B + + * * gou3 dog Hund + + +
D 走狗 + + * * zou3gou3 flunky/ hatchet man Kettenhund, Lakai, Handlager + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
walk, go on foot / run / leave
dog, canis familiaris

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

狗' + * * + dog/ CL:隻|只
狗交媾般' + 狗交媾般* * + doggy-s /
狗仔' + 狗仔* * + paparazzi/
狗仔式' + 狗仔式* * + dog paddle (swimming)/ doggy style (sex)
狗仔隊' + 狗仔队* * + paparazzi/
狗仗人勢' + 狗仗人势* * + a dog threatens based on master's power (idiom); to use one's position to bully ot/
狗刨' + 狗刨* * + dog paddle (swimming style)/
狗吃屎' + 狗吃屎* * + to fall flat on one's face (vulgar)/
狗吠' + 狗吠* * + bark/ CL:聲|声
狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心' + 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心* * + a dog b to ill reward a person's kindness/
狗咬狗' + 狗咬狗* * + dog-eat-dog/ dogfight
狗嘴裏吐不出象牙' + 狗嘴里吐不出象牙* * + no ivory comes from the mouth of a dog (idiom)/ no good words are to be expected from a scoundrel
狗娘養的' + 狗娘养的* * + son of a bitch/
狗尾續貂' + 狗尾续貂* * + lit. to use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable fur (idiom)/ fig. a worthless sequel to a masterpiece
狗屁' + 狗屁* * + bullshit/ nonsense
狗屁不通' + 狗屁不通* * + incoherent (writing or speech)/ nonsensical a load of
狗屋' + 狗屋* * + kennel/
狗屎' + 狗屎* * + canine excrement/ dog poo bullshit
狗屎運' + 狗屎运* * + unexpected success/ Lucky bastard! (slang)
狗崽子' + 狗崽子* * + (coll.) puppy/ (derog.) son of a bitch
狗年' + 狗年* * + Year of the Dog (e.g. 2006)/
狗急跳牆' + 狗急跳墙* * + a cornered dog will jump over the wall (idiom)/ to be driven to desperate action
狗扯羊皮' + 狗扯羊皮* * + to fuss around/ to buzz about uselessly to wag one
狗拳' + 狗拳* * + Gou Quan - "Dog Fist" - Martial Art/
狗拿耗子' + 狗拿耗子* * + lit. a dog who catches mice/ to be meddlesome (idiom)
狗改不了吃屎' + 狗改不了吃屎* * + lit. a dog can't stop himself from eating shit (idiom)/ fig. bad habits are hard to change
狗日' + 狗日* * + lit. fucked or spawned by a dog/ contemptible lousy, fuc
狗熊' + 狗熊* * + black bear/ coward
狗爬式' + 狗爬式* * + dog paddle (swimming style)/
狗牌' + 狗牌* * + dog tag/
狗獾' + 狗獾* * + badger/ CL:隻|只
狗玩兒的' + 狗玩儿的* * + beast ( /
狗男女' + 狗男女* * + a couple engaged in an illicit love affair/ a cheating couple
狗皮膏藥' + 狗皮膏药* * + dogskin plaster, used in TCM for treating contusions, rheumatism etc/ quack medicine sham goods
狗秀' + 狗秀* * + dog show/
狗窩' + 狗窝* * + doghouse/ kennel
狗竇' + 狗窦* * + dog hole/ gap caused by missing teeth fig. den o
狗竇大開' + 狗窦大开* * + dog hole wide open (idiom); fig. gap caused by missing teeth (used mockingly)/
狗糧' + 狗粮* * + dog food/
狗肉' + 狗肉* * + dog meat/
狗腿' + 狗腿* * + lackey/ henchman to kiss up
狗腿子' + 狗腿子* * + dog's leg/ fig. one who follows a villain henchman
狗膽包天' + 狗胆包天* * + extremely daring (idiom)/ foolhardy
狗血' + 狗血* * + melodramatic/ contrived
狗血噴頭' + 狗血喷头* * + torrent of abuse (idiom)/
狗血淋頭' + 狗血淋头* * + lit. to pour dogs blood on/ to curse or berate sb (idiom)
狗賊' + 狗贼* * + (insult) brigand/ swindler
狗逮老鼠' + 狗逮老鼠* * + lit. a dog who catches mice (idiom)/ fig. to be meddlesome
狗雜碎' + 狗杂碎* * + piece of shit/ scumbag
狗雜種' + 狗杂种* * + son of a bitch/ damn bastard
狗頭軍師' + 狗头军师* * + (derog.) inept advisor/ a good-for-nothing adviser one who of
狗食袋' + 狗食袋* * + doggy bag/ take-out container
狗鷲' + 狗鹫* * + royal eagle/ CL:隻|只

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


68 可爱 +
83 喜欢 +
88 地上 +
369 +
560 +
1139 毛色 雪白 +
1255 不少 寄生虫 +
1347 鼻子 +
1387 抓痒 +
1521 喜欢 骨头 +
1628 狗仔队 喜欢 偷拍 明星 私生活 +
1629 +
2047 摇头摆尾 +
2250 慢跑 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +
2579 沙滩 踪迹 +
2580 我们 跟踪 +
2616 伸出 舌头 +
3462 他们 洗澡 +
3570 地上 拉屎 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +