A + + * * shen1 deep/ difficult/ thoroughgoing/ dark 1. tief 2. schwer, schwierig, tief 3. tiefschürfend, eingehend 4. eng, intim, tief 5. tief, dunkel 6. spät 7. sehr, tief + + +
B 深刻 + + * * shen1ke4 deep/ profound tief, tiefschürfend,eindringlich, profund + + +
B 深入 + + * * shen1ru4 penetrate into/ go deep into Vollständig + + +
B 深厚 + + * * shen1hou4 profound 1. tief, tief verwurzelt 2. fest,fundiert + + +
C 深夜 + + * * shen1ye4 late at night/ period around midnight späte Nacht, frühe Morgenstunden, + + +
C 深度 + + * * shen1du4 depth degree/ depth/ profundity/ higher level Tiefe + + +
D 深化 + + * * shen1hua4 deepen vertiefen, intensivieren, sich in die Tiefe entwickeln + + +
D 深淺 + + * * shen1qian3 depth Tiefe, Maß, angemessene Grenze, Farbton, (Farb-) Schattierung + + +
D 深切 + + * * shen1qie4 deep felt herzlich, tief, gründlich und genau + + +
D 深情 + + * * shen1qing2 deep feelings/ affectionateness tiefes Gefühl, tiefe Liebe + + +
D 深信 + + * * shen1xin4 trust/ convince fest an etw. glauben + + +
D 深遠 + + * * shen1yuan3 far-reaching tiefgreifend und dauernd, weitreichend + + +
D 深重 + + * * shen1zhong4 very grave äußerst ernst + + +
D 加深 + + * * jia1shen1 deepen vertiefen + + +
D 根深蒂固 + + * * gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted/ in grain tief eingewurzelt + + +
D 深奧 + + * * shen1'ao4 abstruse/ deep schwer zu verstehen, dunkel + + +
D 深沉 + + * * shen1chen2 deep tief + + +
D 深處 + + * * shen1chu4 depth/ cavern Tiefe, Verborgenheit + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
deep / depth / far / very, extreme
place, locale / department

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

深' + * * + deep/ depth deeply
深不可測' + 深不可测* * + deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths/ incomprehensible enigmatic
深井' + 深井* * + Sham Tseng (area in Hong Kong)/
深信' + 深信* * + to believe firmly/
深信不疑' + 深信不疑* * + to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom)/ absolute certainty about sth
深入' + 深入* * + to penetrate deeply/ thorough
深入人心' + 深入人心* * + to enter deeply into people's hearts/ to have a real impact on the people (idiom)
深入淺出' + 深入浅出* * + to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom)/ (of language) simple and easy to understand
深入顯出' + 深入显出* * + see 深入淺出|深入浅出/
深切' + 深切* * + deeply heartfelt/ sincere honest
深刻' + 深刻* * + profound/ deep deep-going
深化' + 深化* * + to deepen/ to intensify
深厚' + 深厚* * + deep/ profound
深受' + 深受* * + to receive in no small measure/
深圳' + 深圳* * + Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong/
深圳交易所' + 深圳交易所* * + Shenzhen Stock Exchange SZSE/
深圳健力寶' + 深圳健力宝* * + Shenzhen Jianlibao (soccer team)/
深圳市' + 深圳市* * + Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong/
深圳河' + 深圳河* * + Shenzhen or Shamchun river Guangdong, the border between Hong Kong new territories/
深圳證券交易所' + 深圳证券交易所* * + Shenzhen Stock Exchange, abbr. to 深交所/
深坑' + 深坑* * + Shenken /
深坑鄉' + 深坑乡* * + Shenken /
深夜' + 深夜* * + very la /
深奧' + 深奥* * + profound/ abstruse recondite
深孚眾望' + 深孚众望* * + to enjoy the confidence of the people/ to be very popular
深密' + 深密* * + dense/ thick
深層' + 深层* * + deep layer/ deep deep-seate
深層次' + 深层次* * + deep level/ deep-seated in-depth
深層清潔' + 深层清洁* * + deep cleansing/
深山' + 深山* * + deep in the mountains/
深州' + 深州* * + Shenzhou Hengshui 衡水/
深州市' + 深州市* * + Shenzho /
深度' + 深度* * + depth (of a speech etc) profundity/ advanced stage of development
深度學習' + 深度学习* * + deep learning (artificial intelligence)/
深度尺' + 深度尺* * + depth indicator or gauge/
深廣' + 深广* * + deep and wide/ vast profound (
深得民心' + 深得民心* * + to win the hearts of the people/ to be popular among the masses
深思' + 深思* * + to ponder/ to consider
深思熟慮' + 深思熟虑* * + mature reflection/ after careful deliberations
深情' + 深情* * + deep emotion/ deep feeling deep love
深情厚意' + 深情厚意* * + profound love, generous friendship (idiom)/
深情厚誼' + 深情厚谊* * + deep friendship/
深情款款' + 深情款款* * + loving/ caring adoring
深惡痛絕' + 深恶痛绝* * + to detest bitterly (idiom)/ implacable hatred to abhor
深愛' + 深爱* * + to love dearly/
深感' + 深感* * + to feel deeply/
深成岩' + 深成岩* * + plutonic rock/ abyssal rock
深挖' + 深挖* * + to dredge/
深摯' + 深挚* * + heartfelt and genuine/
深明大義' + 深明大义* * + to have a high notion of one's duty/ to be highly principled
深更半夜' + 深更半夜* * + in the dead of night (idiom)/
深棕' + 深棕* * + brown (color)/
深棕色' + 深棕色* * + dark brown/
深水埗' + 深水埗* * + Sham Shui Po district of Kowloon, Hong Kong/
深水炸彈' + 深水炸弹* * + depth charge/
深沉' + 深沉* * + deep/ profound (of a pers
深海' + 深海* * + deep sea/
深海圍網' + 深海围网* * + purse-seine net (fishing)/
深海煙囪' + 深海烟囱* * + deep-sea vent/ black smoker
深深' + 深深* * + deep/ profound
深淵' + 深渊* * + abyss/
深淺' + 深浅* * + deep or shallow/ depth (of the sea) limits of
深港' + 深港* * + Shenzhen and Hong Kong/
深源地震' + 深源地震* * + deep earthquake (with epicenter more than 300 km deep)/
深潭' + 深潭* * + deep natural pond/ deep pit abyss
深澤' + 深泽* * + Shenze county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄/
深澤縣' + 深泽县* * + Shenze /
深灰色' + 深灰色* * + dark gr /
深知' + 深知* * + to know well/ to be fully aware of
深秋' + 深秋* * + late autumn/
深究' + 深究* * + to perform an in-depth investigation/
深空' + 深空* * + deep space (outer space)/
深紅色' + 深红色* * + scarlet/
深綠' + 深绿* * + dark green/
深縣' + 深县* * + Shen county in Hebei/
深耕' + 深耕* * + deep plowing/ thorough penetration thorough d
深耕細作' + 深耕细作* * + deep plowing and careful cultivation/
深色' + 深色* * + dark/ dark colored
深藍' + 深蓝* * + Deep Blue, chess-playing computer, first to defeat reigning world champion, develo/
深藍' + 深蓝* * + dark blue/
深藏若虛' + 深藏若虚* * + to hide one's treasure away so that no-one knows about it (idiom); fig. modest abo/ to hide one's light under a bushel
深處' + 深处* * + abyss/ depths deepest or
深談' + 深谈* * + to have an in depth conversation/ to have intimate talks to discuss
深謀' + 深谋* * + forethought/
深謀遠慮' + 深谋远虑* * + lit. deep plans and distant thoughts/ to plan far ahead (idiom)
深謀遠略' + 深谋远略* * + a well-thought out long-term strategy/
深谷' + 深谷* * + deep valley/ ravine
深蹲' + 深蹲* * + squat (exercise)/
深造' + 深造* * + to pursue one's studies/
深遠' + 深远* * + far-reaching/ profound and long-lasting
深邃' + 深邃* * + deep (valley or night)/ abstruse hidden in
深重' + 深重* * + very serious/ grave profound
深長' + 深长* * + profound (meaning, implications etc)/
深閉固拒' + 深闭固拒* * + deep, closed and refusing (idiom); obstinate/ stubborn and perverse
深閨' + 深闺* * + lady's private room or bedroom/ boudoir
深陷' + 深陷* * + to be caught in/ to be plunged into

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


776 +
1194 深呼吸 +
1210 深深地 一口气 +
1949 题目 深奥 不会 +
2453 他们 之间 建立 深厚 友谊 +
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区 +
3182 夜深 街上 悄然 无声 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +