A 天氣 + + * * tian1qi4 weather Wetter + + +
A 客氣 + + * * ke4qi polite/ act or remark politely höflich + + +
A 空氣 + + * * kong1qi4 air Luft + + +
B 煤氣 + + * * mei2qi4 coal gas Kohlegas + + +
B 勇氣 + + * * yong3qi4 courage Mut, Kühnheit + + +
B 生氣 + + * * sheng1 qi4 get angry/ take offence böse sein, böse werden + + +
B 暖氣 + + * * nuan3qi4 central heating Zentralheizung, Heizung + + +
B + + * * qi4 get angry Gas, Luft, ärgern, verärgern + + +
B 氣候 + + * * qi4hou4 climate Klima + + +
B 氣溫 + + * * qi4wen1 air temperature Lufttemperatur + + +
B 氣象 + + * * qi4xiang4 meteorology Meteorologie + + +
B 語氣 + + * * yu3qi4 tone/ manner of speaking/ mood Tonfall, Klang, Verbmodus + + +
B 力氣 + + * * li4qi strength Stärke + + +
B 脾氣 + + * * pi2qi temperament/ temper Temperament, Jähzorn , + + +
C 氧氣 + + * * yang3qi4 oxygen-gas/ oxygen Sauerstoff, Oxygen + + +
C 神氣 + + * * shen2qi4 expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous/ proud/ cocky Ausdruck, Art,energisch,lebhaft + + +
C 運氣 + + * * yun4qi fortune-luck/ fate/ destiny/ lot/ odds/ luck/ fortune Schicksal, Glücksfall + + +
C 嘆氣 + + * * tan4 qi4 sigh (a breath)/ sigh/ have a sigh seufzen, Seufzer austoßen + + +
C 一口氣 + + * * yi1kou3qi4 all-along/ always/ consistently ein Atemzug, in einem Atemzug, ohne Pause + + +
C 天然氣 + + * * tian1ran2qi4 naturally-formed-gas/ natural gas Erdgas + + +
C + + * * qi4 gas/ air/ breath/ weather/ smell/ spirits/ manner/ insult 1. Luft 2.Gas 3. Atem 4. Geruch 5. Manier 6. Moral 7. ärgern 8. tyrannisieren + + +
C 氣氛 + + * * qi4fen4 atmosphere/ ambience Atmosphäre, Stimmung + + +
C 氣憤 + + * * qi4fen4 angry and resentful/ indignant/ furious empört sein + + +
C 氣概 + + * * qi4gai4 mettle/ (heroic; masculine; etc.) spirit/ lofty quality geistige Haltung + + +
C 風氣 + + * * feng1qi4 social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral + + +
C 氣體 + + * * qi4ti3 gas/ substance in the gaseous state Gas + + +
C 氣味 + + * * qi4wei4 smell/ odor/ favor/ taste/ reek/ smack Geruch,Beigeschmack,Beiklang + + +
C 氣壓 + + * * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + + +
C 口氣 + + * * kou3qi4 manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang + + +
D 爭氣 + + * * zheng1 qi4 try to make a good showing sich um einen guten Auftritt bemühen, Kampfgeist + + +
D 淘氣 + + * * tao2qi4 naughty unartig, frech, lausbübisch + + +
D 正氣 + + * * zheng4qi4 healthy atmosphere gesunde Atmosphäre,Tendenz + + +
D 廢氣 + + * * fei4qi4 exhaust gas Abgas + + +
D 和氣 + + * * he2qi kindly freundlich, liebenswürdig + + +
D 水蒸氣 + + * * shui3zheng1qi4 vapor Wasserdampf + + +
D 大氣壓 + + * * da4qi4ya1 atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + + +
D 氣喘 + + * * qi4chuan3 breathe/ pant Asthma, außer Atem sein + + +
D 氣功 + + * * qi4gong1 qigong Qigong + + +
D 氣力 + + * * qi4li4 effort/ energy Kraft, Mühe + + +
D 氣流 + + * * qi4liu2 air current/ draught Luftstrom, Hauch, + + +
D 氣魄 + + * * qi4po4 daring/ verve Mut, Kühnheit + + +
D 氣勢 + + * * qi4shi4 vigor Stattlichkeit, Schwung + + +
D 理直氣壯 + + * * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice mit vollem Recht, mit Fug und Recht + + +
D 氣息 + + * * qi4xi1 breath/ smell Atem + + +
D 泄氣 + + * * xie4 qi4 pathetic/ feel discouraged in seinen Anstrengungen nachlassen, untauglich, unfähig + + +
D 電氣 + + * * dian4qi4 electric Elektogeräte + + +
D 發脾氣 + + * * fa1 pi2qi get angry/ lose one's temper seine Fassung verlieren, böse werden + + +
D 志氣 + + * * zhi4qi4 ambition/ backbone/ spirit Ehrgeiz, Ambition + + +
D 服氣 + + * * fu2qi4 be convinced überzeugt sein, etwas zugeben + + +
D 嬌氣 + + * * jiao1qi4 effeminate zart, zerbrechlich,verzärtelt,verwöhnt + + +
D 朝氣 + + * * zhao1qi4 youthful spirit Jugendfrische, Lebenskraft, Vitalität + + +
D 朝氣蓬勃 + + * * zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 full of youthful spirit voller Lebenskraft, voller Vitalität + + +
D 福氣 + + * * fu2qi good luck/ felicity Glück, gutes Schicksal + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
happiness, good fortune, blessing
steam, vapor / KangXi radical 84

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

氣' + * * + gas/ air smell
氣不公' + 气不公* * + indignant/
氣不平' + 气不平* * + angry at unfairness/
氣不忿兒' + 气不忿儿* * + furious/ indignant
氣不過' + 气不过* * + so angry it's unbearable/ bitter about unbearable grievances
氣人' + 气人* * + to anger/ to annoy
氣候' + 气候* * + climate/ atmosphere situation
氣候學' + 气候学* * + climato /
氣候學家' + 气候学家* * + a climatologist/
氣候暖化' + 气候暖化* * + climate warming/
氣候溫和' + 气候温和* * + moderate climate/
氣候狀況' + 气候状况* * + climatic conditions/ atmospheric conditions
氣候變化' + 气候变化* * + climate change/
氣像人員' + 气像人员* * + meteorologist/
氣冷式反應堆' + 气冷式反应堆* * + gas-cooled reactor/
氣凝膠' + 气凝胶* * + aerogel/
氣力' + 气力* * + strength/ energy vigor
氣功' + 气功* * + qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises/
氣動' + 气动* * + pneumatic/
氣動噪聲' + 气动噪声* * + aerodynamic noise/
氣動式' + 气动式* * + pneumatic/
氣動控制' + 气动控制* * + air operated/
氣動泵' + 气动泵* * + pneumatic pump/
氣動葫蘆' + 气动葫芦* * + pneumatic hoist pulley/
氣動開關' + 气动开关* * + pneumatic switch/
氣動閘' + 气动闸* * + pneumatic brake/
氣勢' + 气势* * + imposing manner/ loftiness grandeur
氣勢凌人' + 气势凌人* * + arrogant and overbearing/
氣勢宏偉' + 气势宏伟* * + imposing/ majestic
氣勢洶洶' + 气势汹汹* * + aggressive/ truculent overbearin
氣包子' + 气包子* * + quick-tempered person/
氣化' + 气化* * + to vaporize/ evaporation carburetio
氣口' + 气口* * + locatio /
氣吁吁' + 气吁吁* * + to pant/ to gasp for breath
氣味' + 气味* * + odor/ scent
氣呼呼' + 气呼呼* * + panting with rage/
氣咻咻' + 气咻咻* * + to pant/ to gasp for breath
氣哼哼' + 气哼哼* * + enraged/ furious livid
氣喘' + 气喘* * + labored breathing/ shortage of breath due to poor lung capacity asthma
氣喘吁吁' + 气喘吁吁* * + to pant/ to gasp for breath
氣喘喘' + 气喘喘* * + breathless/
氣喘如牛' + 气喘如牛* * + (idiom) labored breathing like a cow/ to puff like a walrus
氣喘病' + 气喘病* * + asthma/
氣囊' + 气囊* * + air sac/ aerostat gasbag
氣圈' + 气圈* * + (planet) atmosphere/ (medical) air ring air cushio
氣團' + 气团* * + air mass/
氣塞' + 气塞* * + airlock/ air block fipple (in
氣墊' + 气垫* * + air cushion (as on hovercraft)/
氣墊船' + 气垫船* * + hovercraft/ air cushion vehicle
氣壓' + 气压* * + atmospheric pressure/ barometric pressure
氣壓表' + 气压表* * + barometer/
氣壓計' + 气压计* * + barometer/
氣壯山河' + 气壮山河* * + magnificent/ inspiring
氣孔' + 气孔* * + air-bubble/ pore stoma
氣宇' + 气宇* * + bearing/ manner
氣宇軒昂' + 气宇轩昂* * + to have an imposing or impressive appearance/ impressive appearance straight a
氣定神閒' + 气定神闲* * + calm and composed (idiom)/
氣密' + 气密* * + airtight/
氣度' + 气度* * + bearing/ manner presence
氣度恢宏' + 气度恢宏* * + broad-minded/ magnanimous
氣急敗壞' + 气急败坏* * + flustered and exasperated/ utterly discomfited
氣息' + 气息* * + breath/ smell odor
氣息奄奄' + 气息奄奄* * + to have only a breath of life (idiom)/
氣惱' + 气恼* * + to be annoyed/ to get angry
氣態' + 气态* * + gaseous state (physics)/ manner air
氣憤' + 气愤* * + indignant/ furious
氣數' + 气数* * + fate/ destiny one's lot
氣旋' + 气旋* * + cyclone/
氣昂昂' + 气昂昂* * + full of vigor/ spirited valiant
氣概' + 气概* * + lofty quality/ mettle spirit
氣槍' + 气枪* * + an air gun/
氣樓' + 气楼* * + small ventilation tower on roof of building/
氣死' + 气死* * + to infuriate/ to be furious to die fro
氣氛' + 气氛* * + atmosphere/ mood
氣沖沖' + 气冲冲* * + furious/ enraged
氣泡' + 气泡* * + bubble/ blister (in metal) (of bevera
氣泡布' + 气泡布* * + bubble wrap/
氣泡膜' + 气泡膜* * + bubble wrap/
氣泵' + 气泵* * + air pump/
氣派' + 气派* * + imposing manner or style/
氣流' + 气流* * + stream of air/ airflow slipstream
氣溫' + 气温* * + air temperature/ CL:個|个
氣溶膠' + 气溶胶* * + aerosol /
氣溶膠偵察儀' + 气溶胶侦察仪* * + aerosol detector/
氣滯' + 气滞* * + stagnation of 氣|气/
氣潭' + 气潭* * + air poc /
氣炸' + 气炸* * + to burst with rage/ to blow one's top
氣焊' + 气焊* * + gas welding/
氣煤' + 气煤* * + gas coal/
氣球' + 气球* * + balloon/
氣瓶' + 气瓶* * + gas cylinder/ air bottle air tank (
氣田' + 气田* * + gasfield/
氣盛' + 气盛* * + red-blooded/ full of vim impetuous
氣筒' + 气筒* * + inflator/ bicycle pump
氣管' + 气管* * + windpipe/ trachea respirator
氣管切開術' + 气管切开术* * + tracheotomy (medicine)/
氣管插管術' + 气管插管术* * + tracheotomy (medicine)/
氣管炎' + 气管炎* * + bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus/ henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得严 used in comic theater)
氣管痙攣' + 气管痉挛* * + breathing convulsions (as in asthma)/ tracheospasm
氣節' + 气节* * + moral integrity/ unflinching righteousness
氣籠' + 气笼* * + air pipe/ bamboo air pipe used to aerate granary
氣粗' + 气粗* * + irascible/ ranting
氣絕' + 气绝* * + to take one's last breath/ dying
氣缸' + 气缸* * + cylinder (engine)/
氣胸' + 气胸* * + pneumothorax (medicine)/
氣色' + 气色* * + complexion/
氣虛' + 气虚* * + deficiency of 氣|气/
氣血' + 气血* * + qi and /
氣衝牛斗' + 气冲牛斗* * + extremely angry/ infuriated
氣衝霄漢' + 气冲霄汉* * + (idiom) dauntless/ courageous spirited
氣話' + 气话* * + angry words/ sth said in the moment of anger
氣象' + 气象* * + meteorological feature/ CL:個|个
氣象台' + 气象台* * + meteoro weather forecasting office/
氣象學' + 气象学* * + meteorology/
氣象學者' + 气象学者* * + a meteorologist/
氣象局' + 气象局* * + weather bureau/ meteorological office
氣象廳' + 气象厅* * + meteorological office/
氣象站' + 气象站* * + weather station/
氣象衛星' + 气象卫星* * + weather satellite/
氣象觀測站' + 气象观测站* * + weather station/
氣貫長虹' + 气贯长虹* * + spirit reaches to the rainbow/ full of noble aspiration and daring
氣質' + 气质* * + temperament/ personality traits manners
氣逆' + 气逆* * + reverse flow of 氣|气/
氣道' + 气道* * + flue air duct/ air passage respirator
氣量' + 气量* * + (lit. quantity of spirit)/ moral character degree of
氣錘' + 气锤* * + pneumatic drill/
氣鑽' + 气钻* * + pneumatic drill/
氣門' + 气门* * + valve (esp. tire valve)/ accelerator (obsolete term for 油門|油门) stigma (zo
氣閘' + 气闸* * + pneumatic brake/ airlock
氣阱' + 气阱* * + air pocket/
氣陷' + 气陷* * + collapse of 氣|气/
氣隙' + 气隙* * + air ven air gap/
氣霧免疫' + 气雾免疫* * + aerosol immunization/
氣霧劑' + 气雾剂* * + aerosol/
氣霧室' + 气雾室* * + cloud chamber/
氣韻' + 气韵* * + (of literature, art) distinct style/ flavor spirit
氣頭上' + 气头上* * + in a fit of anger (idiom); in a temper/
氣餒' + 气馁* * + to be discouraged/
氣體' + 气体* * + gas (i.e. gaseous substance)/
氣體擴散' + 气体扩散* * + gaseous diffusion/
氣體離心' + 气体离心* * + gas centrifuge/
氣魄' + 气魄* * + spirit/ boldness positive o
氣鳴樂器' + 气鸣乐器* * + aerophone (music)/
氣鼓鼓' + 气鼓鼓* * + seething/ fuming

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


275 喜欢 什么 颜色 气球 +
384 力气 +
394 野外 空气 +
395 上气 接下 +
465 气球 吹走 +
548 今天 天气 好极了 +
674 今天 天气 +
859 婴儿 喜欢 妈妈 气息 +
930 春天 天气 温暖 +
976 乡下 空气 +
1107 空气 夹杂 花儿 芳香 +
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 +
1210 深深地 一口气 +
1380 皇宫 气派 +
1498 享受 自然 空气 +
1680 男孩 吹气球 +
1681 为什么 叹气 +
1713 天气 阴沉 +
1743 穿着 俗气 +
1797 城市里 废气 污染 严重 +
1809 空气 汙染 +
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 +
1988 榴槤 气味 特殊 +
2003 天气 他们 很多 +
2013 天气 下雨 +
2146 显得 气愤 +
2364 今天 天气 晴朗 +
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错 +
2485 气球 +
2495 气球 膨胀 起来 +
2520 天气 骤然 +
2586 今天 天气 恶劣 +
2646 气球 腾空 飞起 +
2664 生气 +
2705 郊外 空气 +
2909 男孩 淘气 +
2996 树林 雾气 弥漫 +
3109 沙漠 气候 干燥 +
3118 今天 天气 爽朗 +
3155 团队 气氛 和谐 +
3269 潜水 需要 氧气罐 +
3341 老师 发脾气 +
3351 什么 事情 气魄 +
3504 感觉 气馁 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +