A 有名 + + * * you3ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt + + +
A 名字 + + * * ming2zi name Name, Familienname und Vorname + + +
B 姓名 + + * * xing4ming2 surname and given name/ full name Name (Name u. Vorname) + + +
B 著名 + + * * zhu4ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt, bekannt + + +
B + + * * ming2 name/ (measure word for people) 1. Zählwort Name, Benennung, persönlicher Name, Rufname, Vorname 2. Ruf, Ruhm, 3. berühmt, bekannt, angesehen, + + +
B 名勝 + + * * ming2sheng4 famous place/ scenic spot Szenischer Punkt + + +
B 報名 + + * * bao4 ming2 sign up sich anmelden + + +
C 聞名 + + * * wen2ming2 hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen + + +
D 罪名 + + * * zui4ming2 accusation/ charge gesetzliche Bezeichnung für einen Straftatbestand + + +
D 提名 + + * * ti2 ming2 nominate/ name nominieren, zur Wahl vorschlagen + + +
D 名稱 + + * * ming2cheng1 name/ title Name, Bezeichnung, Benennung + + +
D 名次 + + * * ming2ci4 place in a competition Rangfolge, Rang, Platz (Wettkampf) + + +
D 名單 + + * * ming2dan1 list/ roll Namensliste + + +
D 名額 + + * * ming2'e2 quota of people maximale Platzzahl, Höchstzahl, Zulassungsquote + + +
D 名副其實 + + * * ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 be worthy of the name/ the name matches the reality der Name entspricht der Wirklichkeit, buchstäblich + + +
D 名貴 + + * * ming2gui4 rare kostbar, wertvoll, edel + + +
D 名牌 + + * * ming2pai2 famous brand berühmte Marke + + +
D 名人 + + * * ming2ren2 a famous man/ a man of mark berühmte Person, Prominenter + + +
D 名聲 + + * * ming2sheng1 reputation Ruf, Name, Leumund, Reputation + + +
D 点名 + + * * dian3ming2 call the roll die Namensliste verlesen, namentlich + + +
D 名義 + + * * ming2yi4 in name Name, nominell, dem Namen nach, scheinbar + + +
D 名譽 + + * * ming2yu4 reputation Ruhm, Ehre, Reputation + + +
D 命名 + + * * ming4 ming2 call/ nominate ernennen, nominieren + + +
D 出名 + + * * chu1 ming2 come to the top bekannt für + + +
D 莫名其妙 + + * * mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 without rhyme or reason nicht begreifen, wo die eigentliche Pointe liegt, unbegreiflich + + +
D 簽名 + + * * qian1 ming2 sign one's name unterschreiben, unterzeichnen + + +
D 舉世聞名 + + * * ju3shi4 wen2ming2 of world known/ world-famous weltberühmt, + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
raise, lift up / recommend
generation / world / era
hear / smell / make known / news
name, rank, title, position

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

名' + * * + name/ noun (part of speech) place (e.g
名下' + 名下* * + under sb's name/
名不副實' + 名不副实* * + the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact/ Reality does not live up to the name. Excellent
名不正言不順' + 名不正言不顺* * + unjustified and undeserving of such description/ identity or status is unverified, or inconsistent in detail unworthy o
名不符實' + 名不符实* * + the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reputat/
名不虛傳' + 名不虚传* * + lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/ enjoys a well-deserved reputation
名不見經傳' + 名不见经传* * + (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/ unknown (person) nobody
名人' + 名人* * + personage/ celebrity
名人錄' + 名人录* * + record of famous men/ anthology of biographies
名伶' + 名伶* * + famous actor or actress (Chinese opera)/
名位' + 名位* * + fame and position/ official rank
名作' + 名作* * + masterpiece/ famous work
名優' + 名优* * + excellent quality/ outstanding (product) abbr. for
名兒' + 名儿* * + name/ fame
名冊' + 名册* * + roll (of names)/ register CL:本
名分' + 名分* * + a perso /
名列' + 名列* * + to rank (number 1, or third last etc)/ to be among (those who are in a particular group)
名列前茅' + 名列前茅* * + to rank among the best/
名利' + 名利* * + fame and profit/
名利場' + 名利场* * + Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title)/
名利雙收' + 名利双收* * + both fame and fortune (idiom)/ both virtue and reward
名刺' + 名刺* * + visiting card/ name card
名副其實' + 名副其实* * + not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)/
名勝' + 名胜* * + a place famous for its scenery or historical relics/ scenic spot CL:處|处
名勝古跡' + 名胜古迹* * + histori /
名古屋' + 名古屋* * + Nagoya, city in Japan/
名句' + 名句* * + famous saying/ celebrated phrase
名叫' + 名叫* * + called/ named
名單' + 名单* * + list (of names)/
名嘴' + 名嘴* * + popular TV or radio host/
名噪一時' + 名噪一时* * + to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom); temporary or local celebrity/
名垂青史' + 名垂青史* * + lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn etern/
名城' + 名城* * + famous city/
名堂' + 名堂* * + variety/ result reason
名士' + 名士* * + famous scholar/ worthy celebrity,
名妓' + 名妓* * + famous courtesan/
名媛' + 名媛* * + young lady of note/ debutante
名字' + 名字* * + name (of a person or thing)/ CL:個|个
名存實亡' + 名存实亡* * + the nam /
名學' + 名学* * + (archaic term) logic/
名家' + 名家* * + School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the Sch/
名家' + 名家* * + renowned expert/ master (of an art or craft)
名實' + 名实* * + name and reality/ whether reality lives up to its reputation
名將' + 名将* * + famous general/
名山' + 名山* * + famous mountain/ Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安
名山大川' + 名山大川* * + famous /
名山縣' + 名山县* * + Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安/
名帖' + 名帖* * + name ca business card/
名師' + 名师* * + famous master/ great teacher
名師出高徒' + 名师出高徒* * + A famous teacher trains a fine student (idiom). A cultured man will have a deep in/
名從主人' + 名从主人* * + named after (the original owner)/
名手' + 名手* * + master/ famous artist or sportsman
名揚四海' + 名扬四海* * + to become known far and wide (idiom)/ famous
名數' + 名数* * + (grammar) number plus classifier/ household (in census)
名曲' + 名曲* * + famous song/ well-known piece of music
名望' + 名望* * + renown/ prestige
名校' + 名校* * + famous school/
名模' + 名模* * + top model/
名次' + 名次* * + position in a ranking of names/ place rank
名正言順' + 名正言顺* * + right and proper/ authoritative and fair (modified
名氣' + 名气* * + reputation/ fame
名流' + 名流* * + gentry/ celebrities
名源' + 名源* * + origin of names/ etymology
名滿天下' + 名满天下* * + world famous/
名為' + 名为* * + to be called/ to be known as
名爵' + 名爵* * + MG Motor (car manufacturer)/
名片' + 名片* * + (business) card/
名牌' + 名牌* * + famous brand/
名狀' + 名状* * + to express/ to describe
名產' + 名产* * + staple/ name-brand product
名畫' + 名画* * + famous painting/
名畫家' + 名画家* * + famous painter/
名目' + 名目* * + name of an item/ fame
名目繁多' + 名目繁多* * + names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description/
名相' + 名相* * + famous prime minister (in ancient China)/ names and appearances (Buddhism)
名稱' + 名称* * + name (of a thing)/ name (of an organization)
名稱標籤' + 名称标签* * + name tag/
名稱權' + 名称权* * + copyright/ rights to a trademark
名節' + 名节* * + reputation and integrity/
名篇' + 名篇* * + famous piece of writing/
名籤' + 名签* * + name tag/
名義' + 名义* * + name/ titular nominal
名義上' + 名义上* * + nominally/
名義價值' + 名义价值* * + nominal value/
名義賬戶' + 名义账户* * + nominal bank account/
名聞' + 名闻* * + famous/ of good reputation
名聲' + 名声* * + reputation/
名臣' + 名臣* * + important official or statesman (in feudal China)/
名花有主' + 名花有主* * + the girl is already taken (idiom)/
名菜' + 名菜* * + famous dishes/ specialty dishes
名落孫山' + 名落孙山* * + lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山/
名著' + 名著* * + masterp /
名號' + 名号* * + name/ good reputation title
名角' + 名角* * + famous actor/
名角兒' + 名角儿* * + erhua variant of 名角/
名言' + 名言* * + saying famous remark/
名詞' + 名词* * + noun/
名諱' + 名讳* * + taboo name (e.g. of emperor)/
名譽' + 名誉* * + fame/ reputation honor
名譽博士' + 名誉博士* * + honorary doctorate/ Doctor Honoris Causae
名譽博士學位' + 名誉博士学位* * + honorary doctorate/ Doctor Honoris Causae
名譽學位' + 名誉学位* * + honorary degree/ academic degree Honoris Causa
名譽掃地' + 名誉扫地* * + to be thoroughly discredited/ to fall into disrepute
名貴' + 名贵* * + famous and valuable/ rare precious
名酒' + 名酒* * + a famous wine/
名醫' + 名医* * + famous doctor/
名重識暗' + 名重识暗* * + of great reputation but shallow in knowledge (idiom)/
名量詞' + 名量词* * + nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/ measure word applying mainly to nouns
名銜' + 名衔* * + rank/ title
名錄' + 名录* * + directory/
名錄服務' + 名录服务* * + name service/
名錶' + 名表* * + famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of wristwatch)/
名門' + 名门* * + famous family/ prestigious house
名門望族' + 名门望族* * + offspring a famous family (idiom); good breeding/ blue blood
名間' + 名间* * + Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县/
名間鄉' + 名间乡* * + Mingjia /
名韁利鎖' + 名缰利锁* * + lit. fe the victim of one's own success/
名額' + 名额* * + quota/ number of places place (in
名馳遐邇' + 名驰遐迩* * + To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


172 第一 +
203 什么 名字 +
313 有名 电影 明星 +
352 成为 护士 +
488 模特儿 形体 优美 +
541 名单 +
595 城市 有名 +
639 铁塔 巴黎 有名 地标 +
763 我们 小组 成员 +
810 拿破仑 著名 历史 人物 +
946 内科 医生 +
1043 他们 互相 交换 名片 +
1133 喜欢 文学 名著 +
1134 著名 公司 应聘 +
1162 立志 成为 建筑师 +
1321 签名 +
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 +
1897 傑出 建筑师 +
1898 雕塑 有名 +
1964 日本 京都 庙宇 出名 +
2006 出色 哲学家 +
2374 学校 截止 报名 +
2442 烤鸭 知名 北京 美食 +
2459 公司 打算 削减 10 员工 +
2510 电影 排行榜 +
2526 警察 歹徒 +
2640 乃是 将军 +
2997 地区 名声 显赫 +
3301 婶婶 医生 +
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +