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以斯帖記' + 以斯帖记* * + Book of Esther/
以斯拉記' + 以斯拉记* * + Book of Ezra/
以西結書' + 以西结书* * + Book of Ezekiel/
以賽亞書' + 以赛亚书* * + Book of Isaiah/
但以理書' + 但以理书* * + Book of Daniel/
何西阿書' + 何西阿书* * + Book of Hosea/
俄巴底亞書' + 俄巴底亚书* * + Book of Obadiah/
借書單' + 借书单* * + book slip/
冊' + * * + book/ booklet classifier
出埃及記' + 出埃及记* * + Book of Exodus/ Second Book of Moses
創世記' + 创世记* * + Book of Genesis/ First Book of Moses
包書皮' + 包书皮* * + book cover/
卷帙' + 卷帙* * + book/
哈巴谷書' + 哈巴谷书* * + Book of Habakkuk/
哈該書' + 哈该书* * + Book of Haggai/
圖書' + 图书* * + books (in a library or bookstore)/ CL:本
坊間' + 坊间* * + street bookshops/ in the streets
士師記' + 士师记* * + Book of Judges/
孔子家語' + 孔子家语* * + Book of Sayings of Confucius and his disciples, probably by 3rd century forger Wan/
家語' + 家语* * + Book of Sayings of Confucius and his disciples, abbr. for 孔子家語|孔子家语/
小冊子' + 小册子* * + booklet/ pamphlet leaflet
尚書經' + 尚书经* * + Book of History/ a compendium of documents in various styles, making up the oldest extant texts of Chinese history, from legendary times down to the
尼希米記' + 尼希米记* * + Book of Nehemiah/
帙' + * * + book cover/
彌迦書' + 弥迦书* * + Book of Micah/
摩爾門經' + 摩尔门经* * + Book of Mormon/
摩門經' + 摩门经* * + Book of Mormon/
撒迦利亞書' + 撒迦利亚书* * + Book of Zechariah/
文縐縐' + 文绉绉* * + bookish/ genteel erudite
文謅謅' + 文诌诌* * + bookish/ genteel erudite
書亭' + 书亭* * + book kiosk/
書刊' + 书刊* * + books and publications/
書呆子' + 书呆子* * + bookworm/ pedant bookish fo
書局' + 书局* * + book store/ publishing house
書店' + 书店* * + bookstore/ CL:家
書本' + 书本* * + book/ CL:本
書架' + 书架* * + bookshelf/ CL:個|个
書櫃' + 书柜* * + bookcase/
書櫥' + 书橱* * + bookcase/
書皮' + 书皮* * + book cover/ book jacket
書篋' + 书箧* * + bookcase/
書籍' + 书籍* * + books/ works
書籤' + 书签* * + bookmark/ CL:張|张
書蟲' + 书虫* * + bookworm/
書蠹' + 书蠹* * + bookworm (literal and figurative)/ book louse pedant
書評' + 书评* * + book review/ book notice
書題' + 书题* * + book title/
本子' + 本子* * + book/ notebook edition
本本主義' + 本本主义* * + book worship/ bookishness
樂經' + 乐经* * + Book of Music, said to be one of the Six Classics lost after Qin's burning of the /
民數記' + 民数记* * + Book of Numbers/ Fourth Book of Moses
渾儀註' + 浑仪注* * + book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang Heng/
瑪拉基書' + 玛拉基书* * + Book of Malachi/
申命記' + 申命记* * + Book of Deuteronomy/ Fifth Book of Moses
簡冊' + 简册* * + booklet/ brochure (old) book
簿記' + 簿记* * + bookkeeping/
籍' + * * + book or record/ registry roll
籙' + * * + records book/ Taoist written charm book of pr
約伯記' + 约伯记* * + Book of Job (in the Old Testament)/
約拿書' + 约拿书* * + Book of Jonah/
約書亞記' + 约书亚记* * + Book of Joshua/
約珥書' + 约珥书* * + Book of Joel/
縹囊' + 缥囊* * + book bag made of silk/
耶利米書' + 耶利米书* * + Book of Jeremiah/
芸' + * * + common books and libraries/
藏書票' + 藏书票* * + bookplate/
袟' + * * + book cover/
裝訂' + 装订* * + bookbinding/ to bind (books etc)
西番雅書' + 西番雅书* * + Book of Zephaniah/
記帳員' + 记帐员* * + bookkeeper/
詞翰' + 词翰* * + book/ written composition (literary)
賬房先生' + 账房先生* * + bookkeeper (old)/
購書券' + 购书券* * + book token/
載籍' + 载籍* * + books (in Confucian education)/
那鴻書' + 那鸿书* * + Book of Nahum/
開本' + 开本* * + book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16开 format is roughly A4)/ abbr. to 開|开
阿摩司書' + 阿摩司书* * + Book of Amos, one of the books of the Nevi'im and of the Christian Old Testament/
類書' + 类书* * + book by category/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[album] book of blank pages
[Bible] Christian Bible, Book, Good Book, Holy Scripture
[guide] guidebook
[Koran] Quran, al-Qur'an, Islam Holy Book
[manual] handbook
[notebook] notebook computer
[notebook] book with blank pages
[mystery] secret, enigma, closed book
[text] textbook, text edition, schoolbook
[hold] reserve, book
[study] hit the books

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

sách + + book

+ + + + + + + +