A 漢字 + + * * han4zi4 Chinese character chinesisches Schriftzeichen + + +
A 名字 + + * * ming2zi name Name, Familienname und Vorname + + +
A + + * * zi4 word/ character 1. Schriftzeichen, Zeichen 2. Schrift 3. Kalligraphie 4. Quittung + + +
B 文字 + + * * wen2zi4 character Schriftzeichen, Wort, Text + + +
B 數字 + + * * shu4zi4 figure/ digit Ziffer + + +
C 字典 + + * * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary Zeichenlexikon(streng !),Wörterbuch, Lexikon + + +
C 字母 + + * * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter Alphabet, Buchstabe + + +
C 錯字 + + * * cuo4zi4 wrong character falscher Buchstabe, Druckfehler + + +
C 別字 + + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe + + +
D 赤字 + + * * chi4zi4 deficit/ red ink Defizit, rote Zahlen, Fehlbetrag + + +
D 簡體字 + + * * jian3ti3zi4 simplified character vereinfachtes chinesisches Schriftzeichen + + +
D 簽字 + + * * qian1 zi4 signature unterzeichnen, unterschreiben + + +
D 繁體字 + + * * fan2ti3zi4 the original complex of Chinese character Langzeichen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
complicated, complex, difficult
body / group, class, body, unit / inferior
letter, character, word

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

字' + * * + letter/ symbol character
字串' + 字串* * + charact /
字元' + 字元* * + character (computing) (Tw)/
字元集' + 字元集* * + character set/
字典' + 字典* * + dictionary/ character dictionary CL:本
字句' + 字句* * + words expressions/ writing
字圖' + 字图* * + glyph/
字型' + 字型* * + font/ typeface
字字珠玉' + 字字珠玉* * + every word a gem (idiom); magnificent writing/
字尾' + 字尾* * + suffix/
字帖' + 字帖* * + copybook (for calligraphy)/
字幕' + 字幕* * + caption/ subtitle
字彙' + 字汇* * + Zihui, Chinese character dictionary with 33,179 entries, released in 17th century/
字彙' + 字汇* * + (computer) character repertoire/ glossary, lexicon
字形' + 字形* * + form of a Chinese character/ variant of 字型
字據' + 字据* * + written contract/ IOU
字數' + 字数* * + number of written characters/ number of words word-count
字斟句酌' + 字斟句酌* * + weighing every word/
字書' + 字书* * + character book (i.e. school primer)/
字林' + 字林* * + Zilin, Chinese character dictionary with 12,824 entries from ca. 400 AD/
字根' + 字根* * + character root/ word root etymon
字根合體字' + 字根合体字* * + stem compound/
字根表' + 字根表* * + table of components used in wubi input method 五筆輸入法|五笔输入法/
字根通用碼' + 字根通用码* * + common same as Zheng coding 鄭碼|郑码/
字條' + 字条* * + brief n /
字樣' + 字样* * + model or template character/ written slogan or phrase mention (e
字正腔圓' + 字正腔圆* * + (of singing or speaking) very articulate pronunciation and vocalizing/
字段' + 字段* * + (numeric, data) field/
字母' + 字母* * + letter (of the alphabet)/ CL:個|个
字母表' + 字母表* * + alphabe /
字母順序' + 字母顺序* * + order of letters in an alphabet/
字源' + 字源* * + Chinese character etymology/
字畫' + 字画* * + the strokes of a character/ calligraphy and painting
字眼' + 字眼* * + wording/
字碼' + 字码* * + character code/
字符' + 字符* * + character (computing)/
字符串' + 字符串* * + string (computer science)/
字符集' + 字符集* * + character set (e.g. ASCII 美國資訊交換標準碼|美国资讯交换标准码 or Unicode 統一碼|统一码)/
字節' + 字节* * + byte/
字節數' + 字节数* * + byte count/
字紙簍' + 字纸篓* * + wastepaper basket/
字紙簍子' + 字纸篓子* * + see 字紙簍|字纸篓/
字素' + 字素* * + graphem /
字組' + 字组* * + block (of data)/ code word
字義' + 字义* * + meaning of a character/
字腳' + 字脚* * + serif/ hook at the end of brushstroke
字號' + 字号* * + characters and numbers (as used in a code)/ alphanumeric code serial num
字號' + 字号* * + character size/ font size fame
字裡行間' + 字里行间* * + between the words and the lines (idiom); implied meaning/ connotations
字詞' + 字词* * + letters or words/ words or phrase
字調' + 字调* * + tone of a character/
字謎' + 字谜* * + letter puzzle/
字跡' + 字迹* * + handwriting/
字集' + 字集* * + character set/
字面' + 字面* * + literal/ typeface
字音' + 字音* * + phonetic value of a character/
字首' + 字首* * + prefix/
字體' + 字体* * + calligraphic style/ typeface font

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


203 什么 名字 +
306 认识 汉字 +
525 认识 字母 D +
689 毛笔字 +
716 汉字 什么 含义 +
1172 铜版 刻有 +
1473 清楚 +
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 +
1544 黑板 写字 +
1670 书架 很多 字典 +
1745 汉字 繁体字 +
1871 墙壁 +
2083 小字 模糊 清楚 +
2212 涂掉 +
2536 查字典 注解 +
2667 埃及 人民 智慧 创造 金字塔 +
2897 毛笔字 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +