B 鬥爭 + + * * dou4zheng1 fight/ struggle/ combat kämpfen gegen + + +
B + + * * zheng1 vie/ contend/ strive/ argue/ dispute 1. kämpfen, ringen, wetteifern, streben 2. streiten, hadern + + +
B 爭論 + + * * zheng1lun4 dispute/ debate/ controvert streiten, debattieren, argumentieren, Debatte, Kontroverse + + +
B 爭取 + + * * zheng1qu3 strive for/ fight for/ win over kämpfen um, wettstreiten, + + +
B 戰爭 + + * * zhan4zheng1 warfare/ war Krieg + + +
C 爭奪 + + * * zheng1duo2 fight-seize/ fight for/ contend for/ scrabble for ringen, sich um etwas streiten + + +
C 競爭 + + * * jing4zheng1 compete/ rival/ competition/ rivalry Konkurrenz, konkurrieren + + +
C 力爭 + + * * li4zheng1 do one's best to/ strive for/ contend vigorously etwas mit allen Mitteln erreichen wollen + + +
D 爭吵 + + * * zheng1chao3 quarrel sich streiten, sich zanken, + + +
D 爭端 + + * * zheng1duan1 issue Streitfall, Kontroverse, Streitigkeit + + +
D 爭氣 + + * * zheng1 qi4 try to make a good showing sich um einen guten Auftritt bemühen, Kampfgeist + + +
D 爭先恐後 + + * * zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4 strive to be the first/ vie with each other erster sein wollen und dabei fürchten zurückzufallen + + +
D 爭議 + + * * zheng1yi4 dispute streiten, Streit, Disput, Kontroverse + + +
D 百家爭鳴 + + * * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend hundert Schulen wettstreiten mit einander + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
one hundred / numerous, many
house, home, residence / family
dispute, fight, contend, strive
cry of bird or animal / make sound

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

爭' + * * + to strive for/ to vie for to argue o
爭先' + 争先* * + to compete to be first/ to contest first place
爭先恐後' + 争先恐后* * + striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another/
爭光' + 争光* * + to win an honor/ to strive to win a prize
爭分奪秒' + 争分夺秒* * + lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time/ making every second count
爭取' + 争取* * + to fight for/ to strive for to win ove
爭名奪利' + 争名夺利* * + to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth/ only interested in personal gain
爭吵' + 争吵* * + to quarrel/ dispute
爭執' + 争执* * + to dispute/ to disagree to argue o
爭執不下' + 争执不下* * + to quarrel endlessly/
爭奪' + 争夺* * + to fight over/ to contest to vie ove
爭奪戰' + 争夺战* * + struggle/
爭妍鬥艷' + 争妍斗艳* * + contending for supreme beauty (esp. of flowers, scenery, painting etc)/ vying in beauty and glamor
爭寵' + 争宠* * + to strive for favor/
爭強好勝' + 争强好胜* * + competitive/ ambitious and aggressive to desire
爭得' + 争得* * + to obtain by an effort/ to strive to get sth
爭戰' + 争战* * + fight/
爭持' + 争持* * + to refuse to concede/ not to give in
爭搶' + 争抢* * + to fight over/ to scramble for
爭權奪利' + 争权夺利* * + scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle/
爭氣' + 争气* * + to work hard for sth/ to resolve on improvement determined
爭球線' + 争球线* * + scrimmage line (American football)/
爭相' + 争相* * + to fall over each other in their eagerness to.../
爭端' + 争端* * + dispute/ controversy conflict
爭臣' + 争臣* * + minister not afraid to give forthright criticism/
爭衡' + 争衡* * + to struggle for mastery/ to strive for supremacy
爭訟' + 争讼* * + dispute involving litigation/ legal dispute
爭論' + 争论* * + to argue/ to debate to contend
爭論點' + 争论点* * + content /
爭議' + 争议* * + controversy/ dispute to dispute
爭議性' + 争议性* * + controversial/
爭購' + 争购* * + to compete/ to fight for to rush to
爭辯' + 争辩* * + a dispute/ to wrangle
爭鋒' + 争锋* * + to strive/
爭長論短' + 争长论短* * + lit. to argue who is right and wrong (idiom); to quibble/ a storm in a teacup
爭雄' + 争雄* * + to contend for supremacy/
爭霸' + 争霸* * + to contend for hegemony/ a power struggle
爭面子' + 争面子* * + to fight for a good reputation/
爭風吃醋' + 争风吃醋* * + to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman/ to be jealous of a rival in a love affair
爭鬥' + 争斗* * + struggle/ war
爭鳴' + 争鸣* * + to contend/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


734 战争 爆发 +
773 他们 争吵 +
774 比赛 双方 竞争 激烈 +
1019 战争 停止 +
1489 夫妻 应该 避免 争吵 +
2038 孩子 面前 争吵 明智 +
2068 他们 争吵 缘由 +
2069 他们 争辩 什么 +
2316 他们 争得 面红耳赤 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +