5 New HSK word(s): 3 把 to hold/ to contain/ to grasp/ to take hold of/ a handle/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object/ classifier for objects with handle 5 把握 to grasp (also fig.)/ to seize/ to hold/ assurance/ certainty/ sure (of the outcome) 5 掌握 to grasp (often fig.)/ to master/ to know well/ to understand sth well and know how to use it/ fluency/ to control/ to seize (initiative; opportunity; destiny) 5 抓紧 to grasp firmly/ to pay special attention to/ to rush in/ to make the most of 6 领会 to understand/ to comprehend/ to grasp
8 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA
8 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1.meistern,beherrschen,begreifen 2.kontrollieren in der Hand haben verstehen, begreifen,kapieren fassen, ergreifen, halten, etwas in der Hand halten festhalten, höchste Aufmerksamkeit schenken (VA)(VC) halten, fassen, kontrollieren halten, erfassen, Gewißheit verstehen, begreifen, erfassen besitzen, haben, einnehmen, ausfüllen
43 synsets(s): grasping + rasping + raspy + raspberry-red + graspable + intraspecies + intraspecific + ungrasped + raspingly + grasp + rasp + grasp + rasp + grasping + grasp + Dendraspis + genus Dendraspis + rasp + grasp + grasp + grasp + grasping + raspberry + rasp + rasping + raspberry + Rasputin + Grigori Efimovich Rasputin + tetraspore + Craspedia + genus Craspedia + raspberry + raspberry bush + red raspberry + wild raspberry + European raspberry + American raspberry + black raspberry + blackcap raspberry + flowering raspberry + purple-flowering raspberry + tetrasporangium + rasp fern +
8 OLD_HSK English word(s): grasp/ master/ control/ have in hand know/ grasp/ understand hold/ grasp firmly grasp/ pay close attention to hold/ grasp/ control grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance understand/ comprehend/ grasp take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp
8 OLD_HSK French word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เข้าใจ
8 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHAN1 Weissagung/besetzen
* ** YOU3 haben

เข้าใจ; ต้นแบบ; การควบคุมการมีไว้ในมือ 掌握 grasp; master; control; have in hand
ทราบ; เข้าใจ 懂得 know; grasp; understand
ถือ; เข้าใจ hold; grasp
ให้ความสนใจใกล้ชิด 抓紧 firmly grasp; pay close attention to
เข้าใจ 把握 grasp; hold; certainty; assurance
เข้าใจ 领会 understand; comprehend; grasp
ครอบครอง 占有 take-possess; own; hold; have (a certain status); grasp
ราสเบอร์รี่ 红莓 raspberry die Himbeere, n la framboise la frambuesa
frambo ราสเบอร์รี่ 覆盆子 raspberry Himbeere framboise frambuesa lampone

Grade E word(s):

140 aṭhyā'unu अठ्याउनु to catch firmly, to seize, to clutch, to grasp firmly v.t.
807 aisēlu ऐसेलु yellow raspberry n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

00981814-v rasp +
01386906-v rasp +
04054670-n rasp +
07130774-n rasp +

rasp + +

rasp rasp


0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

1386 用力 抓住 绳子

Semantische Felder:

7.57 Pulver