B + + * * hu1 call 1. ausatmen, 2. herausschreien, rufen, 3.nennen, aufrufen + + +
B 呼吸 + + * * hu1xi1 breath/ respire atmen, Atemzug + + +
B 招呼 + + * * zhao1hu call/ greet/ say hello to rufen, grüßen, Gruß (winken und rufen) + + +
C 稱呼 + + * * cheng1hu call/ address/ name/ term of address nennen, ansprechen, klassifizieren + + +
C 打招呼 + + * * da3zhao1hu notify/ warn/ greet sb./ say hello hallo sagen + + +
C 呼呼 + + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind + + +
C 歡呼 + + * * huan1hu1 hail/ cheer/ acclaim jubeln, Jubel + + +
D 呼聲 + + * * hu1sheng1 cry/ voice Ruf, Stimme + + +
D 呼嘯 + + * * hu1xiao4 howl pfeifen, sausen + + +
D 呼吁 + + * * hu1yu4 call on/ appeal appellieren, aufrufen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
breathe sigh, exhale / call, shout
interjection 'Alas!' / to sigh

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

呼' + * * + to call/ to cry to shout
呼中' + 呼中* * + Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
呼中區' + 呼中区* * + Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
呼之即來' + 呼之即来* * + to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/ always at sb's beck and call
呼之即來,揮之即去' + 呼之即来,挥之即去* * + to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/ always at sb's beck and call
呼來喝去' + 呼来喝去* * + to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders/ always bossing people around
呼倫湖' + 呼伦湖* * + Hulun Lake of Inner Mongolia/
呼倫貝爾' + 呼伦贝尔* * + Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/
呼倫貝爾市' + 呼伦贝尔市* * + Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/
呼倫貝爾盟' + 呼伦贝尔盟* * + Hulunbeir league (equivalent to prefecture), Inner Mongolia/
呼倫貝爾草原' + 呼伦贝尔草原* * + Hulunbuir grasslands of Inner Mongolia/
呼出' + 呼出* * + to exhale/ to breathe out
呼叫' + 呼叫* * + to shout/ to yell
呼叫中心' + 呼叫中心* * + call center/
呼叫器' + 呼叫器* * + pager/ beeper
呼叫聲' + 呼叫声* * + whoop/
呼召' + 呼召* * + to call (to do something)/
呼吸' + 呼吸* * + to breathe/
呼吸器' + 呼吸器* * + ventilator (artificial breathing apparatus used in hospitals)/
呼吸管' + 呼吸管* * + snorkel/
呼吸系統' + 呼吸系统* * + respiratory system/
呼吸調節器' + 呼吸调节器* * + regulator (diving)/
呼吸道' + 呼吸道* * + respiratory tract/
呼呼' + 呼呼* * + (onom.) sound of the wind or the breathing of sb who is sound asleep/
呼呼哱' + 呼呼哱* * + colloquial word for hoopoe bird (Upupa epops)/
呼呼聲' + 呼呼声* * + whir/
呼和浩特' + 呼和浩特* * + Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内/
呼和浩特市' + 呼和浩特市* * + Hohhot /
呼咻' + 呼咻* * + (onom.) /
呼哧' + 呼哧* * + (onom.) sound of panting/
呼哧呼哧' + 呼哧呼哧* * + (onom.) rapid breathing/
呼啦啦' + 呼啦啦* * + flapping sound/
呼啦圈' + 呼啦圈* * + hula hoop/
呼喊' + 呼喊* * + to shout (slogans etc)/
呼喚' + 呼唤* * + to call out (a name etc)/ to shout
呼喝' + 呼喝* * + to shout/
呼嘯' + 呼啸* * + to whistle/ to scream to whiz
呼嘯而過' + 呼啸而过* * + to whistle past/ to hurtle past to zip by
呼嚎' + 呼嚎* * + to roar (of animals)/ to wail to cry out
呼嚕' + 呼噜* * + (onom.) /
呼嚕' + 呼噜* * + (onom.) snoring/ Taiwan pr.
呼嚕嚕' + 呼噜噜* * + (onom.) wheezing/
呼圖壁' + 呼图壁* * + Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州/
呼圖壁縣' + 呼图壁县* * + Hutubi /
呼應' + 呼应* * + echoed echo/
呼拉圈' + 呼拉圈* * + hula hoop/
呼救' + 呼救* * + to call for help/
呼朋引伴' + 呼朋引伴* * + to gather one's friends/ to band together
呼朋引類' + 呼朋引类* * + to call up all one's associates/ rent-a-crowd
呼格' + 呼格* * + vocative case (grammar)/
呼機' + 呼机* * + pager/
呼氣' + 呼气* * + to breathe out/
呼牛作馬' + 呼牛作马* * + to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/ Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
呼牛呼馬' + 呼牛呼马* * + to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/ Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
呼瑪' + 呼玛* * + Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
呼瑪縣' + 呼玛县* * + Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/
呼籲' + 呼吁* * + to call on (sb to do sth)/ to appeal (to) an appeal
呼聲' + 呼声* * + a shout/ fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group
呼蘭' + 呼兰* * + Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨/
呼蘭區' + 呼兰区* * + Hulan d /
呼號' + 呼号* * + to wail to cry out in distress/
呼風喚雨' + 呼风唤雨* * + to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers/ fig. to stir up troubles

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


85 歌迷 台下 欢呼 +
1194 深呼吸 +
1195 这里 呼叫 中心 +
1444 人们 呼吁 政府 进行 改革 +
1504 大家 兴奋 欢呼起来 +
1561 大家 高兴 扬手 欢呼 +
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘 +
3430 赛车 呼啸 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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