3 New HSK word(s): 6 痕迹 vestige/ mark/ trace 6 抹杀 to erase/ to cover traces/ to obliterate evidence/ to expunge/ to blot out/ to suppress 6 踪迹 tracks/ trail/ footprint/ trace/ vestige
4 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *N * *N * *VA
4 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. nacheilen, jm nachsetzen, verfolgen, nachlaufen 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. trachten, streben, jagen 4. sich erinnern, sich etw ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen 1. Spur, Fährte, Stapfen 2. Überbleibsel, Überrest, Ruine Spur nachgehen, nachforschen
58 synsets(s): traceable + contraceptive + traceable + untraceable + extracellular + intracellular + intracerebral + trace + retrace + trace + trace + trace + trace + trace + trace + retrace + ultracentrifuge + trace + contraception + contraceptive method + oral contraception + surgical contraception + Ultracef + contraceptive + contraceptive device + contraceptive diaphragm + explosive trace detection + fan tracery + contraceptive pill + oral contraceptive pill + oral contraceptive + trace + trace detector + tracer + tracer bullet + tracer + tracer + tracery + trace + ultracentrifuge + extracellular fluid + intracellular fluid + memory trace + trace program + trace + trace + trace + footrace + tracer + Celastraceae + family Celastraceae + Empetraceae + family Empetraceae + Geastraceae + family Geastraceae + ultracentrifugation + trace + trace element +
4 OLD_HSK English word(s): run after/ pursue/ trace/ go after trail/ mark/ trace/ vestige tail/ trail/ trace investigate/ trace
4 OLD_HSK French word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHUI1 verfolgen
* ** CHA2 ZHA1 untersuchen

รอย, ติดตาม, เข้าสู่ระบบ trace, track, sign
การไล่ล่า run after; pursue; trace; go after
รอย 痕迹 trail; mark; trace; vestige
ตรวจสอบ; ร่องรอย 追查 investigate; trace
หาง; ทาง; การติดตาม 踪迹 tail; trail; trace

Grade E word(s):

1175 khōjakhabara खोजखबर trace, quest, search, enquiry n.
2154 nāmaniśāna नामनिशान name, trace, mark, name and address adj.
Plants: Catha edulis (Vahl.) Forssk. ex Endl. (Celastraceae) Kathstrauch; Miraa; Abessiniertee; Arabian Tea; Catha
Plants: Euonymus europaea L. (Celastraceae) Gewöhnliches Pfaffenhütchen; Europäisches Pfaffenhütchen; Spindelbaum; Spindelstrauch;

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [trace] footprint

00626130-v trace +
00729109-v trace +
01582645-v trace +
01694376-v trace +
01995949-v trace +
02003601-v trace +
02004352-v trace +
02156063-v trace +
04462407-n trace +
04463273-n trace +
06646628-n trace +
06647036-n trace +
07164163-n trace +
13773361-n trace +

trace + +

trace trace



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder:

8.23 Lenken, Weg, Richtung
21.31 Polizei, Vollziehungsbeamte