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一傳十,十傳百' + 一传十,十传百* * + news pass quickly from mouth to mouth (idiom)/ an infectious disease spreads quickly (old meaning)
中國新民黨' + 中国新民党* * + New People's Party of China,
亞歐大陸橋' + 亚欧大陆桥* * + New Asia-Europe Land Bridge/ rail line from China through Central Asia to Europe
仔畜' + 仔畜* * + newborn animal/
元旦' + 元旦* * + New Year's Day/
光明新區' + 光明新区* * + New Guangming district of Shenzhen City 深圳市/
入伍生' + 入伍生* * + newly enlisted officer student/ cadet
刊頭' + 刊头* * + newspaper or magazine masthead/
初創' + 初创* * + startup newly established/ in the early stages
初創公司' + 初创公司* * + new company/ newly established enterprise
初生' + 初生* * + newborn/ nascent primary (b
剪報' + 剪报* * + newspaper cutting/ clippings
加官晉級' + 加官晋级* * + new post and promotion/
台幣' + 台币* * + New Taiwan dollar/
噩耗' + 噩耗* * + news of sb's death/ grievous news
報人' + 报人* * + newsman/ journalist (archaic)
報刊' + 报刊* * + newspapers and periodicals/ the press
報刊攤' + 报刊摊* * + newsstand/
報摘' + 报摘* * + news digest/
報攤' + 报摊* * + newsstand/
報章' + 报章* * + newspapers/
報系' + 报系* * + newspaper chain/ syndicate
報紙' + 报纸* * + newspaper/ newsprint CL:份
報載' + 报载* * + newspaper report/
報館' + 报馆* * + newspaper office/
嫩葉' + 嫩叶* * + newly-grown leaves/ tender leaves
小道新聞' + 小道新闻* * + news from the grapevine/
幕後花絮' + 幕后花絮* * + news from behind the scenes/ photo gallery with snippets of news
年夜飯' + 年夜饭* * + New Year's Eve family dinner/
年畫兒' + 年画儿* * + New Year (Spring Festival) picture/
德里' + 德里* * + Delhi New Delhi, capital of India/ same as 新德里
快訊' + 快讯* * + newsflash/
新' + * * + new newly/ meso- (chemistry)
新一代' + 新一代* * + new generation/
新丁' + 新丁* * + new addition to a family (i.e. a birth)/ a boy who has just come of age (in a job
新不倫瑞克' + 新不伦瑞克* * + New Brunswick province, Canada/
新不列顛島' + 新不列颠岛* * + New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea/
新人' + 新人* * + new age person/ new type of person newly-wed,
新任' + 新任* * + newly-appointed/ newly elected new (in a
新來乍到' + 新来乍到* * + newly arrived (idiom)/
新儒家' + 新儒家* * + New Confucianism, a social and political movement founded in 1920s China that comb/ see also 當代新儒家|当代新儒家
新出生' + 新出生* * + newly born/
新劇同志會' + 新剧同志会* * + New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Toky/
新南威爾士州' + 新南威尔士州* * + New South Wales (Australian state)/
新台幣' + 新台币* * + New Taiwan dollar (NTD)/
新四軍' + 新四军* * + New Fourth army of Republic of China, set up in 1937 and controlled by the communi/
新型' + 新型* * + new type/ new kind
新型農村合作醫療' + 新型农村合作医疗* * + New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/ abbr. to 新農合|新农合
新增' + 新增* * + newly added/ additional to add (to
新墨西哥' + 新墨西哥* * + New Mexico, US state/
新墨西哥州' + 新墨西哥州* * + New Mexico, US state/
新奧爾良' + 新奥尔良* * + New Orleans, Louisiana/
新威脅' + 新威胁* * + new danger/
新婚夫婦' + 新婚夫妇* * + newly married couple/ newlyweds
新婚宴爾' + 新婚宴尔* * + newlyweds/ love birds
新婚燕爾' + 新婚燕尔* * + newlyweds/ love birds
新居' + 新居* * + new res new home/
新巴爾虎右旗' + 新巴尔虎右旗* * + New Barag right banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔/
新幾內亞' + 新几内亚* * + New Guinea/
新建' + 新建* * + new construction/ newly built
新式' + 新式* * + new type/ latest type new-style
新式拚法' + 新式拚法* * + new spelling (linguistics)/
新德里' + 新德里* * + New Delhi, capital of India/
新思想' + 新思想* * + new ideas/
新愁舊恨' + 新愁旧恨* * + new worries added to old hatred (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new/
新手' + 新手* * + new hand/ novice raw recrui
新技術' + 新技术* * + new technology/
新政' + 新政* * + new policy/ New Deal (Roosevelt's 1933 policy to deal with the Great Depression)
新新人類' + 新新人类* * + new generation of youths (generation X, Y etc)/
新時代' + 新时代* * + new age/
新月' + 新月* * + new moon/ crescent
新村' + 新村* * + new housing development/
新歡' + 新欢* * + new flame/ new lover
新民主主義' + 新民主主义* * + New Democracy/
新民主主義革命' + 新民主主义革命* * + New Democracy Revolution/
新海峽時報' + 新海峡时报* * + New Strait Times (newspaper)/
新澤西' + 新泽西* * + New Jersey, US state/
新澤西州' + 新泽西州* * + New Jersey, US state/
新版' + 新版* * + new edi new version/
新生' + 新生* * + new/ newborn emerging
新生兒' + 新生儿* * + newborn baby/ neonate
新產品' + 新产品* * + new product/
新異' + 新异* * + new and different/ novelty
新知' + 新知* * + new knowledge/ new friend
新紀元' + 新纪元* * + New Age (movement)/
新紀元' + 新纪元* * + new era/ new epoch
新約' + 新约* * + New Testament/
新約全書' + 新约全书* * + New Testament/
新罕布什爾' + 新罕布什尔* * + New Hampshire, US state/
新罕布什爾州' + 新罕布什尔州* * + New Hampshire, US state/
新聞' + 新闻* * + news/ CL:條|条
新聞周刊' + 新闻周刊* * + Newsweek magazine/
新聞媒體' + 新闻媒体* * + news media/
新聞發布會' + 新闻发布会* * + news conference/
新聞組' + 新闻组* * + newsgroup/
新聞網' + 新闻网* * + news agency/
新聞處' + 新闻处* * + news service/ information agency
新聞週刊' + 新闻周刊* * + Newsweek magazine/ also written 新聞周刊|新闻周刊
新英格蘭' + 新英格兰* * + New England/
新西蘭' + 新西兰* * + New Zealand/
新詞' + 新词* * + new expression/ neologism
新軍' + 新军* * + New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western stan/
新農合' + 新农合* * + New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/ abbr. for 新型農村合作醫療|新型农村合作医疗
新近' + 新近* * + newly/
新造' + 新造* * + newly made/
新選' + 新选* * + newly elected/
新階段' + 新阶段* * + new level/ higher plane
新風' + 新风* * + new tre new custom/
新黨' + 新党* * + New Party (Republic of China)/
時訊' + 时讯* * + news/ current events
暴發戶' + 暴发户* * + newly rich/ parvenu upstart
更新版' + 更新版* * + new edition/ new version update
朔月' + 朔月* * + new moon/ first day of the lunar month
櫱' + * * + new shoot growing from cut branch or stump/
款新' + 款新* * + new (model)/ recently developed (product)
正月初一' + 正月初一* * + New Year's Day in the lunar calendar/
死訊' + 死讯* * + news of sb's death/
消息' + 消息* * + news/ information CL:條|条
消息來源' + 消息来源* * + web fee news feed/ syndicated feed
牛頓' + 牛顿* * + Newton (name)/ Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician and physicist
牛頓力學' + 牛顿力学* * + Newtonian mechanics/
瑣聞' + 琐闻* * + news items/
生字' + 生字* * + new character (in textbook)/ character that is unfamiliar or not yet studied
生詞' + 生词* * + new word (in textbook)/ word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied CL:組|组
產兒' + 产儿* * + newborn baby/ fig. brand-new object
發布會' + 发布会* * + news conference/ briefing
白報紙' + 白报纸* * + newsprint/
秋毫' + 秋毫* * + new down (fine feather)/ fig. the small thing
簡訊' + 简讯* * + newsletter/ the news in brief (Tw) SMS m
紀錄片' + 纪录片* * + newsreel/ documentary (film or TV program) CL:部
紐卡斯爾' + 纽卡斯尔* * + Newcastle (place name)/
紐卡素' + 纽卡素* * + Newcastle/
紐奧良' + 纽奥良* * + New Orleans, Louisiana/
紐幾內亞' + 纽几内亚* * + New Guinea/ Papua-New Guinea
紐時' + 纽时* * + New York Times, abbr. for 紐約時報|纽约时报/
紐瓦克' + 纽瓦克* * + Newark (place name)/
紐約' + 纽约* * + New York/
紐約人' + 纽约人* * + New Yorker/
紐約大學' + 纽约大学* * + New York University/
紐約州' + 纽约州* * + New York state/
紐約市' + 纽约市* * + New York City/
紐約時報' + 纽约时报* * + New York Times (newspaper)/
紐約證券交易所' + 纽约证券交易所* * + New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)/
紐約郵報' + 纽约邮报* * + New York Post (newspaper)/
紐芬蘭與拉布拉多' + 纽芬兰与拉布拉多* * + Newfoundland and Labrador, province of Canada/
紐西蘭' + 纽西兰* * + New Zealand (Tw)/
蠶蟻' + 蚕蚁* * + newly hatched silkworm/
賀年片' + 贺年片* * + New Year's card/ CL:張|张
赤子' + 赤子* * + newborn baby/ the people (of a country)
雛兒' + 雏儿* * + newly hatched bird/ fig. inexperienced person fig. chick
雨過天晴' + 雨过天晴* * + sky cle new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom)/ every cloud has a silver lining (idiom) see also 雨
雨過天青' + 雨过天青* * + sky cle new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom)/ every cloud has a silver lining (idiom) see also 雨

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[latest] newest, up-to-date
[cutting] clipping, newspaper clipping
[headline] newspaper headline
[miner] mineworker
[news] news program, news show
[news] new information
[paper] newspaper
[press] newspaper writers
[report] news report, story, account
[reporter] journalist, newsperson
[avant-garde] vanguard, new wave
[develop] make something new, invent

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

mới + + new

+ + + + + + + +