A + + * * yue4 month 1. Mond 2. Monat + + +
A 月亮 + + * * yue4liang the moon Mond + + +
A 月球 + + * * yue4qiu2 the moon Mond + + +
C 月光 + + * * yue4guang1 moon-light/ moonlight/ moonbeam Mondlicht + + +
D 月份 + + * * yue4fen4 month Monat + + +
D 正月 + + * * zheng1yue4 the first month of the lunar year 1. Monat des lunaren Jahres + + +
D 臘月 + + * * la4yue4 12th month zwölfter Monat nach dem chinesischen Mondkalender + + +
D 歲月 + + * * sui4yue4 years Jahre, Zeit (Lebensjahre) + + +
D 滿月 + + * * man3 yue4 a baby's completion of its first month Vollmond, die Erfüllung des ersten Lebensmonats eines Säuglings + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
滿 fill / full, satisfied
moon / month / KangXi radical 74

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

月' + * * + moon/ month monthly
月下老人' + 月下老人* * + minor d matchmaker/ go-between
月下花前' + 月下花前* * + lit. amidst the flowers under the moonlight (idiom)/ fig. romantic surroundings
月中' + 月中* * + middle of month/
月事' + 月事* * + menses/ menstruation a woman's
月亮' + 月亮* * + the moon/
月亮女神' + 月亮女神* * + the Moon Goddess/ name of Japanese moon space probe
月令' + 月令* * + typical weather in a given season/
月份' + 月份* * + month/
月份會議' + 月份会议* * + monthly meeting/ monthly conference
月份牌' + 月份牌* * + calendar (esp. illustrated)/
月供' + 月供* * + monthly loan repayment/ mortgage payment
月俸' + 月俸* * + monthly salary/
月偏食' + 月偏食* * + partial eclipse of the moon/
月光' + 月光* * + moonlight/
月光族' + 月光族* * + lit. moonlight group/ fig. those who spend their monthly income even before they earn their next salary (slang)
月光期' + 月光期* * + from new moon to full moon/
月光石' + 月光石* * + moonstone/
月光隱遁' + 月光隐遁* * + to live in hiding/ living as a recluse to hide fr
月全食' + 月全食* * + total lunar eclipse/
月分' + 月分* * + month/ also written 月份
月刊' + 月刊* * + monthly /
月初' + 月初* * + start of month/ early in the month
月利' + 月利* * + monthly interest/
月半' + 月半* * + 15th of the month/
月坑' + 月坑* * + lunar crater/
月城' + 月城* * + semicircular defensive enclosure around city gates/ crescent-shaped barbican
月報' + 月报* * + monthly (used in names of publications)/ monthly bulletin
月夕' + 月夕* * + Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August/
月夜' + 月夜* * + moonlit night/
月女神' + 月女神* * + Moon Goddess/
月婆子' + 月婆子* * + woman in late pregnancy (colloquial)/
月嫂' + 月嫂* * + woman hired to take care of a newborn child and its mother in the month after chil/
月子' + 月子* * + traditional one-month confinement period following childbirth/ puerperium
月子病' + 月子病* * + puerperal fever/
月孛' + 月孛* * + lunar apogee (point in the moon's orbit furthest from earth)/ imaginary heavenly body occupying the second focus of the moon's elliptic orbit dark moon
月季' + 月季* * + Chinese rose (Rosa sinensis)/
月宮' + 月宫* * + Palace in the Moon (in folk tales)/
月尾' + 月尾* * + end of the month/
月岩' + 月岩* * + moon rock/
月工' + 月工* * + worker employed by the month/
月底' + 月底* * + end of the month/
月度' + 月度* * + monthly/
月徑' + 月径* * + moonlit path/ diameter of the moon diameter o
月息' + 月息* * + monthly interest/
月支' + 月支* * + Tokhara/ Tokharians (historic people of central Asia)
月收入' + 月收入* * + monthly income/
月暈' + 月晕* * + ring around the moon/ lunar halo
月曆' + 月历* * + monthly calendar/
月曜日' + 月曜日* * + Monday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)/
月月' + 月月* * + every month/
月朔' + 月朔* * + the first day of each month/
月末' + 月末* * + end of month/ late in the month
月杪' + 月杪* * + last few days of the month/
月桂' + 月桂* * + laurel (Laurus nobilis)/ bay tree bay leaf
月桂冠' + 月桂冠* * + laurel crown/ victory garland (in Greek and Western culture)
月桂樹' + 月桂树* * + laurel tree (Laurus nobilis)/ bay tree
月桂樹葉' + 月桂树叶* * + laurel leaf/ bay leaf
月桂葉' + 月桂叶* * + bay leaf/ laurel leaf
月氏' + 月氏* * + Tokhara/ Tokharians, historic Indo-European people of central Asia same as 吐火
月氏人' + 月氏人* * + Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia/ same as 吐火羅人|吐火罗人
月海' + 月海* * + lunar mare/
月湖' + 月湖* * + Yuehu district of Yingtan city 鷹潭市|鹰潭市, Jiangxi/
月湖區' + 月湖区* * + Yuehu district of Yingtan city 鷹潭市|鹰潭市, Jiangxi/
月牙' + 月牙* * + crescent moon/
月牙形' + 月牙形* * + crescent/
月球' + 月球* * + the moon/
月球車' + 月球车* * + moon buggy/
月琴' + 月琴* * + yueqin, a lute with oval or octagonal sound box/
月盲症' + 月盲症* * + moon blindness/ equine recurrent uveitis
月相' + 月相* * + phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔/
月票' + 月票* * + monthly /
月經' + 月经* * + menstruation/ a woman's period
月經墊' + 月经垫* * + sanitary towel/ menopad
月經棉栓' + 月经棉栓* * + tampon/
月老' + 月老* * + matchmaker/ go-between same as 月下
月臺' + 月台* * + railway /
月臺票' + 月台票* * + platform ticket/
月色' + 月色* * + moonlight/
月芽' + 月芽* * + variant of 月牙/
月華' + 月华* * + moonlig /
月薪' + 月薪* * + monthly income (in kind)/
月藍' + 月蓝* * + light blue/
月虧' + 月亏* * + waning moon/ to wane
月蝕' + 月蚀* * + variant of 月食/
月輪' + 月轮* * + full mo /
月錢' + 月钱* * + monthly payment/
月闌' + 月阑* * + the halo of the moon/
月頭兒' + 月头儿* * + start of the month (colloquial)/
月食' + 月食* * + lunar eclipse/ eclipse of the moon
月餅' + 月饼* * + mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival)/
月鱧' + 月鳢* * + snakehead mullet/ Channa asiatica
月黑' + 月黑* * + moonless (night)/
月黑天' + 月黑天* * + the dark/ night

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


93 孩子 +
137 今天 几月 几日 +
161 二月 +
183 几月 +
184 今晚 月亮 +
453 今晚 月光 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
495 大家 月台 等候 上车 +
793 开销 超出 限制 +
797 收入 不错 +
1010 七月 四日 美国 独立日 +
1225 薪水 剩余 +
1228 生活 开支 减少 +
1363 收入 总额 多少 +
1399 收入 交税 +
1408 末了 +
2026 1月 1日 元旦 +
2382 月球 地球 +
2386 公司 终于 赢利 +
2814 现在 一月 上旬 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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