4 New HSK word(s): 5 呼吸 to breathe 6 气功 qigong; a system of deep breathing exercises 6 喘气 to breathe deeply/ to pant 6 憋 to choke/ to stifle/ to restrain/ to hold back/ to hold in (urine)/ to hold (one's breath)
8 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *VA * * * *Adv * *N * *VA * *VA * *N
8 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. einatmen 2. saugen,aufsaugen, einsaugen, absorbieren 3. anziehen atmen, Atemzug seufzen, Seufzer austoßen schöne Fahrt (habe eine sichere Reise !) 1. Luft 2.Gas 3. Atem 4. Geruch 5. Manier 6. Moral 7. ärgern 8. tyrannisieren 1. schwer atmen, um Luft ringen, nach Luft schnappen 2. Asthma Asthma, außer Atem sein Atem
57 synsets(s): breathless + breathed + breathing + sweet-breathed + breathless + breathless + breathtaking + air-breathing + in the same breath + breathlessly + breathe + take a breath + breathe out + breathe in + breathe + breathe + breathe + catch one's breath + take a breather + breathe + breathe + breathe + breathalyze + breathalyse + breathe + breathe + breathing + abdominal breathing + periodic breathing + breath + breathing out + breathing in + breathalyzer + breathalyser + breathing device + breathing apparatus + breathing machine + snorkel breather + breather + breath + breath of fresh air + breath + baby's breath + babies'-breath + infant's-breath + false baby's breath + breathing room + breathing space + shortness of breath + breathlessness + breath + breath + breather + breathing place + breathing space + breathing spell + breathing time +
8 OLD_HSK English word(s): inhale/ breathe in/ suck up/ absorb breath/ respire sigh (a breath)/ sigh/ have a sigh one-mouth-breath/ in one breath/ at one go gas/ air/ breath/ weather/ smell/ spirits/ manner/ insult pant/ breathe heavily breathe/ pant breath/ smell
8 OLD_HSK French word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
8 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): สูบ
8 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** QI4 Luft/Gas
* ** XI1 Atem/Pause/Botschaft

ชี่กง 气功 qigong, a traditional Chinese system of deep breathing exercises
หายใจ (ลึก); กางเกง; อ้าปากค้าง 喘气 breathe (deeply); pant; gasp
โรคหอบหืด pant; breathe heavily
ชี่กง, ระบบการหายใจลึกการออกกำลังกาย 气功 qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises
ลมหายใจ; หายใจ 呼吸 breath; respire
สูดดม; หายใจใน; ดูด; ดูดซับ inhale; breathe in; suck up; absorb
ก๊าซ gas; air; breath; weather; smell; spirits; manner; insult
ถอนหายใจ 叹气 sigh (a breath); sigh; have a sigh
ลมหายใจ 一口气 one-mouth-breath; in one breath; at one go
หายใจ; หอบ 气喘 breathe; pant
ลมหายใจ; กลิ่น 气息 breath; smell
spiri หายใจ 呼吸 breathe atmen respirer respirar respirare

Grade E word(s):

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(v.) [breathe] take a breath, respire

00835032-n breath +
07163988-n breath +
11432262-n breath +
14841770-n breath +
15274695-n breath +

breath + +

breath breath



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

395 上气 接下
1194 深呼吸
1210 深深地 一口气

Semantische Felder:

1.7 Wind
1.7 Wind
7.67 Gasförmigkeit, Verdunstung