B 吸引 + + * * xi1yin3 attract/ draw anziehen, fesseln,faszinieren + + +
B 引起 + + * * yin3qi3 give rise to/ lead to/ cause hervorrufen, verursachen + + +
C 指引 + + * * zhi3yin3 point-lead/ show the way/ direct/ lead/ guide anleiten, zeigen, weisen + + +
C + + * * yin3 draw/ stretch/ lead/ guide/ leave/ induce/ cause/ quote 1.ziehen, anspannen, führen, leiten 2.fortgehen 3. anlocken, anziehen 4. veranlassen, verursachen 5. anführen, zitieren + + +
C 引導 + + * * yin3dao3 lead-guide/ lead/ guide/ show/ direct leiten, führen + + +
C 引進 + + * * ying3jin4 lead-enter/ introduce/ import empfehlen, einführen + + +
D 牽引 + + * * qian1yin3 tow/ draught ziehen, schleppen + + +
D 引人注目 + + * * yin3 ren2 zhu4 mu4 conspicuous/ noticeable ins Auge fallen + + +
D 引入 + + * * yin3ru4 import/ introduce importieren, einführen, hinführen, hineinführen + + +
D 引用 + + * * yin3yong4 quote anführen, zitieren, empfehlen, einsetzen, anstellen + + +
D 引誘 + + * * yin3you4 tempt/ entice verführen, verlocken + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
to pull, draw out, attract / to stretch
persuade, entice, induce / guide

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

引' + * * + to draw (e.g. a bow)/ to pull to stretch
引人入勝' + 引人入胜* * + to ench fascinating/
引人注意' + 引人注意* * + to attract attention/ eye-catching conspicuou
引人注目' + 引人注目* * + to attract attention/ eye-catching conspicuou
引以為傲' + 引以为傲* * + to be intensely proud of sth (idiom)/
引以為憾' + 引以为憾* * + to consider sth regrettable (idiom)/
引以為榮' + 引以为荣* * + to regard it as an honor (idiom)/
引信' + 引信* * + a detonator/
引信系統' + 引信系统* * + fuzing system/
引入' + 引入* * + to draw into/ to pull into to introdu
引入迷途' + 引入迷途* * + to mislead/ to lead astray
引出' + 引出* * + to extract/ to draw out
引別' + 引别* * + to leave/ to say goodbye
引力' + 引力* * + gravitation (force)/ attraction
引力場' + 引力场* * + gravitational field/
引力波' + 引力波* * + gravitational wave/
引向' + 引向* * + to lead to/ to draw to to steer t
引吭高歌' + 引吭高歌* * + to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)/
引咎' + 引咎* * + to take the blame/ to accept responsibility (for a mistake)
引咎辭職' + 引咎辞职* * + to admit responsibility and resign/
引嫌' + 引嫌* * + to avoid arousing suspicions/
引子' + 引子* * + introduction/ primer opening wo
引導' + 引导* * + to guide/ to lead (around) to conduct
引導員' + 引导员* * + usher/ guide
引導扇區' + 引导扇区* * + boot sector/
引得' + 引得* * + index (loanword)/
引徵' + 引征* * + quotation/ citing to cite
引擎' + 引擎* * + engine (loanword)/ CL:臺|台
引擎蓋' + 引擎盖* * + (car) h bonnet/
引敘' + 引叙* * + reported speech (in grammar)/
引文' + 引文* * + quotation/ citation
引柴' + 引柴* * + kindling (to light a fire)/
引水' + 引水* * + to pilot a ship/ to channel water to draw wa
引水入牆' + 引水入墙* * + lit. to lead the water through the wall/ to ask for trouble (idiom)
引水工程' + 引水工程* * + water-induction engineering/ irrigation engineering
引決' + 引决* * + to commit suicide/
引河' + 引河* * + irrigation channel/
引渡' + 引渡* * + to extradite/
引火' + 引火* * + to kindle/ to light a fire
引火柴' + 引火柴* * + kindling/
引火燒身' + 引火烧身* * + to invite trouble/
引爆' + 引爆* * + to cause to burn/ to ignite to detonat
引爆裝置' + 引爆装置* * + detonator/
引爆點' + 引爆点* * + tipping point/
引狗入寨' + 引狗入寨* * + to lead the wolf into the woodpile (idiom); to leave oneself open to attack/ to act imprudently, asking for trouble
引狼入室' + 引狼入室* * + to lead the wolf into the house (idiom); to leave oneself open to attack/ to act imprudently, asking for trouble
引玉之磚' + 引玉之砖* * + lit. a brick thrown after a jade/ enticing sb to come forward (idiom)
引產' + 引产* * + to induce labor (childbirth)/
引用' + 引用* * + to quote/ to cite to recomme
引用句' + 引用句* * + quotation/
引申' + 引申* * + to extend (the meaning of a word, an analogy etc)/ derivation
引申義' + 引申义* * + extended meaning (of an expression)/ derived sense
引發' + 引发* * + to lead to/ to trigger to initiat
引種' + 引种* * + (agriculture) to introduce a new plant variety/
引種' + 引种* * + (agriculture) to plant an introduced variety/
引經據典' + 引经据典* * + lit. to quote the classics/ to quote chapter and verse (idiom)
引線' + 引线* * + fuse (for an explosive device)/ electrical lead intermedia
引線穿針' + 引线穿针* * + a pull-through to thread a needle/ fig. to act as go-between
引而不發' + 引而不发* * + to pull the bow without shooting (idiom from Mencius); ready and waiting for actio/ to go through the motions to practic
引腳' + 引脚* * + lead/ pin (computer hardware)
引著' + 引着* * + to ignite/ to kindle
引薦' + 引荐* * + to recommend sb/ to give a referral
引號' + 引号* * + quotation mark (punct.)/
引蛇出洞' + 引蛇出洞* * + lit. to pull a snake from its hole/ to expose a malefactor (idiom)
引言' + 引言* * + foreword/ introduction
引誘' + 引诱* * + to coerce (sb into doing sth bad)/ to lure (into a trap) to seduce
引語' + 引语* * + quotation/
引證' + 引证* * + to cite/ to quote to cite as
引起' + 引起* * + to give rise to/ to lead to to cause
引路' + 引路* * + to guide/ to show the way
引車' + 引车* * + to pull a car/
引述' + 引述* * + to quote/
引退' + 引退* * + to retire from office/ to resign
引逗' + 引逗* * + to tantalize/ to lead on to tease
引進' + 引进* * + to recommend/ to introduce (from outside)
引領' + 引领* * + to crane one's neck/ to await eagerly to lead
引頸' + 引颈* * + to crane one's neck/ (fig.) with one's neck outstretched in expectation
引頸就戮' + 引颈就戮* * + to extend one's neck in preparation for execution (idiom)/
引體向上' + 引体向上* * + chin-up (physical exercise)/
引鬼上門' + 引鬼上门* * + to lead the devil to the door (idiom); to invite the attention of criminals/ to leave oneself open to attack

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1169 发现 万有引力 +
1170 我们 引路 +
2229 肥胖 容易 引起 疾病 +
2330 磁铁 互相 吸引 +
3263 汽车 引擎 损坏 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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