B 秘密 + + * * mi4mi4 confidential/ secret nicht öffentlich, geheim, heimlich, Geheimnis + + +
B + + * * mi4 thick 1. dicht, eng, massiv, kompakt, fest 2. eng, intim, innig, vertraut, 3.fein, genau, sorgfältig, präzise 4. geheim, diskret, vertraulich + + +
B 密切 + + * * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close nahe, vertraulich, aufmerksam + + +
C 緊密 + + * * jin3mi4 close and dense/ close/ inseparable eng, fest,unzertrennlich,heftig und dicht aufein.f + + +
C 保密 + + * * bao3 mi4 keep secret/ maintain secrecy geheim halten, ein Geheimnis bewahren + + +
C 嚴密 + + * * yan2mi4 close-tight/ close/ tight/ well-conceived dicht, streng, hermetisch + + +
D 茂密 + + * * mao4mi4 exuberant/ dense üppig, dicht bewachsen + + +
D 親密 + + * * qin1mi4 intimate/ close vertraut, intim + + +
D 周密 + + * * zhou1mi4 thorough/ careful lückenlos, gründlich, wohldurchdacht + + +
D 密度 + + * * mi4du4 consistency Dichte + + +
D 密封 + + * * mi4feng1 pressurize verschließen, versiegeln, luftdicht, hermetisch verschlossen + + +
D 稠密 + + * * chou2mi4 thick/ dense dick, dicht + + +
D 精密 + + * * jing1mi4 exact/ close präzis, fein + + +
D 機密 + + * * ji1mi4 secret geheim, heimlich, Geheimnis + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
desk / machine / moment
dense, thick, close / intimate

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

密' + * * + surname Mi/ name of an ancient state
密' + * * + secret/ confidential close
密不可分' + 密不可分* * + inextricably linked (idiom)/ inseparable
密不透風' + 密不透风* * + wrapped up tight/ bundled up tight closed up
密令' + 密令* * + secret instruction/ secret order
密件' + 密件* * + secret documents/ abbr. for 機密文件|机密文件
密使' + 密使* * + secret envoy/
密克羅尼西亞' + 密克罗尼西亚* * + Micronesia in southwest pacific/
密函' + 密函* * + secret letter/
密切' + 密切* * + close/ familiar intimate
密切注意' + 密切注意* * + to pay close attention (to sth)/
密切注視' + 密切注视* * + to watch closely/
密切相連' + 密切相连* * + to relate closely/ closely related
密切相關' + 密切相关* * + closely related/
密友' + 密友* * + close friend/
密司脫' + 密司脱* * + variant of 密斯脫|密斯脱/
密合' + 密合* * + close-f tightly sealed/
密告' + 密告* * + to report secretly/ to tip off
密商' + 密商* * + to negotiate in secret/ confidential discussions
密報' + 密报* * + secret report/
密宗' + 密宗* * + Vajrayana/ Tantric Buddhism
密宗' + 密宗* * + tantra/
密室' + 密室* * + cell/ private room
密密' + 密密* * + thick/ dense close
密密匝匝' + 密密匝匝* * + thick/ concentrated dense
密密實實' + 密密实实* * + thick/ concentrated
密密層層' + 密密层层* * + tightly packed/ closely layered
密密扎扎' + 密密扎扎* * + thick/ dense
密密麻麻' + 密密麻麻* * + close and numerous/ densely packed thickly do
密實' + 密实* * + close (texture)/ dense densely wo
密封' + 密封* * + to seal up/
密封膠' + 密封胶* * + sealant/ sealing glue
密封艙' + 密封舱* * + sealed compartment/
密封輻射源' + 密封辐射源* * + sealed radiation source/
密山' + 密山* * + Mishan county level city in Jixi 雞西|鸡西/
密山市' + 密山市* * + Mishan /
密布' + 密布* * + to cove /
密帳' + 密帐* * + secret account (e.g. bank account)/
密度' + 密度* * + density/ thickness
密度波' + 密度波* * + density wave/
密度計' + 密度计* * + density gauge/
密排' + 密排* * + leading (between lines of type)/
密探' + 密探* * + secret agent/ detective covert inv
密接' + 密接* * + closely connected/ inseparably related
密教' + 密教* * + esoteric Buddhism/
密文' + 密文* * + coded text/ cypher
密斯' + 密斯* * + Miss (loanword)/
密斯脫' + 密斯脱* * + mister (loanword)/
密會' + 密会* * + secret meeting/ to meet secretly
密林' + 密林* * + jungle/
密植' + 密植* * + close planting/
密歇根' + 密歇根* * + Michigan, US state/
密歇根大學' + 密歇根大学* * + University of Michigan/
密歇根州' + 密歇根州* * + Michigan, US state/
密歇根湖' + 密歇根湖* * + Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes 五大湖/
密爾沃基' + 密尔沃基* * + Milwauk /
密特朗' + 密特朗* * + Mitterrand/
密碼' + 密码* * + code/ secret code password
密碼保護' + 密码保护* * + password protection/
密碼子' + 密码子* * + codon/
密碼學' + 密码学* * + cryptography/
密碼鎖' + 密码锁* * + combination lock/
密碼電報' + 密码电报* * + coded telegram/ ciphered cable
密簷塔' + 密檐塔* * + multi-eaved pagoda/
密約' + 密约* * + secret appointment/
密緻' + 密致* * + dense/ close spaced
密縣' + 密县* * + Mi county in Henan/
密縫' + 密缝* * + tight seam/ to calk
密織' + 密织* * + closely woven/
密而不宣' + 密而不宣* * + confidential/ secret hush-hush
密蘇里' + 密苏里* * + Missouri/
密蘇里州' + 密苏里州* * + Missouri/
密西根' + 密西根* * + Michigan, US state (Tw)/
密西根州' + 密西根州* * + Michigan, US state (Tw)/
密西西比' + 密西西比* * + Mississippi/
密西西比州' + 密西西比州* * + Mississippi, US state/
密西西比河' + 密西西比河* * + Mississippi River/
密詔' + 密诏* * + secret imperial edict/
密語' + 密语* * + secret talk/ coded language cypher
密談' + 密谈* * + commune/ private discussion
密謀' + 密谋* * + conspiracy/ secret plan to conspir
密送' + 密送* * + Bcc (for email)/ Blind carbon copy (for email)
密閉' + 密闭* * + sealed/ airtight
密閉式循環再呼吸水肺系統' + 密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统* * + closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving)/
密閉艙' + 密闭舱* * + sealed cabin/
密閉貨艙' + 密闭货舱* * + sealed cabin/
密閉門' + 密闭门* * + airtight door/
密集' + 密集* * + concentrated/ crowded together intensive
密雲' + 密云* * + Miyun town and county in Beijing/
密雲縣' + 密云县* * + Miyun county in Beijing/
密電' + 密电* * + coded telegram/ secret telegram
密麻麻' + 密麻麻* * + dense/ many and crowded

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


800 售货员 输入 密码 +
1300 告诉 私人 秘密 +
1338 告诉 鲜为人知 秘密 +
1545 树林 茂密 +
1568 告诉 秘密 +
1570 输入 密码 +
2005 他们 亲密 拥抱 在一起 +
2171 朋友 泄露 秘密 +
3063 盗窃 国家 机密 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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