A 關心 + + * * guan1xin1 be concerned with/ care for Anteilnahme erweisen,sorgen für + + +
A 點心 + + * * dian3xin pastry/ light refreshments leichter Imbiß + + +
A + + * * xin1 the heart/ heart/ mind/ feeling 1. Herz 2. Sinn, Gefühl 3. Mitte, Zentrum + + +
B 安心 + + * * an1 xin1 1.be relieved/ feel at ease 2. set one´s mind at rest 1. beruhigt, unbesorgt 2.sich beruhigt, unbesorgt fühlen, sich beruhigen + + +
B 決心 + + * * jue2xin1 be determined/ determination entschlossen sein, Entschlossenheit, fest und unbeirrbar, + + +
B 放心 + + * * fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest/ rest assured sich beruhigen, sich keine Sorgen machen, erleichtert sein + + +
B 虛心 + + * * xu1xin1 modest/ open-minded bescheiden + + +
B 專心 + + * * zhuan1xin1 be absorbed/ attentive/ concentrating Konzentration, konzentriert, vertieft sein + + +
B 小心 + + * * xiao3xin1 careful/ be careful sorgfältig, vorsichtig + + +
B 傷心 + + * * shang1 xin1 sad/ grievous/ brokenhearted traurig + + +
B 細心 + + * * xi4xin1 careful/ attentive sorgfältig,aufmerksam + + +
B 心得 + + * * xin1de2 something personal acquired from study Wissen, daß man durch Arbeit und Studium erwirbt + + +
B 擔心 + + * * dan1 xin1 worry/ feel anxious Sorge, ängstlich, sich sorgen + + +
B 心情 + + * * xin1qing2 mood/ state of mind Stimmung + + +
B 熱心 + + * * re4xin1 enthusiastic/ ardent warmherzig / hilfsbereit / eifrig + + +
B 心臟 + + * * xin1zang4 heart Herz + + +
B 信心 + + * * xin4xin1 confidence Vertrauen + + +
B 耐心 + + * * nai4xin1 patient/ patience Geduld, geduldig + + +
B 中心 + + * * zhong1xin1 center/ heart Mitte, Zentrum, Herz + + +
C 衷心 + + * * zhong1xin1 inside-heart/ wholehearted/ heartfelt/ hearty/ cordial von ganzem Herzen, herzlich, aufrichtig + + +
C 灰心 + + * * hui1 xin1 lose heart/ be disheartened/ be discouraged entmutigt, mutlos + + +
C 粗心 + + * * cu1xin1 careless/ thoughtless unsorgfältig, nachlässig + + +
C 粗心大意 + + * * cu1xin1 da4yi4 careless/ inadvertent/ negligent lässig, nachlässig,unachtsam + + +
C 用心 + + * * yong4 xin1 use-heart/ attentively/ intently/ diligently mit konzentrierter Aufmerksamkeit, aufmerksam, Motiv, Absicht + + +
C 操心 + + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern + + +
C 一心 + + * * yi1xin1 one-while/ a short period of time/ a burst/ a fit/ a gust mit ganzem Herzen + + +
C 惡心 + + * * e3xin feel like vomiting/ feel sick/ be disgusted Übelkeit, Brechreiz,ekelhaft, abscheulich, hassen + + +
C 疑心 + + * * yi2xin1 doubtful-mind/ suspicion/ doubt/ suspect/ verdächtigen, bezweifeln + + +
C 心愛 + + * * xin1'ai4 heartfelt-love/ loved/ treasured/ precious/ dear geliebt, Lieblings- + + +
C 心理 + + * * xin1li3 heart-mechanism/ psychology/ mentality/ thought Psyche, psychische Verfassung, mental, psychologisch + + +
C 心事 + + * * xin1shi4 heart-thing/ a load on one's mind/ worry Herzensache, Sorge + + +
C 心思 + + * * xin1si1 heart-thought/ thought/ idea/ thinking/ mind/ mood Idee, Gedanke, Denken, Stimmung, Gemütsverfassung + + +
C 心意 + + * * xin2yi4 heart-intention/ regard/ kindly feelings/ meaning freundschaftliches Empfinden, freundliches Entgegenkommen, Absicht, Vorstellung + + +
C 人心 + + * * ren2xin1 people's heart/ the will of the people/ popular feeling Gefühle der Massen, Volkswille + + +
C 背心 + + * * bei4xin1 vest/ jersey/ tank Weste, ein ärmelloses Bekleidungsstück + + +
D 真心 + + * * zhen1xin1 sincere/ wholehearted ernsthaft + + +
D 良心 + + * * liang2xin1 conscience Gewissen + + +
D 稱心 + + * * chen4 xin1 be gratified etwas zufriedenstellend finden, zufrieden sein + + +
D 內心 + + * * nei4xin1 heart/ bosom auf dem Herzen + + +
D 重心 + + * * zhong4xin1 center of gravity Schwerpunkt + + +
D 甘心 + + * * gan1xin1 be reconciled to willig, bereitwillig,aus eigenem Antrieb + + +
D 成心 + + * * cheng2xin1 on purpose ehrlicher Wunsch, von Herzen + + +
D 野心 + + * * ye3xin1 ambition krankhafter Ehrgeiz + + +
D 誠心誠意 + + * * cheng2 xin1 cheng2 yi4 sincere desire aufrichtig und ehrlich + + +
D 核心 + + * * he2xin1 core/ kernel Kern, Zentrum + + +
D 留心 + + * * liu2 xin1 heed/ notice beachten, aufmerksam sein, aufpassen + + +
D 開心 + + * * kai1xin1 happy sich freuen, erfreut sein, sich auf jds Kosten lustig machen + + +
D 有口無心 + + * * you3 kou3 wu2 xin1 be sharp-tongued but not malicious eine scharfe Zunge haben, aber nicht böswillig sein + + +
D 狠心 + + * * hen3 xin1 cruel hearted herzlos, grausam, rücksichtslos, fest entschlossen + + +
D 小心翼翼 + + * * xiao3xin1 yi4yi4 with great care sehr vorsichtig + + +
D 精心 + + * * jing1xin1 meticulous sehr gewissenhaft + + +
D 全心全意 + + * * quan2 xin1 quan2 yi4 with all one's heart mit Leib und Seele + + +
D 心裡 + + * * xin1li in the mind im Grunde des Herzens, in der Seele, auf dem Herzen + + +
D 心靈 + + * * xin1ling2 heart/ soul klug, gescheit, geistreich, Herz, Seele + + +
D 心目 + + * * xin1mu4 mental view Herz und Auge, geistiges Auge, in js Augen, Aufassung + + +
D 心疼 + + * * xin1teng2 feel distressed/ love dearly innig lieben, leid tun + + +
D 心頭 + + * * xin1tou2 mind Geist, Herz + + +
D 心血 + + * * xin1xue4 painstaking effort große Mühe, Anstrengung (wörtlich: Herzblut) + + +
D 心眼兒 + + * * xin1yan3'er mind/ idea Herz, Absicht, Intelligenz, geistige Gewandtheit, unnötige Befürchtung, unbegründete Bedenken + + +
D 空心 + + * * kong1 xin1 hollow hohl + + +
D 心願 + + * * xin1yuan4 wish Herzenswunsch, Anliegen + + +
D 心中 + + * * xin1zhong1 in mind im Herzen, im Geiste (meistens erweiterte Sätze: hegen, erfüllen, Bescheidwissen) + + +
D 唯心論 + + * * wei2xin1lun4 idealism Idealismus + + +
D 唯心主義 + + * * wei2xin1 zhu3yi4 idealism Idealismus + + +
D 當心 + + * * dang1xin1 watch out vorsichtig sein + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
【◎Fix:◎當;◎噹】 bear, accept, undertake / just
heart / mind, intelligence / soul

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

心' + * * + heart mind/ intention center
心上人' + 心上人* * + sweethe one's beloved/
心下' + 心下* * + in mind/
心不在焉' + 心不在焉* * + absent-minded/ preoccupied inattentiv
心中' + 心中* * + central point/ in one's thoughts in one's h
心中有數' + 心中有数* * + to know what's going on/
心中有鬼' + 心中有鬼* * + to harbor ulterior motives (idiom)/
心中無數' + 心中无数* * + to have no idea/ to be unsure
心亂如麻' + 心乱如麻* * + one's thoughts in a whirl (idiom); confused/ disconcerted upset
心事' + 心事* * + a load on one's mind/ worry CL:宗
心儀' + 心仪* * + to admi /
心切' + 心切* * + eager/ impatient guileless
心力' + 心力* * + mental and physical efforts/
心力交瘁' + 心力交瘁* * + to be both mentally and physically exhausted (idiom)/
心力衰竭' + 心力衰竭* * + heart failure/
心勁' + 心劲* * + thoughts/ what one has in one's heart
心動' + 心动* * + heartbeat/ palpitation one's hear
心動圖' + 心动图* * + cardiogram (medicine)/
心包' + 心包* * + pericardium/
心口' + 心口* * + pit of the stomach/ solar plexus words and
心口不一' + 心口不一* * + heart and mouth at variance (idiom); keeping one's real intentions to oneself/ saying one thing but meaning sth different
心口如一' + 心口如一* * + lit. heart and mouth as one (idiom); to say what you think/ honest and straightforward
心土' + 心土* * + subsoil/
心地' + 心地* * + character/
心地善良' + 心地善良* * + kindhearted/ good-natured
心坎' + 心坎* * + bottom of one's heart/
心境' + 心境* * + mood/ mental state frame of m
心如刀割' + 心如刀割* * + to feel as if having one's heart cut out (idiom)/ to be torn with grief
心如刀絞' + 心如刀绞* * + to feel a pain like a knife being twisted in one's heart (idiom)/
心如止水' + 心如止水* * + to be at peace with oneself/
心孔' + 心孔* * + see 心竅|心窍/
心存不滿' + 心存不满* * + to be d to be dissatisfied/
心存懷疑' + 心存怀疑* * + to be suspicious/
心學' + 心学* * + School of Mind/ Neo-Confucian Idealistic School (from Song to mid-Qing times, c. 1000-1750, typified by the teachings of Wang Yangming 王陽明|王阳明
心安理得' + 心安理得* * + to have to have no qualms about sth/
心安神閑' + 心安神闲* * + with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)/
心室' + 心室* * + ventricle (heart)/
心宿二' + 心宿二* * + Antares, the brightest star in Scorpio 天蠍座|天蝎座/
心寒' + 心寒* * + bitterl frightened/
心寬體胖' + 心宽体胖* * + big-hearted and serene (idiom); contented and easy-going/
心尖' + 心尖* * + bottom tip of the heart/ fig. innermost feelings coll. my d
心平氣和' + 心平气和* * + tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress/
心底' + 心底* * + bottom of one's heart/
心廣體胖' + 心广体胖* * + big-hearted and serene (idiom); contended and easy-going/
心弦' + 心弦* * + heartstrings/
心影兒' + 心影儿* * + (Taiwan usage) child in need of help (orphaned, abandoned, abused etc)/
心律不整' + 心律不整* * + arrhythmia/
心律不齊' + 心律不齐* * + arrhythmia/
心律失常' + 心律失常* * + arrhythmia/
心得' + 心得* * + what one has learned (through experience, reading etc)/ knowledge insight
心得安' + 心得安* * + propran /
心心相印' + 心心相印* * + two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit/
心志' + 心志* * + will/ resolution aspiration
心思' + 心思* * + mind/ thoughts inclinatio
心急' + 心急* * + hurried/ ruffled impatient
心急吃不了熱豆腐' + 心急吃不了热豆腐* * + hasty men don't get to eat hot tofu (idiom)/ one just has to be patient haste will
心急火燎' + 心急火燎* * + to burn with anxiety/
心怦怦跳' + 心怦怦跳* * + The heart thumps wildly. (idiom)/
心性' + 心性* * + one's nature/ temperament
心悅誠服' + 心悦诚服* * + cheerful and committed (idiom from Mencius 孟子)/ delighted and sincerely willing
心悸' + 心悸* * + palpitation/
心情' + 心情* * + mood/ frame of mind CL:個|个
心想' + 心想* * + to thin to think/ to assume
心想事成' + 心想事成* * + to have one's wishes come true/ wish you the best!
心意' + 心意* * + regard/ kindly feelings intention
心愛' + 心爱* * + beloved/
心態' + 心态* * + attitude (of the heart)/ state of one's psyche way of thi
心慌' + 心慌* * + to be flustered/ (dialect) irregular heart-beat
心慌意亂' + 心慌意乱* * + confused/ rattled flustered
心懷' + 心怀* * + to harbor (thoughts)/ to cherish to enterta
心懷叵測' + 心怀叵测* * + concealing wicked intentions (idiom); malicious/ to prod sly
心房' + 心房* * + heart (as the seat of emotions)/ cardiac atrium
心房顫動' + 心房颤动* * + atrial fibrillation/
心扉' + 心扉* * + inner heart/ soul
心拙口夯' + 心拙口夯* * + variant of 心拙口笨/
心拙口笨' + 心拙口笨* * + dull-wi /
心搏' + 心搏* * + heartbeat/ pulse
心摺' + 心折* * + convinced/ to admire from the heart enchanted
心智' + 心智* * + wisdom/
心曠神怡' + 心旷神怡* * + lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed/
心有靈犀一點通' + 心有灵犀一点通* * + hearts linked as one, just as the proverbial rhinoceros communicates emotion telep/
心有餘悸' + 心有余悸* * + to have lingering fears/ trepidation remaining after a trauma (idiom)
心有餘而力不足' + 心有余而力不足* * + The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects)./ I really want to do it, but don't have the resources. The spirit
心有餘,力不足' + 心有余,力不足* * + The will is there, but not the strength (idiom, from Confucian Analects)./ I really want to do it, but don't have the resources. The spirit
心服' + 心服* * + to be convinced/
心服口服' + 心服口服* * + lit. convinced in heart and by word (idiom)/ sincerely convinced and ready to concede
心材' + 心材* * + pith/ central core (of tree)
心梗' + 心梗* * + abbr. for 心肌梗塞/
心機' + 心机* * + thinkin scheme/
心毒' + 心毒* * + cruel/ vicious
心毒手辣' + 心毒手辣* * + vicious and ruthless/
心氣' + 心气* * + intention/ motive state of m
心滿意足' + 心满意足* * + perfect perfectly satisfied/
心潮澎湃' + 心潮澎湃* * + to be overwhelmed by emotions/
心灰意冷' + 心灰意冷* * + discouraged/ downhearted
心灰意懶' + 心灰意懒* * + discouraged/ downhearted
心無二用' + 心无二用* * + one cannot concentrate on two things at the same time/
心焦' + 心焦* * + worried/ anxious
心照' + 心照* * + intuitive sympathy/ to understand tacitly
心照不宣' + 心照不宣* * + a tacit mutual understanding/
心煩' + 心烦* * + to feel agitated/ to be troubled to be anno
心煩意亂' + 心烦意乱* * + lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety/
心煩氣躁' + 心烦气躁* * + agitated/ annoyed (idiom)
心狠手辣' + 心狠手辣* * + vicious and merciless (idiom)/
心猿意馬' + 心猿意马* * + lit. heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse (idiom); fig. caprici/ to have ants in one's pants hyperactiv
心率' + 心率* * + heart rate/
心理' + 心理* * + mental/ psychological
心理作用' + 心理作用* * + psychological effect/ subjective experience affected more by one's expectations than by objective reality figment of
心理學' + 心理学* * + psychology/
心理學家' + 心理学家* * + psychologist/
心理戰' + 心理战* * + psychological warfare/ psychological operations psyop
心理統計學' + 心理统计学* * + psychometrics/ quantitative psychology
心理診所' + 心理诊所* * + psychological clinic/
心理詞典' + 心理词典* * + mental lexicon/
心理防線' + 心理防线* * + psychological barrier/
心瓣' + 心瓣* * + heart valve/
心甘' + 心甘* * + to be willing/ to be satisfied
心甘情願' + 心甘情愿* * + delighted to (do sth, idiom)/ perfectly happy to do most willi
心田' + 心田* * + heart (one's innermost being)/
心疑' + 心疑* * + to suspect/
心疼' + 心疼* * + to love dearly/ to feel sorry for sb to regret
心病' + 心病* * + anxiety/ sore point secret wor
心痛' + 心痛* * + to feel distressed about sth/ heartache cardiac pa
心目' + 心目* * + mind/ view
心直口快' + 心直口快* * + frank and outspoken (idiom)/ straight speaking to say wha
心直嘴快' + 心直嘴快* * + frank and outspoken/ straight speaking to say wha
心眼' + 心眼* * + heart/ intention conscience
心眼兒' + 心眼儿* * + one's thoughts/ mind intention
心眼多' + 心眼多* * + have unfounded doubts/ over concerned
心眼大' + 心眼大* * + magnanimous/ considerate thoughtful
心眼好' + 心眼好* * + well-intentioned/ good-natured kindhearte
心眼小' + 心眼小* * + selfish (derog.)/ inconsiderate selfishly
心知肚明' + 心知肚明* * + to be well aware/
心砰砰跳' + 心砰砰跳* * + variant of 心怦怦跳/
心硬' + 心硬* * + hardhea callous/
心碎' + 心碎* * + heart-broken/ extreme depth of sorrow
心神' + 心神* * + mind/ state of mind attention
心神不安' + 心神不安* * + to feel ill-at-ease/
心神不寧' + 心神不宁* * + to feel ill-at-ease/
心神不屬' + 心神不属* * + see 心不在焉/
心神專註' + 心神专注* * + to conc to be fully focused/
心神恍惚' + 心神恍惚* * + perturbed (idiom)/
心秀' + 心秀* * + not manifesting one's inner quality/
心窄' + 心窄* * + narrow-minded/ intolerant
心窩兒' + 心窝儿* * + one's breast/ the pit of one's stomach
心竅' + 心窍* * + the mind/ capacity for clear thinking
心算' + 心算* * + mental arithmetic/ to calculate in one's head planning
心細' + 心细* * + careful/ scrupulous
心結' + 心结* * + a matter that gnaws at one's mind/ preoccupation sore point
心絞痛' + 心绞痛* * + angina/
心經' + 心经* * + the Heart Sutra/
心緒' + 心绪* * + state of mind/ mood
心緒不佳' + 心绪不佳* * + out of sorts/ gloomy
心緒不寧' + 心绪不宁* * + unquiet state of mind/
心羨' + 心羡* * + to admire/
心聲' + 心声* * + thoughts/ feelings aspiration
心肌' + 心肌* * + myocardium/
心肌梗塞' + 心肌梗塞* * + myocardial infarction/ heart attack
心肌梗死' + 心肌梗死* * + myocardial infarction/ heart attack
心肌炎' + 心肌炎* * + myocarditis/
心肝' + 心肝* * + darling/ (in negative sentences) heart humanity
心肺復甦術' + 心肺复苏术* * + cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/
心胸' + 心胸* * + breadth of mind/
心胸狹窄' + 心胸狭窄* * + narrow-minded (idiom); petty/ ungenerous
心胸狹隘' + 心胸狭隘* * + narrow/ petty-minded
心胸開闊' + 心胸开阔* * + broad-minded/ open-minded
心腸' + 心肠* * + heart/ intention one's incl
心腹' + 心腹* * + trusted aide/ confidant reliable a
心腹之患' + 心腹之患* * + /
心膽' + 心胆* * + courage/
心膽俱裂' + 心胆俱裂* * + to be scared out of one's wits (idiom)/
心臟' + 心脏* * + heart/ CL:顆|颗
心臟搭橋手術' + 心脏搭桥手术* * + coronar /
心臟收縮壓' + 心脏收缩压* * + systolic blood pressure/
心臟疾患' + 心脏疾患* * + heart disease/
心臟病' + 心脏病* * + heart disease/
心臟移殖' + 心脏移殖* * + heart transplant/
心臟舒張壓' + 心脏舒张压* * + diastolic blood pressure/
心臟雜音' + 心脏杂音* * + heart murmur/
心花怒放' + 心花怒放* * + to burst with joy (idiom)/ to be over the moon to be elat
心蕩神馳' + 心荡神驰* * + to be infatuated with/
心虛' + 心虚* * + lacking in confidence/ diffident to have a
心血' + 心血* * + heart's blood/ expenditure (for some project) meticulous
心血來潮' + 心血来潮* * + to be prompted by a sudden impulse/ carried away by a whim to have a
心血管' + 心血管* * + cardiovascular/
心血管疾病' + 心血管疾病* * + cardiovascular disease/
心術' + 心术* * + designs/ schemes intentions
心裡' + 心里* * + chest/ heart mind
心裡有數' + 心里有数* * + to know the score (idiom)/ to be well aware of the situation
心裡有譜' + 心里有谱* * + to have a plan in mind/
心裡有鬼' + 心里有鬼* * + to have secret motives/ to have a guilty conscience
心裡癢癢' + 心里痒痒* * + lit. itchy heart/ to be itching to do sth (idiom)
心裡美蘿蔔' + 心里美萝卜* * + Chinese roseheart radish (shinrimei radish), green on the outside, purple-red on t/
心裡話' + 心里话* * + (to express one's) true feelings/ what is on one's mind secret min
心計' + 心计* * + scheming/ shrewdness
心許' + 心许* * + to consent tacitly/ unspoken approval
心跡' + 心迹* * + true motive/ true feelings
心路' + 心路* * + scheme/ artifice tolerance
心跳' + 心跳* * + heartbeat/ pulse
心軟' + 心软* * + to be softhearted/ to be tenderhearted to be kind
心軸' + 心轴* * + central axis/ spindle
心輪' + 心轮* * + anāhata or anahata, the heart chakra 查克拉, residing in the chest/
心酸' + 心酸* * + to feel sad/
心醉' + 心醉* * + enchanted/ fascinated charmed
心醉神迷' + 心醉神迷* * + ecstatic/ enraptured
心重' + 心重* * + over-anxious/ neurotic
心雜音' + 心杂音* * + see 心臟雜音|心脏杂音/
心電圖' + 心电图* * + electro /
心電感應' + 心电感应* * + telepathy/
心靈' + 心灵* * + bright/ smart quick-witt
心靈上' + 心灵上* * + spiritual/
心靈感應' + 心灵感应* * + telepathy/
心靈手巧' + 心灵手巧* * + capable/ clever dexterous
心靜' + 心静* * + tranquil/ calm
心靜自然涼' + 心静自然凉* * + a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom)/
心音' + 心音* * + sound of the heart/ heartbeat
心領' + 心领* * + I appreciate your kindness (conventional reply to turn down an offer)/
心領神悟' + 心领神悟* * + to understand tacitly (idiom)/ to know intuitively to underst
心領神會' + 心领神会* * + to understand tacitly (idiom)/ to know intuitively to underst
心頭' + 心头* * + heart/ thoughts mind
心頭肉' + 心头肉* * + favorite/
心願' + 心愿* * + cherished desire/ dream craving
心願單' + 心愿单* * + wish list/
心馳神往' + 心驰神往* * + one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or person/ to long for infatuated
心驚' + 心惊* * + fearful/ apprehensive
心驚肉跳' + 心惊肉跳* * + lit. heart alarmed, body leaping (idiom); fear and trepidation in the face of disa/
心驚膽戰' + 心惊胆战* * + lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/ scared witless
心驚膽顫' + 心惊胆颤* * + see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战/
心高氣傲' + 心高气傲* * + proud a /

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


69 天安门 广场 位于 北京市 中心 +
148 东京 日本 中心 +
149 心跳 正常 +
241 担心 +
415 他们 开心 +
566 他们 开心 +
770 科学家 专心 研究 +
786 铅球 实心 +
788 华盛顿 美国 政治 中心 +
922 我们 具有 必胜 信心 +
1148 女孩 此时 开心 +
1155 爸爸 安慰 开心 +
1183 耐心 等待 +
1195 这里 呼叫 中心 +
1615 市中心 很多 高楼 建筑 +
1707 小心 针尖 +
1735 开心 伸开 双手 +
1777 小心 +
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 +
1855 孩子们 耐心 +
1902 军人 国家 忠心 +
1923 伤心 +
1956 路滑 小心 +
1997 女朋友 面前 感到 心虚 +
2154 大家 衷心 祝福 新娘 新郎 +
2361 怜悯 +
2393 男朋友 吐露 心声 +
2436 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +
2597 决心 戒烟 +
2662 内心 压抑 +
2803 心眼 容不下 别人 +
2975 满怀 信心 他们 踏上 征程 +
3009 象棋 遂心 应手 +
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 +
3409 当心 扒手 +
3437 比赛 结果 震撼 人心 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +