A 反對 + + * * fan3dui4 oppose/ fight/ be against bekämpfen, gegen etwas antreten + + +
B 反應 + + * * fan3ying4 react/ respond/ reaction/ response Antwort, Reaktion, + + +
B 反映 + + * * fan3ying4 reflect/ report/ reflection widerspiegeln,(einem Vorgesetzten) berichten,Informationen liefern + + +
B 反正 + + * * fan3zheng4 anyway/ in any case in jedem Fall + + +
B 相反 + + * * xiang1fan3 opposite/ contrary entgegengesetzt + + +
B 違反 + + * * wei2fan3 violate/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen,gegen verstoßen + + +
B 反動 + + * * fan3dong4 reactionary reaktionär, Reaktion + + +
B 反復 + + * * fan3fu4 repeatedly/ again and again Rückfall, wiederholt + + +
B 反抗 + + * * fan3kang4 resist/ revolt revoltieren, widerstehen, Aufruhr + + +
C 反問 + + * * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply Rhetorische Frage + + +
C + + * * fan3 on the contrary/ instead 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- + + +
C + + * * fan3 on the contrary/ instead 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- + + +
C 反而 + + * * fan3'er2 on the contrary/ instead stattdessen + + +
C 反擊 + + * * fan3ji1 counter-attack/ fight back/ strike back/ beat back zurückschlagen,Gegenangriff + + +
D 反射 + + * * fan3she4 echo/ reflect Reflex,Reflexion + + +
D 反思 + + * * fan3si1 think again introspect überdenken, noch einmal bedenken + + +
D 反之 + + * * fan3zhi1 on the contrary/ whereas im Gegenteil, umgekehrt + + +
D 造反 + + * * zao4 fan3 rebel/ insurgence rebellieren, Rebellion, Revolte + + +
D 反駁 + + * * fan3bo2 retort/ contradict/ refute widerlegen, widersprechen + + +
D 反常 + + * * fan3chang2 abnormal ungewöhnlich, unnormal + + +
D 反倒 + + * * fan3dao4 on the contrary/ instead im Gegenteil, umgekehrt + + +
D 反感 + + * * fan3gan3 be disgusted with Antipathie,Abneigung + + +
D 反革命 + + * * fan3ge2ming4 counter revolutionaries Kontrarevolutionäre, kontrarevolutionär + + +
D 反攻 + + * * fan3gong1 counterattack Gegenangriff + + +
D 反饋 + + * * fan3kui4 reflect Rückkopplung, Feedback + + +
D 反面 + + * * fan3mian4 back/ opposite Rückseite,Kehrseite,Gegenteil + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
reverse, opposite, contrary, anti
【◎Fix:◎麵;◎面】 face / surface / plane / side, dimension

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

反' + * * + contrary/ in reverse inside out
反之' + 反之* * + on the conversely.../
反之亦然' + 反之亦然* * + vice versa/
反人道罪' + 反人道罪* * + a crime against humanity/
反人道罪行' + 反人道罪行* * + crime against humanity/
反人類' + 反人类* * + inhuman/
反人類罪' + 反人类罪* * + crimes against humanity/
反作用' + 反作用* * + opposite reaction/
反例' + 反例* * + counter-example/
反倒' + 反倒* * + but on the contrary/ but expectedly
反側' + 反侧* * + to toss and turn/
反傳算法' + 反传算法* * + back propagation algorithm/
反傾銷' + 反倾销* * + anti-dumping/
反光' + 反光* * + to reflect light/
反光鏡' + 反光镜* * + reflector/ reflecting mirror
反光面' + 反光面* * + reflecting surface/
反共' + 反共* * + anti-communist/
反共主義' + 反共主义* * + anti-communism/
反共宣傳' + 反共宣传* * + anticommunist propaganda (as a crime)/
反共宣傳罪' + 反共宣传罪* * + the crime of anticommunist propaganda/
反其道而行之' + 反其道而行之* * + to do the very opposite/ to act in a diametrically opposite way
反函數' + 反函数* * + inverse function (math.)/
反分裂法' + 反分裂法* * + anti-secession law of 2005 (whereby PRC claims the right to invade Taiwan)/
反切' + 反切* * + traditional system expressing the phonetic value of a Chinese character using two /
反剪' + 反剪* * + with hands behind one's back/ trussed
反動' + 反动* * + reaction/ reactionary
反動份子' + 反动分子* * + reactionaries/ reactionary elements
反動勢力' + 反动势力* * + reactionary forces (esp. in Marxist rhetoric)/
反動派' + 反动派* * + reactionaries/
反反復復' + 反反复复* * + repeatedly/ time and time again
反叛' + 反叛* * + to rebel/ to revolt
反叛份子' + 反叛分子* * + insurgent/ rebel
反口' + 反口* * + to correct oneself/ to renege to break o
反右' + 反右* * + anti-rightist/ abbr. for 反右派鬥爭|反右派斗争
反右派鬥爭' + 反右派斗争* * + Anti-Ri /
反右運動' + 反右运动* * + Anti-Rightist Movement, Mao's purge of "rightists" after the Hundred Flowers Campa/
反向' + 反向* * + opposite direction/ reverse
反咬一口' + 反咬一口* * + to make a false counter-charge/
反哺' + 反哺* * + to support one's parents in their old age/ to show filial piety to to repa
反唇相譏' + 反唇相讥* * + mutual bickering and ridicule (idiom); sarcastic repartee/
反問' + 反问* * + to ask (a question) in reply/ to answer a question with a question rhetorical
反問句' + 反问句* * + rhetorical question/
反問語氣' + 反问语气* * + tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical question/
反嘴' + 反嘴* * + to answer back/ to contradict to renege
反嘴鷸' + 反嘴鹬* * + (Chinese bird species) pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)/
反圍剿' + 反围剿* * + communist attack against the Guomindang's encircle and annihilate campaign/
反坐' + 反坐* * + to sentence the accuser (and free the falsely accused defendant)/
反坦克' + 反坦克* * + anti-tank/
反坫' + 反坫* * + earthern goblet stand also known as 垿/
反基督' + 反基督* * + the ant /
反壟斷' + 反垄断* * + anti-trust legislation/ anti-monopoly
反壟斷法' + 反垄断法* * + anti-trust law/ legislation again monopolies
反客為主' + 反客为主* * + lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior/
反密碼子' + 反密码子* * + anticodon/
反射' + 反射* * + to reflect/ reflection (from a mirror etc) reflex (i.
反射作用' + 反射作用* * + reflex/ reflection
反射光' + 反射光* * + to reflect light/ reflection reflected
反射動作' + 反射动作* * + reflex action/
反射區治療' + 反射区治疗* * + reflexology (alternative medicine)/
反射弧' + 反射弧* * + reflex arc/
反射星雲' + 反射星云* * + reflection nebula/
反射療法' + 反射疗法* * + reflexology (alternative medicine)/
反射鏡' + 反射镜* * + reflector/
反射面' + 反射面* * + reflecting surface/
反對' + 反对* * + to fight against/ to oppose to be oppo
反對派' + 反对派* * + opposition faction/
反對票' + 反对票* * + a vote against/ a veto
反對黨' + 反对党* * + opposition (political) party/
反導' + 反导* * + anti-missile/
反導導彈' + 反导导弹* * + anti-missile missile (such as the Patriot Missile)/
反導彈' + 反导弹* * + anti-missile/
反導系統' + 反导系统* * + anti-missile system/ missile defense system
反差' + 反差* * + contrast/ discrepancy
反帝' + 反帝* * + anti-imperialist/ anti-imperialists
反常' + 反常* * + unusual/ abnormal
反式' + 反式* * + trans- (isomer) (chemistry)/ see also 順式|顺式
反式脂肪' + 反式脂肪* * + trans f trans-isomer fatty acid/
反式脂肪酸' + 反式脂肪酸* * + see 反式脂肪/
反彈' + 反弹* * + to boun to bounce back/ to boomerang to ricoche
反彈導彈' + 反弹导弹* * + antimissile missile/
反復' + 反复* * + repeatedly/ over and over
反思' + 反思* * + to think back over sth/ to review to revisit
反恐' + 反恐* * + anti-terrorism/ to fight against terrorism
反恐戰爭' + 反恐战争* * + war on terrorism/
反悔' + 反悔* * + to renege/ to go back (on a deal) to back ou
反感' + 反感* * + to be disgusted with/ to dislike bad reacti
反應' + 反应* * + to react/ to respond reaction
反應堆' + 反应堆* * + reactor /
反應堆燃料元件' + 反应堆燃料元件* * + fuel element/
反應堆芯' + 反应堆芯* * + reactor core/
反應式' + 反应式* * + equation of a chemical reaction/
反應時' + 反应时* * + response time/
反應時間' + 反应时间* * + response time (technology)/
反應鍋' + 反应锅* * + reaction pot (chemical engineering)/ cauldron (at Hogwarts 霍格沃茨)
反戰' + 反战* * + anti-war/
反戰抗議' + 反战抗议* * + antiwar protest/
反手' + 反手* * + to turn a hand over/ to put one's hand behind one's back fig. easil
反托拉斯' + 反托拉斯* * + antitrust (loanword)/
反批評' + 反批评* * + counter-criticism/
反抗' + 反抗* * + to resist/ to rebel
反抗者' + 反抗者* * + rebel/
反掌' + 反掌* * + lit. to turn over one's palm/ fig. everything is going very well.
反接' + 反接* * + trussed/ with hands tied behind the back
反撞' + 反撞* * + recoil (of a gun)/
反撲' + 反扑* * + to counter-attack/ to come back after a defeat to retriev
反擊' + 反击* * + to strike back/ to beat back to counter
反攻' + 反攻* * + to counterattack/ a counter-offensive
反政府' + 反政府* * + anti-government (protest)/
反敗為勝' + 反败为胜* * + to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the tide/
反散射' + 反散射* * + backscatter/
反文旁' + 反文旁* * + (colloquial) grapheme 攵 (variant form of Kangxi radical 66, 攴)/
反斜杠' + 反斜杠* * + backslash (computing)/
反斜線' + 反斜线* * + backslash (computing)/ reversed diagonal
反日' + 反日* * + anti-Japan/
反映' + 反映* * + to mirror/ to reflect mirror ima
反映論' + 反映论* * + theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. every perception reflects ph/
反時勢' + 反时势* * + unconventional/
反時針' + 反时针* * + counterclockwise/
反杜林論' + 反杜林论* * + Anti-Dühring, book by Friedrich Engels 恩格斯/
反核' + 反核* * + anti-nu /
反正' + 反正* * + anyway/ in any case to come ov
反正一樣' + 反正一样* * + whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference/ six of one and half a dozen of the other as broad a
反比' + 反比* * + inversely proportional/ inverse ratio
反氣旋' + 反气旋* * + anticyclone/
反水' + 反水* * + turncoat/ traitor
反求諸己' + 反求诸己* * + to seek the cause in oneself rather than sb else/
反派' + 反派* * + villain (of a drama etc)/
反清' + 反清* * + anti-Qing/ refers to the revolutionary movements in late 19th and early 20th century leading up to 1911 Xinhai Revolution 辛亥革命
反演' + 反演* * + inversi /
反潛' + 反潜* * + anti-submarine/ antisubmarine
反照' + 反照* * + reflection/
反照率' + 反照率* * + reflectivity/ albedo
反物質' + 反物质* * + antimatter/
反特' + 反特* * + to thwart enemy espionage/ to engage in counterespionage
反猶太主義' + 反犹太主义* * + antisemitism/
反生物戰' + 反生物战* * + biological (warfare) defense/
反用換流器' + 反用换流器* * + inverter, device that converts AC electricity to DC and vice versa/
反白' + 反白* * + reverse type (white on black)/ reversed-out (graphics) highlighti
反目' + 反目* * + to quarrel/ to fall out with sb
反目成仇' + 反目成仇* * + to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb/
反省' + 反省* * + to reflect upon oneself/ to examine one's conscience to questio
反知識' + 反知识* * + anti-intellectual/
反社會' + 反社会* * + antisocial (behavior)/
反社會行為' + 反社会行为* * + antisocial behavior/
反科學' + 反科学* * + anti-science/ anti-scientific
反空降' + 反空降* * + anti-aircraft defense/
反粒子' + 反粒子* * + antiparticle (physics)/
反美' + 反美* * + anti-American/
反義' + 反义* * + antonymous/ (genetic) antisense
反義字' + 反义字* * + character with opposite meaning/ antonym opposite c
反義詞' + 反义词* * + antonym/
反而' + 反而* * + instead/ on the contrary contrary (
反聖嬰' + 反圣婴* * + La Niña (counterpart of El Niño in meteorology)/
反聘' + 反聘* * + to re-hire retired personnel/
反胃' + 反胃* * + retching/ vomiting
反腐' + 反腐* * + anti-corruption/
反腐倡廉' + 反腐倡廉* * + to fight corruption and advocate probity/
反腐敗' + 反腐败* * + to oppose corruption/ anti-graft (measures, policy etc)
反臉無情' + 反脸无情* * + to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend/
反興奮劑' + 反兴奋剂* * + anti-doping/ anti-stimulant policy aga
反艦導彈' + 反舰导弹* * + anti-ship missile/
反艦艇' + 反舰艇* * + anti-ship/
反艦艇巡航導彈' + 反舰艇巡航导弹* * + anti-ship cruise missile/
反芻' + 反刍* * + to ruminate/ to chew the cud
反芻動物' + 反刍动物* * + ruminant/
反英' + 反英* * + anti-English/
反英雄' + 反英雄* * + antihero/
反華' + 反华* * + anti-Chinese/
反衝' + 反冲* * + recoil (of a gun)/ to bounce back backlash
反衝力' + 反冲力* * + backlash/ recoil reactive f
反袁' + 反袁* * + opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 1915-1916/ same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争
反袁運動' + 反袁运动* * + opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 護國爭|护国争 1915-1916/ same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争
反袁鬥爭' + 反袁斗争* * + war of 1915 against Yuan Shikai and for the Republic/
反裘負芻' + 反裘负刍* * + lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom)/ fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work fig. to ac
反覆' + 反覆* * + to turn sth over/
反觀' + 反观* * + by contrast/ but as for this... viewed fro
反角' + 反角* * + reflex angle/
反角' + 反角* * + bad guy (in a story)/ villain
反訴' + 反诉* * + counter-claim/ counter-charge (law)
反訴狀' + 反诉状* * + counterclaim/
反詩' + 反诗* * + verse criticizing officials/ satirical verse
反詰' + 反诘* * + to ask (a question) in reply/ to answer a question with a question rhetorical
反詰問' + 反诘问* * + to cross-examine/
反話' + 反话* * + irony/ ironic remark
反語' + 反语* * + irony/
反語法' + 反语法* * + irony/
反誣' + 反诬* * + to make a false countercharge/
反諷' + 反讽* * + irony/ sarcasm to satiriz
反證' + 反证* * + disproof/ rebuttal reductio a
反證法' + 反证法* * + reductio ad absurdum/
反貪' + 反贪* * + anti-corruption (policy)/
反貪污' + 反贪污* * + anticorruption/
反貪腐' + 反贪腐* * + anti-corruption/
反赤道流' + 反赤道流* * + equatorial counter current/
反走私' + 反走私* * + to oppose smuggling/ anti-contraband (measures, policy etc)
反超' + 反超* * + to reverse (the score)/ to pull off a comeback to take th
反身' + 反身* * + to turn around/
反身代詞' + 反身代词* * + reflexive pronoun/
反躬自問' + 反躬自问* * + introspection/ to ask oneself
反轉' + 反转* * + reversal/ inversion to reverse
反轉選擇' + 反转选择* * + to invert the selection (on computer)/
反轉錄' + 反转录* * + reverse transcription/
反轉錄病毒' + 反转录病毒* * + retrovirus/
反過來' + 反过来* * + conversely/ in reverse order in an oppo
反過來說' + 反过来说* * + on the other hand/
反酷刑折磨公約' + 反酷刑折磨公约* * + UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)/
反酸' + 反酸* * + acid reflux/ regurgitation
反鋸齒' + 反锯齿* * + anti-aliasing/
反錄病毒' + 反录病毒* * + reverse transcription virus/ retrovirus
反鎖' + 反锁* * + locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/
反鏟' + 反铲* * + backhoe/
反間' + 反间* * + to sow dissension/ to drive a wedge between (one's enemies)
反間計' + 反间计* * + stratagem of sowing dissension/ CL:條|条
反間諜' + 反间谍* * + counter protection against espionage/
反電子' + 反电子* * + positron/ also called 正電子|正电子
反面' + 反面* * + reverse backside/ the other side (of a problem etc) negative
反面人物' + 反面人物* * + negative character/ bad guy (in a story)
反面兒' + 反面儿* * + erhua variant of 反面/
反革命' + 反革命* * + counter /
反革命宣傳' + 反革命宣传* * + counter-revolutionary propaganda/
反革命宣傳煽動罪' + 反革命宣传煽动罪* * + the crime of instigating counter-revolutionary propaganda/
反革命政變' + 反革命政变* * + an anti-revolutionary coup/
反革命案件' + 反革命案件* * + counterrevolutionary case (law)/
反響' + 反响* * + repercussions/ reaction echo
反顧' + 反顾* * + to glance back/ fig. to regret to have se
反饋' + 反馈* * + to send back information/ feedback
反駁' + 反驳* * + to retort/ to refute
反高潮' + 反高潮* * + anticlimax/
反黨' + 反党* * + anti-party/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


807 反传统 +
808 NO 表示 反对 +
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 +
2490 反驳 观点 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +