A 一共 + + * * yi1gong4 in all/ altogether/ in total im ganzen,insgesamt + + +
A 公共汽車 + + * * gong1gong4 qi4che1 bus (for public transit) öffentlicher Bus + + +
B + + * * gong4 altogether 1. gemeinsam, gleich, allgemein 2. an etw teilhaben, teilen 3. gemeinsam, zusammen 4. alles in allem, im ganzen genommen + + +
B 共產黨 + + * * gong4chan3dang3 the Communist Party Kommunistische Partei + + +
B 共同 + + * * gong4tong2 together/ common zusammen, gemeinsam + + +
B 公共 + + * * gong1gong4 common/ public Öffentlichkeit + + +
C 總共 + + * * zong3gong4 overall-total/ altogether/ in all/ in the aggregate/ in total zusammengerechnet, insgesamt + + +
C 共和國 + + * * gong4he2guo2 republic Republik + + +
C 共青團 + + * * gong4qing1tuan2 Communist Youth League Kommunistische Jugend-Liga + + +
D 共產主義 + + * * gong4chan3 zhu3yi4 communism Kommunismus + + +
D 共計 + + * * gong4ji4 count up to/ sum to Gesamtbetrag, alles in allem,insgesamt + + +
D 共鳴 + + * * gong4ming2 resonance 1. Resonanz 2. symphatisieren, mitfühlen, Symphatie + + +
D 共性 + + * * gong4xing4 generality das Gemeinsame + + +
D 和平共處 + + * * he2ping2 gong4 chu3 peaceful coexistence friedliche Koexistenz + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
harmony, peace / peaceful, calm
flat, level, even / peaceful
together with, all, total / to share
place, locale / department

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

共' + * * + common/ general to share
共乘' + 共乘* * + to ride to carpool/
共事' + 共事* * + to work together/
共享' + 共享* * + to share/ to enjoy together
共享函數庫' + 共享函数库* * + shared library (computing)/
共享帶寬' + 共享带宽* * + shared bandwidth/
共享庫' + 共享库* * + shared library (computing)/
共享程序庫' + 共享程序库* * + shared library (computing)/
共享計劃' + 共享计划* * + joint project/ partnership
共享軟體' + 共享软体* * + shareware/
共價鍵' + 共价键* * + covalent bond (chemistry)/
共匪' + 共匪* * + communist bandit (pejorative for members of 共產黨|共产党/
共同' + 共同* * + common joint/ jointly together
共同利益' + 共同利益* * + common interest/ mutual benefit
共同努力' + 共同努力* * + to work together/ to collaborate
共同基金' + 共同基金* * + mutual fund/
共同社' + 共同社* * + Kyōdō, Japanese news agency/
共同篩選' + 共同筛选* * + collaborative filtering/
共同綱領' + 共同纲领* * + common program/ formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan
共同閘道介面' + 共同闸道介面* * + Common Gateway Interface/ CGI
共同體' + 共同体* * + community/
共同點' + 共同点* * + common ground/
共和' + 共和* * + republic/ republicanism
共和制' + 共和制* * + republic/
共和國' + 共和国* * + republic/
共和政體' + 共和政体* * + republican system of government/
共和派' + 共和派* * + Republican faction/
共和縣' + 共和县* * + Gonghe county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州/
共和黨' + 共和党* * + Republi /
共和黨人' + 共和党人* * + a Republican party member/
共商' + 共商* * + to jointly discuss/ to discuss together (business)
共商大計' + 共商大计* * + to discuss matters of vital importance/
共存' + 共存* * + to coexist/
共存性' + 共存性* * + compatibility/ the possibility of mutual coexistence
共工' + 共工* * + God of Water/
共形' + 共形* * + conformal/
共性' + 共性* * + overall character/
共振' + 共振* * + resonance (physics)/
共有' + 共有* * + to have altogether/ in all
共棲' + 共栖* * + symbiosis/
共業' + 共业* * + collective karma (Buddhism)/ consequences that all must suffer
共模' + 共模* * + common-mode (electronics)/
共濟會' + 共济会* * + Freemasonry/
共焦' + 共焦* * + confocal (math.)/
共犯' + 共犯* * + accomplice/
共生' + 共生* * + symbiosis/
共產' + 共产* * + communist/
共產主義' + 共产主义* * + communism/
共產主義青年團' + 共产主义青年团* * + the Communist Youth League/
共產國際' + 共产国际* * + Communist International or Comintern (1919-1943), also known as the Third Internat/
共產黨' + 共产党* * + Communi /
共產黨員' + 共产党员* * + Communist Party member/
共產黨宣言' + 共产党宣言* * + Manifesto of the Communist Party/ Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei by Marx and Engels (1848)
共用' + 共用* * + commons/ public use
共管' + 共管* * + to administer jointly/
共處' + 共处* * + to coexist/ to get along (with others)
共行車道' + 共行车道* * + carpool lane/
共襄善舉' + 共襄善举* * + to cooperate in a charity project/
共襄盛舉' + 共襄盛举* * + to cooperate on a great undertaking or joint project/
共計' + 共计* * + to sum up to/ to total
共話' + 共话* * + to discuss together/
共謀' + 共谋* * + to scheme together/ to conspire joint plan
共謀罪' + 共谋罪* * + conspiracy/
共謀者' + 共谋者* * + conspirator/
共識' + 共识* * + common understanding/ consensus
共贏' + 共赢* * + mutually profitable/ win-win
共赴' + 共赴* * + joint participation/ to go together
共軛' + 共轭* * + conjugate (math.)/ conjugation
共軛不盡根' + 共轭不尽根* * + conjugate surd (math.)/
共軛作用' + 共轭作用* * + conjugation/
共軛根式' + 共轭根式* * + conjugate surd (math.)/
共軛虛數' + 共轭虚数* * + conjugate imaginary number (math)/
共軛複數' + 共轭复数* * + complex conjugate number (math.)/
共通' + 共通* * + in common/ universal
共通性' + 共通性* * + commonality/ universality
共青團' + 共青团* * + the Communist Youth League, abbr. for 共產主義青年團|共产主义青年团/
共鳴' + 共鸣* * + resonan sympathetic response to sth/
共黨' + 共党* * + Communist Party/ abbr. for 共產黨|共产党

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


125 一共 +
215 中华 人民 共和国 简称 中国 +
274 这里 一共 +
383 附近 公共汽车站 +
418 他们 总共 孩子 +
586 亚洲 一共 国家 +
726 共和党人 +
1758 公共汽车 +
2195 夫妻 双方 应该 同舟共济 +
2455 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +