for shopping/
王座' + 王座* * + throne/
王建民' + 王建民* * + Chien-Ming Wang (1980-), Taiwanese starting pitcher for the Washington Nationals i/
王弼' + 王弼* * + Wang Bi (226-249), Chinese neo-Daoist philosopher/
王心凌' + 王心凌* * + stage name of Cyndi Wang/ see 王君如
王敦' + 王敦* * + Wang Du /
王明' + 王明* * + Wang Ming (1904-1974), Soviet trained Chinese communist, Comintern and Soviet stoo/
王昭君' + 王昭君* * + Wang Zhaojun (52-19 BC), famous beauty at the court of Han emperor Yuan 漢元帝|汉元帝/
王朔' + 王朔* * + Wang Sh /
王朝' + 王朝* * + dynasty/
王楠' + 王楠* * + Wang Nan (1978-), female PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist/
王權' + 王权* * + royalty/ royal power
王欽若' + 王钦若* * + Wang Qinruo (962-1025), Northern Song dynasty official/
王母' + 王母* * + another name for 西王母/
王母' + 王母* * + (litera /
王母娘娘' + 王母娘娘* * + another name for Xi Wangmu 西王母, Queen Mother of the West/
王水' + 王水* * + Aqua regia/
王永民' + 王永民* * + Wang Yongmin (1943-), inventor of the five stroke input method 五筆輸入法|五笔输入法/
王治郅' + 王治郅* * + Wang Zh /
王法' + 王法* * + the law/ the law of the land the law of
王洪文' + 王洪文* * + Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the Gang of Four/
王爺' + 王爷* * + prince/ marquis nobleman
王牌' + 王牌* * + trump card/
王猛' + 王猛* * + Wang Meng (325-375), prime minister to Fu Jian 苻堅|苻坚/
王益' + 王益* * + Wangyi /
王益區' + 王益区* * + Wangyi /
王碼' + 王码* * + Wang co /
王祖賢' + 王祖贤* * + Joey Wo /
王禹偁' + 王禹偁* * + Wang Yucheng (954-1001) Song dynasty literary figure/
王穎' + 王颖* * + Wayne Wang (1949-), Chinese US film director/
王維' + 王维* * + Wang Wei (701-761), Tang Dynasty poet/
王義夫' + 王义夫* * + Wang Yifu (1960-), male PRC pistol shooter and Olympic medalist/
王羲之' + 王羲之* * + Wang Xizhi (303-361), famous calligrapher of Eastern Jin, known as the sage of cal/
王老五' + 王老五* * + lit. fifth child of the Wangs/ bachelor
王老吉' + 王老吉* * + Wanglaoji (beverage brand)/
王肅' + 王肃* * + Wang Su (c. 195-256), classical scholar of Cao Wei dynasty, believed to have forge/
王英' + 王英* * + Wang Ying (character in the "Water Margin")/
王莽' + 王莽* * + Wang Mang (45 BC-23 AD), usurped power and reigned 9-23 between the former and lat/
王菲' + 王菲* * + Faye Wong (1969-), Hong Kong pop star and actress/
王著' + 王著* * + Wang Zhu (-c. 990), Song calligrapher and writer/
王軍霞' + 王军霞* * + Wang Junxia (1973-), Chinese long-distance runner/
王道' + 王道* * + the Way of the King/ statecraft benevolent
王選' + 王选* * + Wang Xuan (1937-2006), Chinese printing industry innovator/
王震' + 王震* * + Wang Zhen (1908-1993), Chinese political figure/
王顧左右而言他' + 王顾左右而言他* * + the king looked left and right and then talked of other things/ to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


302 国王 +
2676 王位 世袭 +
3055 狮子 百兽 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +