A 涼快 + + * * liang2kuai nice and cool/ pleasantly cool angenehm kühl + + +
A 痛快 + + * * tong4kuai very happy/ delighted/ forthright fröhlich, heiter, offen, frank und frei + + +
A 愉快 + + * * yu2kuai4 happy/ cheerful/ joyful/ delightful glücklich + + +
A + + * * kuai4 fast/ rapid/ sharp/ hurry up/ soon 1. schnell,rasch 2. Geschwindigkeit 3. scharf 4. freimütig, geradeheraus, aufrichtig 5. erfreut, erfreulich, angenehm 6. eilen 7. bald, gleich + + +
B 快樂 + + * * kuai4le4 happy/ joyful froh, glücklich + + +
B 趕快 + + * * gan3kuai4 at once/ quickly eilig, sofort + + +
C 快餐 + + * * kuai4can1 fast food/ quick meal/ snack Schnell-Imbiss, Fastfood + + +
C 快活 + + * * kuai4huo cheerful/ happy/ merry glücklich + + +
C 飛快 + + * * fei1kuai4 swiftly/ very fast/ rapid/ extremely sharp sehr schnell + + +
D 快速 + + * * kuai4su4 fast/ speedy schnell, rasch, von großer Geschwindigkeit + + +
D 輕快 + + * * qing1kuai4 resilience buoyancy leicht, behende, freudig, fröhlich + + +
D 儘快 + + * * jin3kuai4 as soon as possible so schnell wie möglich + + +
D 爽快 + + * * shuang3kuai4 outright/ frank behaglich, angenehm, frisch, offenherzig, aufrichtig, offen, ohne weiteres, ohne Bedenken + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
happy, cheerful / refreshing
rapid, quick, speedy, fast / soon

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

快' + * * + rapid/ quick speed
快中子' + 快中子* * + fast neutrons/
快件' + 快件* * + express delivery/ express mail or luggage
快信' + 快信* * + letter by express mail/
快刀斬亂麻' + 快刀斩乱麻* * + lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex s/ cutting the Gordian knot
快刀斷亂麻' + 快刀断乱麻* * + lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex s/ cutting the Gordian knot
快取' + 快取* * + cache (computing)/
快可立' + 快可立* * + Quickly, tapioca milk tea franchise/
快嘴' + 快嘴* * + unable to keep one's thoughts to oneself/ blabbermouth CL:張|张
快報' + 快报* * + bulleti /
快快樂樂' + 快快乐乐* * + happy/
快意' + 快意* * + pleased/ elated
快感' + 快感* * + pleasure/ thrill delight
快感中心' + 快感中心* * + pleasure center/
快慢' + 快慢* * + speed/
快慰' + 快慰* * + to feel pleased/
快捷' + 快捷* * + quick/ fast nimble
快捷方式' + 快捷方式* * + (computer) shortcut/
快捷鍵' + 快捷键* * + (computer) shortcut key/ hotkey
快攻' + 快攻* * + fast break/ quick attack (ball sports)
快板' + 快板* * + allegro/
快板兒' + 快板儿* * + clapper talk/ patter song (in opera) with clapperboard accompaniment
快樂' + 快乐* * + happy/ merry
快樂大本營' + 快乐大本营* * + Happy Camp (PRC TV series)/
快樂幸福' + 快乐幸福* * + cheerful/ happy
快步' + 快步* * + quick step/
快步流星' + 快步流星* * + to walk quickly/ striding quickly
快步跑' + 快步跑* * + to trot/
快活' + 快活* * + happy/ cheerful
快照' + 快照* * + snapshot/ photo
快熟麵' + 快熟面* * + instant noodles/
快班' + 快班* * + fast stream (in school)/
快船' + 快船* * + Los Angeles Clippers (NBA team)/
快艇' + 快艇* * + speedboat/ motor launch
快行道' + 快行道* * + fast lane/ express lane
快要' + 快要* * + almost/ nearly almost all
快訊' + 快讯* * + newsflash/
快跑' + 快跑* * + to run fast/ to sprint to gallop
快車' + 快车* * + express (train, bus etc)/
快車道' + 快车道* * + fast lane/
快退' + 快退* * + fast-rewind (media player)/
快速' + 快速* * + fast/ high-speed rapid
快速以太網絡' + 快速以太网络* * + Fast Ethernet/
快速動眼期' + 快速动眼期* * + REM sleep/
快速記憶法' + 快速记忆法* * + mnemotechnic method/
快進' + 快进* * + fast-forward (media player)/
快遞' + 快递* * + express delivery/
快門' + 快门* * + shutter/
快閃記憶體' + 快闪记忆体* * + flash memory/
快餐' + 快餐* * + fast food/ snack quick meal
快餐交友' + 快餐交友* * + speed dating/
快餐店' + 快餐店* * + fast food shop/
快餐部' + 快餐部* * + snack bar/ buffet
快馬加鞭' + 快马加鞭* * + to spur the horse to full speed (idiom)/ to go as fast as possible
快點' + 快点* * + to do sth more quickly/ Hurry up! Get a move
快點兒' + 快点儿* * + erhua variant of 快點|快点/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


6 孩子们 快乐 +
92 新年 快乐 +
307 +
339 +
401 几年 上海 变化 +
459 接近 终点 +
515 圣诞节 +
567 快乐 +
668 +
806 我们 合作 愉快 +
1276 追上 前面 +
1408 末了 +
1438 尽快 修改 地方 +
1452 +
1814 夏天 洗澡 凉快 +
1834 +
1888 生日快乐 +
1985 利润 上升 +
2439 他们 相处 愉快 +
2602 兔子 繁殖 +
2782 小艇 +
2942 飞机 快要 坠落 +
3004 我们 生活 平庸 快乐 +
3117 性格 爽快 +
3274 细菌 繁衍 速度 +
3366 淹没 +
3559 快乐 曲子 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +