8 New HSK word(s): 4 代替 instead/ to replace/ to substitute (X for Y; or a number in an algebraic expression) 5 稳定 steady/ stable/ stability/ to stabilize/ to pacify 5 反而 instead/ on the contrary/ contrary (to expectations) 6 循序渐进 in sequence; step by step (idiom)/ to make steady progress incrementally 6 与日俱增 to increase steadily/ to grow with each passing day 6 踏实 practical/ down-to-earth/ realistic/ firmly based/ steadfast/ to have peace of mind/ free from anxiety 6 沉着 steady/ calm and collected/ not nervous 6 坚定 firm/ steady/ staunch/ resolute
11 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *VS * *Adv * *Adv * *Adv * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VA * *Adv * *VS
11 OLD_HSK German word(s): fest, resolut, entschieden stabil,standfest,stabilisieren/fixieren/festigen 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- stattdessen ruhig und gleichmäßig, ruhig und zurückhaltend ruhig und sicher, stabil sicher, verläßlich an die Stelle setzen, ersetzen im Gegenteil, umgekehrt ergeben und beständig
45 synsets(s): steadfast + steady + unsteady + steady + steadying + steadfast + steady + steady + steady + steady + rock-steady + steady-going + steadied + unsteady + steadily + steadfastly + instead + instead + unsteadily + steadily + steady + homestead + steady down + steady + steady + go steady + stead + bedstead + farmstead + homestead + steadiness + unsteadiness + unsteadiness + steadiness + steadiness + steadfastness + steadfastness + steady state theory + homestead law + roadstead + homesteader + steady + homestead + farmstead + homestead +
11 OLD_HSK English word(s): firm/ steadfast/ staunch/ strengthen stable/ steady on the contrary/ instead on the contrary/ instead on the contrary/ instead smooth and steady steady and smooth sure/ steady substitute/ instead of on the contrary/ instead honest/ loyal and steadfast
11 OLD_HSK French word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHONG1 treu/loyal
* ** ZHEN1

ราบรื่นและมั่นคง 安稳 smooth and steady
บริษัท ; อดทน; หยุด; เสริมสร้าง 坚定 firm; steadfast; staunch; strengthen
มั่นคง; คงที่ 稳定 stable; steady
แทน 反而 on the contrary; instead
ที่ขัด; แทน 反倒 on the contrary; instead
มั่นคงและราบรื่น 平稳 steady and smooth
แทน 替代 substitute; instead of
แน่ใจ; คงที่ 稳当 sure; steady
ซื่อสัตย์ภักดีและมั่นคง 忠贞 honest; loyal and steadfast
anstataŭ แทน 代替 instead stattdessen plutôt en lugar invece

Grade E word(s):

127 aṭala अटल firm, irrevocable, resolute, unwavering, steadfast, still, unmoving adj.
957 kāyama कायम fixed, settled, firm, steady kayam adj.
1138 khāṭa खाट bed stead n.
3468 vicalana विचलन departure, deviation, moving about, unsteadiness n.
4049 sthāyī स्थायी pßermanent, stationary, fast, durable, lasting, stable, steady adj.
4051 sthira स्थिर stable, firm, fixed, permanent, constant, steadfast, immovable, determined, patient adj.
4052 sthiratā स्थिरता immobility, steadiness, stability, constancy, immutability, patience n.
4053 sthiratvā स्थिरत्वा immobility, steadiness, stability, constancy, immutability, patience n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [steady]

00721431-n stead +

stead + +




3 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1720 他不工作,而是躺在床上。 เขานอนบนเตียงแทนที่จะทำงาน Hän makaa sängyssä sen sijaan, että tekisi töitä.
1721 她没有做饭,却在读报纸。 เธออ่านหนังสือพิมพ์แทนที่จะทำกับข้าว Hän lukee lehteä sen sijaan, että tekisi ruokaa.
1722 他没有回家,却坐在酒吧里。 เขานั่งในผับแทนที่จะกลับบ้าน Hän istuu kapakassa sen sijaan, että menisi kotiin.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

3703 同学 之间 互相 尊重, 相互 贬称

Semantische Felder: