6 New HSK word(s): 1 时候 time/ length of time/ moment/ period 2 长 length/ long/ forever/ always/ constantly 3 矮 low/ short (in length) 3 分 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money) 3 段 paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories; periods of time; lengths of thread etc 6 纵横 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)
9 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *n;m * *M * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *VS * *N
9 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr 1. Reis 2. enthülste Samen 3. Zählwort Meter (Adj.)1.lang 2.Länge 3. dauerhaft, von langer Dauer 4. Stärke, starke Seite verlängern Erziehungssystem, Ausbildungssystem sich ausdehnen, ausbreiten, expandieren Länge von Norden nach Süden,senkrecht, jm willfahren Länge
36 synsets(s): half-length + full-length + full-length + waist-length + lengthened + lengthy + lengthwise + lengthways + half-length + hiplength + hip-length + knee-length + lengthily + at length + at arm's length + lengthways + lengthwise + lengthen + lengthen + lengthening + half-length + length + length + length of service + lengthiness + wavelength + focal length + length + length + arm's length + length + lengthiness + wavelength + cable length + cable's length + body length +
9 OLD_HSK English word(s): festival/ section/ length meter (measure word for lengths) long, length lengthen/ prolong/ extend school-system/ education system/ length of schooling expand/ extend in length/ swell in size/ inflate length with great ease in length and breadth length
9 OLD_HSK French word(s):
9 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
9 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
9 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ยาว
9 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** CHANG2 ZHANG3 ZHANG4 lang/wachsen
* ** DUAN3 kurz


ความยาว, นาน, ตลอดไป, เสมอ, ตลอดเวลา length, long, forever, always, constantly
ความยาว 长短 length
ลี้, หน่วยจีนมีความยาวกิโลเมตร ½ = li, a Chinese unit of length = ½ kilometer
เทศกาล; ส่วน; ความยาว festival; section; length
เมตร (คำวัดสำหรับความยาว) 米(公尺) meter (measure word for lengths)
ยาว; ยืด; ขยาย 延长 lengthen; prolong; extend
ความยาว 长度 length
การขยายตัว 膨胀 expand; extend in length; swell in size; inflate
ระบบโรงเรียน 学制 school-system; education system; length of schooling
longitudo ความยาว 长度 length Länge longueur longitud lunghezza

Grade E word(s):

726 umēra उमेर age, length of life n.
1084 kōsa कोस a measure of length (distance of about 2 miles) n.
1166 khēra खेर time, length of time, destruction, loss, waste n.
3365 lamā'i लमाइ length n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [length] duration, continuance in time
(n.) [length] extent of something from beginning to end

03656231-n length +
05051249-n length +
05129201-n length +
05129565-n length +
05133107-n length +

length + +

length length



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

795 测量 木板 长度

Semantische Felder:

4.6 Lang, Längenmaße
8.13 Bahn