0 New HSK word(s):
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0 OLD_HSK German word(s):
0 OLD_HSK English word(s):
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(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)

apologo apólogo apólogo apólogo apólogo apólogo apólogo apologo
apoteozi apoteozi apoteozi apoteozi apoteozi apoteozi apoteozi apoteozi
apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio apozicio
epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto
heliotropo heliotropo heliotropo heliotropo heliotropo Heliotropo heliotropo heliotropo
hipokriti hipokriti hipokriti hipokriti hipokriti hipokriti hipokriti hipokriti
kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo kalejdoskopo
kaporo kaporo kaporo kaporo Kaporo Kaporo Kaporo kaporo
kolporti kolporti kolporti kolporti kolporti kolporti kolporti kolporti
krupo krupo krupo krupo krupo krupo krupo krupo
opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii opozicii
po ปอ PO po po po correos po
po ปอ PO po po po correos po
podagro podagro podagro podagro podagro podagro podagro podagro
polko Polko polko polko Polko Polko Polko Polko
pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono
porfiro porfiro porfiro porfiro Porfiro Porfiro Porfirio Porfiro
portero Portero portero portero portero Portero Portero portero
potaso potaso potaso potaso potaso potaso potaso potaso
rapo Rapo rapo rapo rapo rapo rapo Rapo
satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo satrapo
sorpo sorpo sorpo sorpo sorpo sorpo sorpo sorpo
spondeo spondeo spondeo spondeo spondeo spondeo spondeo spondeo

Grade E word(s):

三字经: 004 教之道, 贵以专。 jiāo zhī dào guì yǐ zhuān The right way in teaching, is to attach the utmost importance to thoroughness.
三字经: 013 玉不琢, 不成器。 yù bù zhuó bù chéng qì If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use.
三字经: 032 此四方, 应乎中。 cǐ sìfāng yīng hū zhòng These four points respond to the requirements of the centre.
三字经: 043 昧天良, 屠市肆。 mèi tiānliáng tú shì sì It is to obscure your natural goodness of disposition, to kill them and expose them for sale.
三字经: 065 讲道德, 说仁义。 jiǎng dàodé shuō rén yì These explain the WAY and the exemplification thereof, and expound charity and duty towards one's neighbour.
三字经: 072 诗书易, 礼春秋。 shī shū yì lǐ chūnqiū The "Books of Poetry", of "History" and of "Changes", the "Rites of the Chou Dynasty", the "Book of Rites", and the "Spring and Autumn Annals",
三字经: 083 号四诗, 当讽咏。 hào sì shī dàng fěng yǒng These are the four sections of the Book of Poetry, which should be hummed over and over.
三字经: 086 三传者, 有公羊。 sān zhuàn zhě yǒu gōng yáng The three commentaries upon the above, include that of Kung-Yang,
三字经: 089 撮其要, 记其事。 cuō qí yào jì qí shì Pick out the important points in each, and take a note of all facts.
三字经: 100 夏传子, 家天下。 xià zhuàn zǐ jiā tiānxià Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son, making a family possession of the empire.
三字经: 107 逞干戈, 尚游说。 chěng gāngē shàng yóu shuō the arbitrament of spear and shields prevailed; and peripatetic politicians were held in high esteem.
三字经: 108 始春秋, 终战国。 shǐ chūnqiū zhōng zhànguó This period began with the Spring and Autumn Epoch, and ended with that of the Warring States.
三字经: 111 传二世, 楚汉争。 zhuàn èr shì chǔ hàn zhēng The throne was transmitted to Erh Shih, upon which followed the struggle between the Ch'u and the Han States.
三字经: 123 不再传, 失统绪。 búzài zhuàn shī tǒng xù The throne was not transmitted twice, succession to power being lost.
三字经: 151 清太祖, 应景命。 qīng tài zǔ yīng jǐng mìng The founder of the Ch'ing or Pure dynasty responded to the glorious summons;
三字经: 157 口而诵, 心而惟。 kǒu ér sòng xīn ér wéi Recite them with the mouth, and ponder over them in your hearts.
三字经: 168 家虽贫, 学不缀。 jiā suī pín xué bù zhuì Although their families were poor, these men studied unceasingly.
三字经: 179 莹八岁, 能咏诗。 yíng bā suì néng yǒng shī Jung at eight years of age, could compose poetry.
三字经: 184 谢道韫, 能咏吟。 xiè dào yùn néng yǒng yín Hsieh Tao-yün was able to compose verses.
三字经: 188 举神童, 作正字。 jǔ shéntóng zuō zhèng zì was ranked as an "inspired child", and was appointed a Corrector of Texts.
三字经: 189 彼虽幼, 身己仕。 bǐ suī yòu shēn jǐ shì He, although a child, was already in an official post.
三字经: 199 光于前, 裕于后。 guāng yú qián yù yú hòu shed lustre on your ancestors, enrich your posterity.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

PO + +



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

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