A 母親 + + * * mu3qin1 mother (used in written Chinese) Mutter + + +
B + + * * mu3 mother/ female/ motherly 1. Mutter 2. Anrede für ältere Frauen 3. weiblich + + +
B 伯母 + + * * bo2mu3 aunt/ wife of father's elder brother Frau des Onkels,Tante + + +
C 字母 + + * * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter Alphabet, Buchstabe + + +
C 祖母 + + * * zu3mu3 grandparent-mother/ (paternal) grandmother Großmutter (väterlicherseits) + + +
C 外祖母 + + * * wai4zu3mu3 external-grandmother/ maternal grandmother Großmutter (Mutter´s Mutter) + + +
C 舅母 + + * * jiu4mu wife of mother's brother/ maternal uncle's wife die Frau des Bruders der Mutter, Tante + + +
D 分母 + + * * fen1mu3 denominator Nenner (eines Bruchs) + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
divide / small unit of time etc.
mother / female elders / female

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

母' + * * + mother/ elderly female relative origin
母乳' + 母乳* * + mother's milk/
母乳代' + 母乳代* * + substitute for mother's milk/ milk powder
母乳餵養' + 母乳喂养* * + breast feeding/
母公司' + 母公司* * + parent company/
母函數' + 母函数* * + generating function (math.)/
母喪' + 母丧* * + the death of one's mother/
母夜叉' + 母夜叉* * + witch/ shrew vixen
母女' + 母女* * + mother-daughter/
母子' + 母子* * + mother and child/ parent and subsidiary (companies) principal
母子垂直感染' + 母子垂直感染* * + mother-to-infant transmission/
母彈' + 母弹* * + parent shell (of a cluster bomb)/
母愛' + 母爱* * + maternal love/
母板' + 母板* * + motherboard/
母校' + 母校* * + alma mater/
母機' + 母机* * + machine tool/ mother ship
母權制' + 母权制* * + matriarchy/
母港' + 母港* * + home port (of a ship or fleet)/
母犬' + 母犬* * + female dog/ bitch
母球' + 母球* * + cue ball (in billiards)/
母系' + 母系* * + maternal/ matriarchal
母系社會' + 母系社会* * + matrilineality/
母線' + 母线* * + generating line/ generatrix (in geometry) bus (in el
母群體' + 母群体* * + (statistics) population/ parent population
母老虎' + 母老虎* * + tigress/ (fig.) fierce woman vixen
母船' + 母船* * + mother ship/
母蜂' + 母蜂* * + queen bee/
母親' + 母亲* * + mother/ also pr.
母親節' + 母亲节* * + Mother' /
母語' + 母语* * + native language/ mother tongue (linguisti
母質' + 母质* * + parent material (e.g. the eroded rock making up sediment)/
母雞' + 母鸡* * + hen/
母難日' + 母难日* * + (old) birthday/
母音' + 母音* * + vowel/
母音調和' + 母音调和* * + vowel harmony (in phonetics)/
母題' + 母题* * + motif (loanword)/ main idea theme
母體' + 母体* * + (zoology, medicine) mother's body/ (chemistry etc) parent matrix
母黨' + 母党* * + mother's kinfolk/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


59 母亲 +
246 孩子 信任 父母 +
525 认识 字母 D +
1188 儿女 责任 赡养 父母 +
1215 母女俩 喜欢 养花 +
1288 祖父母 +
1532 父母 给予 支持 +
1536 母女 俩长 相似 +
1768 孩子 毕业 父母 感到 欣喜 +
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 +
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘 +
2248 孩子 依赖 父母 +
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子 +
2622 父母 成功 感到 骄傲 +
2740 厌倦 母亲 唠叨 +
2798 儿女 应该 孝敬 父母 +
2891 母鸡 孵卵 +
2989 抚养 子女 父母 职责 +
3163 孩子 受到 父母 庇护 +
3210 新郎 新娘 岳父母 合影 +
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 +
3412 生命 蕴含 母爱 +
3494 妈妈 母乳 哺育 婴儿 +
3514 赡养 父母 +
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +