B 尊敬 + + * * zun1jing4 respect/ esteem verehren, respektieren, hochschätzen + + +
B 敬愛 + + * * jing4'ai4 respect verehren und lieben, verehrt und geliebt + + +
B 敬禮 + + * * jing4 li3 salute grüßen + + +
C 敬酒 + + * * jing4 jiu3 propose a toast einen Toast ausbringen, zuprosten + + +
D 崇敬 + + * * chong2jing4 respect/ revere schätzen, respektieren, ehren + + +
D + + * * jing4 respect 1. achten, ehren, verehren, respektieren 2. etw höflich anbieten + + +
D 敬而遠之 + + * * jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1 keep someone at a respectful distance in respektvollem Abstand zu jn stehen + + +
D 致敬 + + * * zhi4jing4 hail/ greet eien Gruß entbieten, salutieren + + +
D 恭敬 + + * * gong1jing4 dutiful/ respectful achtungsvoll,ehrerbietig, Hochachtung + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
respectful, polite, reverent
respect, honor / respectfully

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

敬' + * * + to respect/ to venerate to salute
敬上' + 敬上* * + yours truly/ yours sincerely (at the end of a letter)
敬仰' + 敬仰* * + to revere/ highly esteemed
敬佩' + 敬佩* * + to esteem/ to admire
敬備' + 敬备* * + (humble expr.) prepare to offer humble hospitality/ please accept my inadequate (food or drink)
敬告' + 敬告* * + to tell respectfully/ to announce reverentially
敬啟' + 敬启* * + respectful closing to a letter/
敬啟者' + 敬启者* * + Dear Sirs/ To Whom It May Concern
敬奉' + 敬奉* * + to worship piously/ to present to dedicat
敬悉' + 敬悉* * + (honorific) revered news/ the most valuable information (in your recent letter, book etc) Thank you
敬意' + 敬意* * + respect/ tribute
敬愛' + 敬爱* * + respect and love/
敬拜' + 敬拜* * + to worship/
敬服' + 敬服* * + deference/ esteem to admire
敬業' + 敬业* * + to be dedicated to one's work/ to respect one's work
敬業樂群' + 敬业乐群* * + diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one'/
敬煙' + 敬烟* * + to offer a cigarette (to a guest)/
敬畏' + 敬畏* * + to revere/
敬祝' + 敬祝* * + to offer humbly (written at the end of letter from sb of lower status to higher st/ your humble servant
敬神' + 敬神* * + to respect a deity/ to pray to a God
敬禮' + 敬礼* * + to salute/ salute
敬稱' + 敬称* * + term of respect/ honorific
敬老' + 敬老* * + respect for the aged/
敬老尊賢' + 敬老尊贤* * + to respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the go/
敬老席' + 敬老席* * + priority seating for the aged (on buses etc)/
敬老院' + 敬老院* * + home of respect for aged/ nursing home
敬而遠之' + 敬而远之* * + to show respect from a distance (idiom)/ to remain at a respectful distance
敬若神明' + 敬若神明* * + to hold sb in the same regard as one would a god (idiom)/
敬茶' + 敬茶* * + to serve tea (to guests)/
敬虔' + 敬虔* * + devout/
敬詞' + 敬词* * + term of esteem/ honorific (in Chinese grammar) polite for
敬語' + 敬语* * + honorific (e.g. in grammar of oriental languages)/
敬請' + 敬请* * + please (do sth) (deferential form)/
敬謝不敏' + 敬谢不敏* * + please excuse me for not complying/ to politely decline
敬賀' + 敬贺* * + to offer one's congratulations (formal)/
敬賢禮士' + 敬贤礼士* * + to revere people of virtue and honor scholarship (idiom)/
敬贈' + 敬赠* * + to present respectfully/ with (sb's) compliments compliment
敬辭' + 敬辞* * + term of respect/ honorific title honorific
敬酒' + 敬酒* * + to toast/ to propose a toast
敬酒不吃吃罰酒' + 敬酒不吃吃罚酒* * + to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit/ fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more
敬重' + 敬重* * + to respect deeply/ to revere to esteem
敬鬼神而遠之' + 敬鬼神而远之* * + to respect Gods and demons from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful dist/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1951 学生 尊敬 老师 +
2037 医生 尊敬 +
2251 崇高 卫士 致敬 +
2798 儿女 应该 孝敬 父母 +
3133 感到 敬畏 +
3198 殉职 同伴 敬礼 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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