A 告訴 + + * * gao4su4 tell/ let know mitteilen + + +
B + + * * gao4 tell 1.sagen, mitteilen,informieren, bekanntgeben 2. anklagen, anzeigen 3. jn um etwas bitten, verlangen 4.erklären, ankündigen + + +
B 告別 + + * * gao4bie2 leave/ part from/ say good-bye to Abschied + + +
B 轉告 + + * * zhuan3gao4 pass on weitersagen, weitergeben + + +
B 廣告 + 广+ * * guang3gao4 advertisement werben, Reklameanzeige + + +
B 報告 + + * * bao4gao4 make known/ report/ speech/ lecture Bericht, berichten, Vortrag + + +
C 布告 + + * * bu4gao4 notice/ bulletin/ edict Nachricht, Mitteilung + + +
C 宣告 + + * * xuan1gao4 propagate-declare/ declare/ proclaim proklamieren, erklären + + +
C 告辭 + + * * gao4ci2 say good-bye/ bid farewell/ take leave Abschied nehmen, sich empfehlen + + +
C 勸告 + + * * quan4gao4 persuade/ advise/ exhort/ urge/ advice/ exhortation überreden,einreden,zureden,ermahnen + + +
C 警告 + + * * jing3gao4 warn/ admonish/ caution/ warning warnen, ermahnen,Verwarnung, Verweis + + +
C 預告 + + * * yu4gao4 fore-announce/ announce in advance/ advance notice etwas im voraus bekanntmachen, Ankündigung + + +
D 被告 + + * * bei4gao4 accused Angeklagter, Beklagter + + +
D 無可奉告 + + * * wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4 no comment kein Kommentar + + +
D 告誡 + + * * gao4jie4 warn/ caution jn vor etwas warnen + + +
D 告狀 + + * * gao4 zhuang4 bring a lawsuit against sagen, mitteilen, erzählen + + +
D 原告 + + * * yuan2gao4 accuser Kläger, Ankläger + + +
D 通告 + + * * tong1gao4 announce/ notify etwas allgemein bekanntmachen, allgemeine Bekanntmachung + + +
D 公告 + + * * gong1gao4 bulletin öffentliche Bekanntmachung + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
fair, equitable / public / duke
tell, announce, inform / accuse

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

告' + * * + to tell/ to inform to say
告一段落' + 告一段落* * + to come to the end of a phase (idiom)/
告之' + 告之* * + to tell sb/ to inform
告便' + 告便* * + to ask to be excused/ to ask leave to go to the toilet
告別' + 告别* * + to leave/ to bid farewell to to say goo
告別式' + 告别式* * + parting ceremony/ funeral
告吹' + 告吹* * + to fizzle out/ to come to nothing
告密' + 告密* * + to inform against sb/
告密者' + 告密者* * + tell-tale/ informer (esp. to police) whistleblo
告急' + 告急* * + to be in a state of emergency/ to report an emergency to ask for
告戒' + 告戒* * + variant of 告誡|告诫/
告捷' + 告捷* * + to win to be victorious/ to report a victory
告求' + 告求* * + to ask/
告狀' + 告状* * + to complain/ to sue to bring a
告發' + 告发* * + to lodge an accusation/ accusation (law)
告白' + 告白* * + to announce publicly/ to explain oneself to reveal
告知' + 告知* * + to inform/
告示' + 告示* * + announcement/
告示牌' + 告示牌* * + notice/ placard signboard
告竣' + 告竣* * + (of a project) to be completed/
告終' + 告终* * + to end/ to reach an end
告罄' + 告罄* * + to run out/ to have exhausted
告解' + 告解* * + (Christianity) to confess/ confession penance
告訴' + 告诉* * + to tell/ to inform to let kno
告語' + 告语* * + to inform/ to tell
告誡' + 告诫* * + to warn/ to admonish
告誦' + 告诵* * + to tell/ to inform
告諭' + 告谕* * + (literary) to inform (the public)/ to give clear instructions public ann
告辭' + 告辞* * + to say goodbye/ to take one's leave
告退' + 告退* * + to petition for retirement (old)/ to ask for leave to withdraw to ask to
告送' + 告送* * + (dialect) to tell/ to inform
告饒' + 告饶* * + to beg for mercy/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


66 报告 +
497 警方 控告 犯罪 +
498 告诉 +
649 告诉 电话 号码 +
765 祷告 +
911 报告 批示 +
1300 告诉 私人 秘密 +
1338 告诉 鲜为人知 秘密 +
1560 挥手 告别 +
1568 告诉 秘密 +
2206 财政 大臣 发表 今年 预算 报告 +
2241 遵从 医生 忠告 +
2826 告诉 谣言 +
3253 不要 诬告 +
3506 他们 虔诚 祷告 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +